Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
19280 Synthesis Lectures on Antennas 1932-6076 Morgan & Claypool
19281 Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering 1930-0328 Morgan & Claypool
19282 Synthesis Lectures on Communications 1932-1244 Morgan & Claypool
19283 Synthesis Lectures on Computational Electromagnetics 1932-1252 Morgan & Claypool
19285 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics 1933-8996 Morgan & Claypool
19286 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science 1932-1228 Morgan & Claypool
19287 Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems 1932-3166 Morgan & Claypool
19288 Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering 1559-811X Morgan & Claypool
19289 Synthesis Lectures on Engineers Technology and Society 1933-3633 Morgan & Claypool
19290 Synthesis Lectures on Image Video and Multimedia Processing 1559-8136 Morgan & Claypool
19291 Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing 1933-9011 Morgan & Claypool
19292 Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics 1931-9525 Morgan & Claypool
19293 Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing 1932-1236 Morgan & Claypool
19294 Synthesis Lectures on Solid State Materials and Devices 1932-1260 Morgan & Claypool
19295 Synthesis Lectures on Speech and Audio Processing 1932-121X Morgan & Claypool
39896 Manufacturing Chemist -London then Sevenoaks 0262-4230 Morgan Grampian
7260 Metalworking Production 0026-1033 Morgan Grampian
7973 Process Engineering -London 0370-1859 Morgan Grampian Plc
175340 Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 1049-5258 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
19284 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture 1935-3235 Morgan and Claypool Publishers
3951 Civil Engineering (London, England) 0305-6473 Morgan-Grampian (Construction Press) Ltd
146086 La mujer de mi vida 1667-3883 Mori Ponsowy
107972 Quaderni di teoria sociale 1824-4750 Morlacchi Editore
883039 Indiscipline : rivista di scienze sociali 2784-8272 Morlachi Editore U. P.
39991 Morningstar Mutual Funds 1059-1443 Morningstar Inc
77101 Moroccan Journal of Condensed Matter 1114-2073 Moroccan statistical Physical Society
7211 Mortgage Banking 0730-0212 Mortgage Bankers Association of America
7213 Mosaic -Winnipeg 0027-1276 Mosaic
21158 Urologic Nursing 1053-816X Mosby -- Yearbook Inc
15155 Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 0273-8481 Mosby-year Book Inc
77120 Hueso Húmero 1016-0698 Mosca Azul Editores, [Lima, Peru]
175780 Вестник международных организаций: образование, наука, новая экономика = International Organisations Research Journal 1996-7845 Moscow : National Research University Higher School of Economics
527021 Журнал Новой экономической ассоциации = Journal of the New Economic Association 2221-2264 Moscow : New Economic Association
45385 Computer graphics & geometry 1811-8992 Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)
115690 Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 2220-5438 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
152837 Moscow University Bulletin. Series 13. Oriental Studies 0201-7385 Moscow University Press
22754 American Journal of Dentistry 0894-8275 Mosher and Linder Inc
154579 Расплавы 0235-0106 Moskva
124431 Voprosy Ekonomiki 0042-8736 Moskva : Izd-vo Pravda
527558 Вопросы теоретической экономики = Theoretical Economics 2587-7666 Moskva: Institut èkonomiki RAN
7523 Novyi Mir 0130-7673 Moskva: Izvestiia Sovety deputatov Trudiashchikhsia SSSR
110583 Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures 2170-127X Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou
2427 Theory and Applications of Categories 1201-561X Mount Allison University
103751 Convergences francophones 2291-7012 Mount royal university calgary
7226 MPLA Newsletter 0145-6180 Mountain Plains Library Association
7222 Mountain-Plains Library Quarterly 0027-2582 Mountain Plains Library Association
8506 Skiing 0037-6264 Mountain Sports Media
39852 Library Issues 0734-3035 Mountainside Publishing Co., Inc
137577 Folia Linguistica Historica 0168-647X Mouton de Gruyter
108012 Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 1897-7499 Mouton de Gruyter
146847 Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture Mouton de Gruyter
137130 Planète Paix 2105-3049 Mouvement de la paix
21612 Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica 1419-8711 Mppt
526200 Cultura neolatina 0391-5654 Mucchi
109074 Annuaire historique de Mulhouse 0996-5750 Mulhouse: Archives municipales
129826 International Journal of Flow Control 1756-8250 Multi-Science
9653 Adsorption Science and Technology 0263-6174 Multi-Science Publishing
10239 Advances in Structural Engineering 1369-4332 Multi-Science Publishing
11359 Building Acoustics 1351-010X Multi-Science Publishing
12912 Energy Exploration and Exploitation 0144-5987 Multi-Science Publishing
12908 Energy and Environment 0958-305X Multi-Science Publishing
14328 International Journal of Aeroacoustics 1475-472X Multi-Science Publishing
39376 International Journal of Architectural Computing 1478-0771 Multi-Science Publishing
14715 International Journal of Space Structures 0266-3511 Multi-Science Publishing
14720 International journal of Sports Science and Coaching 1747-9541 Multi-Science Publishing
15707 Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 0263-0923 Multi-Science Publishing
17476 Noise Notes 1475-4738 Multi-Science Publishing
17475 Noise and Vibration Worldwide 0957-4565 Multi-Science Publishing
112941 The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 1757-482X Multi-Science Publishing
117485 The international journal of multiphysics 1750-9548 Multi-Science Publishing
19900 Wind Engineering 0309-524X Multi-Science Publishing
530 Clinical Geriatrics 1070-1389 MultiMedia Health Care/Freedom LLC
164 Annals of Long-Term Care 1524-7929 MultiMedia Health Care/Freedom, American Geriatrics Society
116688 Applied Sciences 2076-3417 Multidisciplinary digital publishing institute (MDPI)
38723 Current Issues in Language and Society 1352-0520 Multilingual Matters Ltd
75084 Current Oncology 1198-0052 Multimed Inc
1505 Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 1558-9528 Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)
8115 Rationalisierung 0034-0057 Munchen, C. Hanser
39998 Mundo 1886-0605 Mundo Clasico
139354 Mundo açoriano Mundo açoriano
125964 Longues Infos Municipalité de Longues-sur-Mer
22683 Apmis -Supplementum 0903-465X Munksgaard Inernational Publishers Ltd
86024 Cuadernos de Turismo 1139-7861 Murcia:
89724 Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica de la Asociación Española de Americanistas 1989-211X Murcia: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia
670 E law : Murdoch University electronic journal of law 1321-8247 Murdoch University, School of Law
94951 Patrimoine muretain 1629-937X Muret : Société du patrimoine du Muretain
154940 Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics 2526-3757 MusMat Research Group
158651 Expressions maghrébines 1540-0085 Muse
9281 Wicazo Sa Review 0749-6427 Muse - Johns Hopkins University Press;JSTOR
152367 Taltalia Museo Augusto Capdeville de Taltal
129958 Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino
651090 Bollettino del Museo del Risorgimento 0523-9478 Museo Civico del Risorgimento di Bologna
71120 Historia y Cultura Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú
178703 Boletín Museo Nacional de Historia Natural 0027-3910 Museo Nacional de Historia Natural [Santiago]
164657 Notizie archeologiche bergomensi 1127-2155 Museo civico archeologico di Bergamo
129446 Arqueología y Sociedad 2054-8062 Museo de Arqueología y Antropología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú
47873 Preistoria Alpina 0393-0157 Museo delle Scienze di Trento
57081 O arqueólogo português Museu Nacional de Arqueologia e Etnologia
112992 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 1981-8122 Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
147 Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 1578-665X Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona