Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
37178 Histoire de la justice 1639-4399 Documentation française ; Association française pour l'histoire de la justice
67114 Territoires 2040 : revue d'études et de prospective 2112-3314 Documentation française ; DATAR
537894 Propriété industrielle : bulletin documentaire 0338-6473 Documentation française [1968-2008] - Institut national de la propriété industrielle [2008-2015]
132908 Documents d'artistes Aquitaine / Documents d'artistes Nouvelle-Aquitaine Documents d'artistes Nouvelle-Aquitaine
121599 Semaine Hôpitaux de Paris 0037-1777 Doin, 1925-1999
150179 Ežegodnik Doma russkogo zarubež’ja imeni Aleksandra Solženicyna 2313-7517 Dom russkogo zarubežʹâ imeni Aleksandra Solženicyna (Moscou)
40726 Thomist 0040-6325 Dominican Fathers
9374 World Libraries 1092-7441 Dominican University, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
446558 Analyses and Studies of CASP 2719-4744 Dominik J. Gajewski
124390 Letopis 0943-2787 Domowina Verlag GmbH
557087 Journal of Contemporary African philosophy 2593-8428 Domuni-Press, Bruxelles, Belgium
153464 Dagger Don Jolly
658 Doping Journal 1812-948X Doping Journal
108390 Text, Speech and Language Technology 1386-291X Dordrecht ; New York : Springer, 2005
2809 American Fabrics 0002-8371 Doric Publishing Co
115510 Int. J. of Computer Networks and Communications Security 2410-0595 Dorma Trading Est
495590 Journal of environmental treatment techniques 2309-1185 Dormaj
163056 Gaesin Language and Literature Research 1226-7406 Doseo chulphan Thaehaksa
165484 Rondo, The Journal of Doshisha Association of Global Studies 2158-0669 Doshisha University
12644 Proceedings- Japan Society of Civil Engineers 0289-7806 Dotoku Gakkai
124320 Ar Men : la Bretagne éclairée 0297-8644 Douarnenez: Société coopérative ouvrière de production Le Chasse-marée
331872 Bibliodiversité 2824-9992 Double Ponctuation
4417 Doubletake 1080-7241 Doubletake Community Service Corp
54196 Biologics: Targets and Therapy 1177-5475 Dove Medical Press
114471 Blood and lymphatic cancer: targets and therapy 1179-9889 Dove Medical Press
132250 Cancer Management and Research 1179-1322 Dove Medical Press
146262 Clinical Epidemiology 1179-1349 Dove Medical Press
38606 Clinical Interventions in Aging 1176-9092 Dove Medical Press
73696 Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology 1178-7023 Dove Medical Press
56308 Drug Design, Development and Therapy 1177-8881 Dove Medical Press
78981 Infection and Drug Resistance 1178-6973 Dove Medical Press
14390 International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1176-9106 Dove Medical Press
61630 International Journal of High Throughput Screening 1179-1381 Dove Medical Press
14582 International Journal of Nanomedicine 1176-9114 Dove Medical Press
114250 International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 1178-7058 Dove Medical Press
131457 Journal of Inflammation Research 1178-7031 Dove Medical Press
173535 Nanotechnology, Science and Applications 1177-8903 Dove Medical Press
164057 Nature and Science of Sleep 1179-1608 Dove Medical Press
17400 Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 1176-6328 Dove Medical Press
103062 OncoTargets and Therapy 1178-6930 Dove Medical Press
64443 Open Access Bioinformatics 1179-2701 Dove Medical Press
62079 Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews 1179-156X Dove Medical Press
19615 Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 1176-6336 Dove Medical Press
19825 Vascular Health and Risk Management 1176-6344 Dove Medical Press
169304 Advances and applications in bioinformatics and chemistry 1178-6949 Dove Medical Press Ltd
180721 Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics 1179-318X Dove Press
148177 Journal of Asthma and Allergy 1178-6965 Dove Press
130325 Open Access Medical Statistics 2230-3251 Dove Press
112014 Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine 1179-7282 Dove Press