Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
101704 Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity 2281-8642 Euricse
101708 L'officiel de la franchise COURRIER CADRES
101710 Journal of Pollution Effects and Control
101718 Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
101725 Revista Teritòrios e Fronteiras 1984-9036
101726 Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 0065-3055
101731 The Parish review
101732 Annales de l’Université Titu Maiorescu Université Titu Maiorescu
101735 Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe
101739 Vesalius
101746 Revista Derecho del Estado
101747 cahiers de l'association des amis de Milosz
101752 Chantiers d’art-thérapie Les Pinceaux
101757 Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering) 2180-3722 Penerbit UTM Press
101758 Langues et cité
101760 Afrika Focus
101761 Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
101767 the Castle Studies Group journal 1741-8828 Castle Studies Group
101779 Journal of Cardiovascular Medecine and cardiology
101782 Drepanews URACA
101784 Alhikma 1112-9662 Kounouz Alhikma
101789 Journal of Law Université du Koweït
101791 SCITEPRESS Digital Library
101792 Arab Water Council Journal
101805 Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering 9780124095472 Elsevier Inc
101813 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety 2032-9393 ICST
101821 Argent & Patrimoine Lafont-Presse Entreprendre
101826 International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM 1618-0607
101828 Pervasive and Mobile Computing
101832 Respiratory Medicine CME
101837 The Poscolonialist
101845 Current Environmental Health Reports Springer
101846 Journal of the Asian Pacific Economy 1354-7860
101848 EUI Working Paper RSCAS 1028-3625 European University Institute
101850 Environmental Justice Mary Ann Liebert
101858 Geopark Magazine
101859 Revue de l'Association Paléontologique des Hauts Plateaux du Languedoc
101860 Parc national de la Guadeloupe
101868 The International Journal of E-Politics 1947-9131
101294 Almogaren Institutum Canarium
101295 Letterature d’America Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza
101296 Cahiers du CECILE Université de Reims
101297 Le Rotarien 0035-8398
101305 Zeiträume 1868-2138 Wallstein Verlag
101317 Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 2065-5002 Peter Lang
101318 L'Art du théâtre Actes Sud
101319 JEFKLAK
101322 La prose du monde
101333 Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta 2153-2435 OMICS publishing group
101344 Normy, Dewiacje i Kontrola Społeczna 2299-7725 Instytut Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
101345 Horyzonty Wychowania 1643-9171 Wydział Pedagogiczny Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie
101346 Kultura-Historia-Globalizacja 1898-7265 Instytut Kulturoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
101347 Catalan Review 0213-5949 Liverpool University Press
101348 Valahian Journal of Historical Studies 1584-2525
101350 Journal of operators 2314-5064 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
101353 Revista Cabo dos Trabalhos, Centre de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra 2182-9187 Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra
101357 Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'Informatique Graphique
101359 Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 1584-1057 Peter Lang Verlag
101361 Small Enterprise Research: The Journal of SEAANZ 1321-5906
101362 Ethology Blackwell Verlag GmbH
101365 Libero
101366 Marca/Marche. Rivista di storia regionale 2284-0389 Andrea Livi Editore
101370 Les Episodiques 0981-843X Groupe de recherches sur l'Espace juridique
101375 Aerospace Lab
101379 Trama y Fondo
101385 Prognostics journal
101391 International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation
101398 Le journal de l'infirmière de neurologie et de nanochirurgie 1248-2323 Association Française des Infirmières et Infirmiers de Neurologie et Neurochirurgie
101400 Acoustics in Practice - International e-Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA)
101401 Industrie & Technologies 1633-7107
101402 Ökologisches Wirtschaften
101414 Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart 0947-0565 Johannes Kramer, Andre Klump
101417 Les nouveaux Cahiers de Recherche du CETFI
101421 Revista de Lexicografía
101423 Scientific Bulletin of University of Pitesti, Automotive series 1453-1100 Universtiy of Pitesti
101426 Slověne 2304-0785
101428 Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 1549-4950 Audio Engineering Society
101430 The Journal of Pan African Studies 2156-5600 the California Institute of Pan African Studies
101439 Ciel variable 1711-7682 Les Productions Ciel variable
101440 Journal of Complex Systems Hindawi
101447 Journal of the Institute of Art History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences 0044-9008
101461 Revue d’Histoire Militaire Antique
101462 Bulletin de la Société Historique Archéologique et Scientifique de Noyon 0753-4132
101464 WineLand
101468 Trisomie 21 Association Trisomie 21 France
101470 South African Journal for Enology and Viticulture
100969 Supply Chain Management / supply chain mgt an int j
100970 The International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research
100971 Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents
100979 The Biological Bulletin
100980 Applied Psychology / Appl Psychol Int Rev
100981 STI - Science, Technology Industry Review
100982 Anxiety Stress & Coping
100983 Studii de demografie istorică (secolele XVII - XXI)', Corneliu Pădurean, Ioan Bolovan (coord.), Editura Gutenberg, Arad, 2010
100984 Development -Cambridge
100986 Biological Reviews -Cambridge
100989 Biochemistry -Pennsylvania then Washington
100990 Journal of Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics
100994 Electronic Journal of e-Learning
100995 Scientia Horticulturae / Scientia Horticulturae (Amsterdam)
100996 African Affairs -London- Royal African Society
100997 Digestive Diseases / Skin Pharmacol Physiol
100998 Archiv für Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie
101000 Systematics and Biodiversity / Systematicss and Biodiversity
101002 Environmental Research -New York
101003 Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace / Fondazione clinica del lavoro, IRCCS [and] Istituto di clinica tisiologica e malattie apparato respiratorio, Università di Napoli, Secondo ateneo
101004 Al-Masaq Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean
101005 VIA BIT Numerical MathematicsUME
101014 Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna
101015 Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
101018 Phytomedicine / Phytomedicine (Jena)
101019 Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England)
101021 The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
101029 International Journal of Computer Science,
101030 Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition
101031 American Journal of Medicine®
101032 Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacký, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
101033 De Economist
101042 Prépublications du centre de sémiotique d'Urbino
101043 Perception -London
101045 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)
101046 Proceedings B: Biological Sciences
101049 International Journal of Database (Weston, Conn.) Management Systems (IJDMS)
101052 Proceedings A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
101056 BJA
101058 Computers and Education
101060 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Database (Weston, Conn.) Systems for Advanced Applications
101063 Physical Review Online Archive
101064 Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology
101068 The Open Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Journal
101070 IDEAS '12 : 16th International Database (Weston, Conn.) Engineering & Applications Symposium
101075 DEXA '12 : 23rd International Conference on Database (Weston, Conn.) and Expert Systems Applications
101076 Advances in Database (Weston, Conn.)s and Information Systems
101077 Database (Weston, Conn.) and Expert Systems Applications
101080 Croatian Journal of Philosophy
101084 BJC
101093 Annales de biologie animale, biochimie, biophysique
101094 Reproduction Nutrition Développement
101097 Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences - Série des Sciences Techniques
101098 30è Congrès International de l'AFM à Montpellier
101100 CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
101109 Journal of Food Production Food Production (Moscow)
101110 Black Holes in Russian Legislation/ Черные дыры в Российском Законодательстве 0236-4964 K-Press (Moscow)/ К-Пресс
101111 National Interests: Priorities and Security 2073-2872 "Publishing House Finance and Credit" (Moscow)
101112 Bulletin of the International institute of the Caucasus Peoples' Friendship. Theory of economics and national economy management. 2071-3819 The International institute of the Caucasus Peoples' Friendship (Stavropol, Russia)
101113 Food Production 0235-2486 Food Production (Moscow)
101114 Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice 2073-039X Publishing House Finance and Credit" (Moscow)
101115 Business in Law. Economical and Legal Journal 1816-921X Publishing House YUR-VAK (Moscow)
101116 Financial Analytics: Problems and Solutions 2073-4484 Publishing House Finance and Credit" (Moscow)
101117 IM 2015
101118 Advances in Science and Technology 1662-0356
101119 En direct Université de Franche-Comté
101120 Les Annonces de la Seine, journal juridique et judiciaire Annonces de la Seine Editions
101121 Pamiętnik Literacki 0031-0514 Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
101123 Kwartalnik historyczny 0023-5903 Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper
101126 Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
101127 Fotogeschichte
101128 Echidistante (Iasi, România)
101129 Cahier de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en développement des collectivités (CRDC)
101130 Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte an der Universität-GH Paderborn 1437-6660 Verein für Geschichte an der Universität Paderborn e. V. (VfG)
101131 Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas
101133 Pensar BH Política social
101134 Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 0003-9233 Böhlau Verlag
101136 Publications of Russian Scientists 2072-7658 Research Institute "International Research Institute of System Design" (Moscow)
101137 International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research (IJCATR)
101140 Revista derecho social y empresa
101145 lettre des professionnels de santé
101146 Archeo : attualita del passato Faton
101151 Zeszyty Naukowe Univerwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu 1897-8223
101153 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2333-9179 Ethan Publishing Company
101154 Fat-and-Oil Industry 0025-4649 Food Production (Moscow)
101155 Economic Science 2072-084X Economic Science (Russia)
101156 Questions of Economy and Law 2072-5574 Economic Science (Moscow)
101167 Bulletin for International Taxation 0007-4624 IBFD
101169 Bulletin de l'Association des mycologues francophones de Belgique Association des mycologues francophones de Belgique
101170 Functional Plant Science and Biotechonology
101175 Experimental and Clinical Dermatocosmetology 1990-4908 Publishing House “Russian Doctor” (Moscow)
101178 Treballs de Comunicació
101179 Les cahiers de l’ILCE
101181 Bulletin du CRIFPE 1718-8237 Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante
101184 Revue Hyper-EPS 1150-8264 AEEPS
101185 Revista Complejidad 1853-8118
101186 Expert of Food Production 2074-9678 Publishing House "Panorama" (Moscow)
101187 Traditional Medicine 1818-6173 Fastinfoservice (Moscow)
101188 Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2078-1962 Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Specialists (diagnosis, recovery, rehabilitation) (Moscow)
101189 Bulletin of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology 1995-0160 Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tver State University" (Tver)
101190 AATCC Journal of Research 2330-5517
101201 Economics, Statistics and Informatics. Bulletin of the Educational and Methodical Association 1994-7844 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (Moscow)
101209 Beer and Drinks 2072-9650 Food Production (Moscow)
101210 International Journal of e-Politics 1947-9131 IGI Global
101214 Courrier de l'ACAT
101216 RHUMSIKI 9782296546028 CLE
101217 Note d’actualité de l’OFCE
101219 Journal of Electromagnetic Optics Fresnel Institut, AMU
101221 Social evolution & history 1681-4363 Uchitel Publishing House
101222 Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies
101225 Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Slovenska akadémia vied
101226 Industrial Engineering Letters 2225-0581 iiste
101231 La Revue administrative Economica, 2010-2014
101233 Effects of microstructure and local mechanical fields on intergranular stress corrosion cracking of a friction stir welded aluminum–copper–lithium 2050 nugget