Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
792150 ouvirOUver 1809-290X
44013 ouvrage collectif dirigé par D. Wolton : "La télévision au pouvoir" collection le tour du sujet, Encyclopédia Universalis
131280 p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications,
586360 paralaje
113073 pasj
54635 pequisa agropecuarioa Brasileira
786272 Max Weber Stiftung
168119 petroleum technology development journal 1595-9104
43719 philosophia naturalis
147761 philosophie Minuit
62121 philosophie, philosophie, revue des étudiants de philosophie de Paris VIII
132154 Swiss portal for philosophy
82370 phys lett a
28614 phys. stat. sol
54326 phys. stat. sol. (RRL)
796041 physica status solidi (b)
648699 physica status solidi (c) 1862-6351
50306 physical chemistry of the solid state : application to metals and their compounds
887677 physiopraxis 1439-023X
181993 phytomedicine Plus 2667-0313 Elsevier
157984 placetelling 2612-1581 Università del Salento
41485 planetary radio emissions
41486 planetary radio emissions VI
80448 pnd|online
45474 polarforschung
784751 polisMOBILITY Magazin
179481 political behavior
352733 politika 2805-1742 LabEx Tepsis
111506 posi-tive emotions (Mageau & Vallerand
53340 position paper, ISMB Instituto Superiore Mario Boella, Politecnico
53324 position paper, ISMB Instituto Superiore Mario Boella, Politecnico, Torino
424663 pre-print
57006 première journée du Centre Béninois de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CBRST)
164047 premières armes 1950-0386
36593 preprint
46409 prisme
29077 proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium , Rotterdam,
81863 proc. of IS&T/SPIE
91147 proceddings of ICTMT
129568 proceeding CIST 2018
96132 proceeding of shock compression of condensed matter
46988 proceeding of the combustion
45503 proceeding the royal society london B
72126 proceedings 15th IPCO
84677 proceedings of the 2012 EAC conference
84695 proceedings of the Proc. of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'94, "Surface and Atmospheric Remote Sensing