Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
107297 Science et Avenir
107300 Lettre du réseau Plantacomp
107307 AGYours Arbre Fruitier
107310 Journal of Batı Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute 1459-0255
107313 JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology
107327 Fémina 1661-6243
107329 UBP Lettre d'info
107331 Biointerphases 1934-8630
107332 La Traverse
107344 Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore ee
107353 International Journal of Molecular Gastronomy
107360 Reviews on environmental health
107362 Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática
107364 Communications and Network 1949-2421
107366 Medicinal Chemistry
107369 Global journal of Mathematics 2395-4760
107377 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology
107383 International Journal of Computer Aided and Engineering 2051-3190 Recent Science
107384 Int. J. Advanced Media and Communication
107386 PontodeAcesso 1981-6766
107387 VINITI
107391 love-moi
107392 Spatium - The Journal of Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia 2217-8066 De Gruyter
107393 Jour. Pure Appl. Math Adzerbaijan
107395 Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology 2352-9873
107396 Service Management
107397 Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
107399 Behavioral Marketing eJournal
107400 Convective Flows Perm PSHPU
107401 Cognitive Social Science e-journal
107402 Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
107403 Revue Socles
107410 Philosophy, Communication, Media Sciences
107412 Language policy in the context of contemporary language processes
107414 International Journal of Big Data 2326-442X
107418 Les Cahiers des Amis de Lucie Delarue-Mardrus 2269-9651
107419 Review of World Economics
107421 Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases 1735-8582
107426 Industria de lacticinios
106685 IMO-IRIKISI Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, Benin
106686 Ownreality
106687 OPUS Revista Eletrônica da ANPPOM 1517-7017 Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Música
106689 Komunikacie 1335-4205 University of Zilina
106695 Pajuhesh-e Honar Univ. Isfahan
106697 Genre&Colonisation New York University en France
106699 Brazilian Journalistic Research
106706 Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2375-4753 Taylor & Francis
106711 Annals of General Psychiatry
106719 Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen Age Grec et Latin 1904-9196
106724 RFP - Rubber Fibres Plastics International
106727 Acta philosophica 1121-2179
106730 Academic Foresights
106733 Industries & Technologies
106734 Hutnické Listy
106736 The Studia Philonica Annual Society of Biblical Literature
106741 Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas
106742 Novus International Journal of Engineering & Technology
106743 Biofarbo
106746 Journal of Physical Science and Application 2159-5348
106747 Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS (ISP RAS) 2079-8156
106749 Worm 2162-4046
106751 Annals of operation research
106754 revista contrapontos 1519-8227 Itajaí : Univali Editora
106756 Revista Contapontos 1519-8227 Itajaí : Univali Editora
106757 Network Science 2050-1242 Cambridge Journals
106758 Les cahiers du CFPCI Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel / Maison des Cultures du Monde
106761 P L o S One
106763 4 O R
106765 Operational Research Society. Journal
106766 I N F O R M S Journal on Computing
106767 I E E E Transactions on Reliability
106768 Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM
106771 ORSA journal on computing
106772 R A I R O - Operations Research
106773 University of Szeged. Acta Cybernetica
106774 Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics Series
106776 Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science
106777 Uralica Helsingiensia 1797-3945 Société Finno-ougrienne, Helsinki
106780 GCB Bioenergy 1757-1693
106786 kalam
106787 al-munqidz
106790 Shock
106792 Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease
106814 Journal of IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
106821 Journal of Northeastern University 1005-3026
106822 Kultura Popularna 1644-8340 SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny
106823 Universal journal of management 2331-950X
106824 Rastros y rostros 2382-4921 Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
106830 Initiales en Champagne-Ardenne 1234-1234 Initiales en Champagne-Ardenne
106835 Travaux en cours 2266-3401 Université Paris Diderot
106837 Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics
106839 Journal of Linguistics 1469-7742 Cambridge University Press
106840 Revista de Enfermedades Infeccionsas y Tropicales
106841 Revista de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales
106842 Translation and Interpreting Studies 1876-2700
106849 Tamkang Jourmal of Mathematics
106851 Healthcare Technology Letter 2053-3713 The Institution of Engineering and Technology
106854 Fibre2Fashion
106857 Medelhavs Museet
106861 info en santé
106862 Silence 0756-2640 Courant Alternatif
106864 Les Cahiers de l'émancipation Syllepse
106874 Plasmid 1095-9890
106876 L'espace du son Musiques & Recherches
106879 Physics of Plasma 1089-7674 AIP Publishing
106886 La Libre Belgique
106887 Le Journal de l'Ile de La Réunion
106888 Point d'orgue
106889 Newsletter de l'école doctorale "Marchés et Organisations" Université de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis
106890 Perspectives économiques de la Réunion
106893 Cahiers ORSTOM.Série Entomologie Médicale et Parasitologie
106894 Annales de l'Association pour un Centre de recherche sur les arts du spectacle aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles 1956-8673
106896 COPD Research and Practice 2054-9040
106897 SOG Working Papers 2282-4189 LUISS School of Government
106898 GOT - Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Revista Electrónica / Journal of geography and spatial planning 2182-1267 Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território / Universidade do Porto
106910 Premier Cru - Les News du Centre Inra de Dijon
106911 CNRS Hebdo
106912 Annali di storia dell’urbanistica e del paesaggio
106913 Psicologia e Saber Social / Psychology and Social Knowing
106921 Medical Mycology
106923 Archives of Photogrammetry, Cartography and Remote Sensing (Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji)
106932 Journal of Chemical Sciences
106937 revista de administração e emprego publico - RAEP
106941 Debates em Educação 2175-6600 CEDU-UFAL
106942 Egide 1267-978X
106946 Spanderel
106949 Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics 1672-9897 syltlx
106952 Management 1286-4692 AIMS
106955 Journal of Time Series Econometrics 1941-1928 De Gruyter
106960 Management 1820-0222 Faculty of Organizational Sciences
106961 Human & Veterinary Medecine Bioflux
106963 Heart
106967 The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 1075-1262
106970 Révue Annales de l'UEA
106972 Ann Epidemiol
106973 Bioinformatics
106975 Oral Oncol
106976 Eur Addict Res
106979 Carcinogenesis
106981 Int J Epidemiol
106982 ACM Interactions 1072-5520 ACM
106985 Centre Français de l’anticorrosion
106987 International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science 2319-1821 IRJES-Editor
106988 Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium
107003 International Journal of Urology
107004 European labour law journal 2031-9525 Intersentia
107012 CA Cancer J Clin
107015 Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 2160-5882 International Association for Energy Economics
107018 Intellectual Asset Management 1741-1424
107019 Li Letro de Font-Segugno 1765-5110 Les Amis de Font-Segugno
107021 Lettre d’information de l’OUCC CEDEJ, OUCC
107022 Portraits Polychromes INA-GRM
107036 Eur J Epidemiol
107037 BJU Int
107039 Sao Paulo Med J
107040 Am J Epidemiol
107041 Environ Mol Mutagen
107042 Mutagenesis
107043 Euro Surveill
107046 Vaccine
107047 J Hypertens
107048 J Obstet Gynaecol
107050 Breast
107051 Sci Transl Med
107053 J Thorac Dis
107054 Healthcare Infection
107056 Obes Rev
107058 Cancer Sci
107061 Leuk Res
107062 BMJ
107064 Nutr J
107065 Int J Antimicrob Agents
107068 Psychologie et Société Nouvelle entre Africain de Recherche et d'Action Sociales (CARAS)
107077 J R Soc Med
107090 International journal on AdHoc networking systems (IJANS) 2249-2682
107091 Cad Saude Publica
107096 Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
107098 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci
107101 Salud Publica Mex
107102 Am J Prev Med
107103 Ann Glob Health
107105 EMC - Urología
107108 DIW Economic Bulletin
107112 Epidemiol Infect
107114 J Occup Med Toxicol
107115 Rev Panam Salud Publica
107116 Thorax
107118 Chin J Cancer Res
107119 Occup Med (Lond)
107120 Epigenetics
107123 Oncologist
107125 J R Statist Soc
107128 Ann Intern Med
107129 J Clin Endocrinol Metab
107131 Ann Agric Environ Med
107132 Crit Rev Toxicol
107135 Tumour Biol
107136 Genet Mol Biol