Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
72724 IHESI Paris
72726 International Journal of Computer Application Technology
72729 Solid Earth Discussions
72747 RAE (Brésil)
72749 Acta Phys.Pol. B
72751 Ciencia e Cultura
72753 journal of vegetation sciences
72761 Functional Nanoscience
72763 European Journal of Social Systems
72768 Ingenieria y Desarrollo del Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru - Consejo Departamental Cusco
72769 International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
72770 Revista ElectroSector
72778 Lunes
72779 ICASSP'12
72781 International Journal of Road Materials and Pavements Design
72782 Géographes associés Association Française pour le Développement de la Géographie
72783 Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Quaterly Journal, Special issue
72787 Ghana Studies
72788 Can. J. Earth
72794 Evolutionary Intelligence
72801 Current Politics and Economics of Russia, Eastern and Central Europe
72802 Global business and finance Review
72803 Les Cahiers de la Maison Jean Vilar/ numéro spécial Tchekhov
72804 Palaogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
72805 Educação em Revista
72808 Cahiers linguisitques de l'INALCO
72809 Anal. Math. Phys. 1 (2011), no. 2-3, 213-240,
72810 Nanos cale
72812 International journal of ubicomp
72817 Business Digest
72818 Revue internationale des cas en sciences de gestion
72819 Commun. Nonlinear. Sci. Numer. Simulat
72822 Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry
72826 Bolletin of the Brazilian Society of Geophysics
72831 Bull. Inf.Géol.Bass., paris
72836 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte, Revue suisse d'histoire religieuse et culturelle
72839 Optics & Laser Technolog
72842 Grande revue de la Documentation française
72843 Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti - Stiinte Politice
72845 Proc. SPIE 7893
72848 Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC), 2011 Conference on and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference
72851 Voprosy Filosofii
72853 Métabolismes Hormones Diabètes Nutrition
72860 The CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems and Technology
72868 Phys. Chem
72871 Cahiers Fenosa
72872 Revue Analyse Financière - La revue de la société française des Analystes Financiers
72875 Bulletin of Tibetology
72876 Outre-terre/Geostrategy
70972 Piper
70973 Cahiers de l'Association des Amis de MBP
70975 International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management
70979 D'Architecture
70982 Pouvoir locaux
70994 Les études de la CEPEJ, ed. Du Conseil de l'Europe
70996 Hellenic Review of European Law
70998 Patrimoine 3.0 : actes du douzième Colloque international sur le document électronique (CIDE 12)
71007 Archéovision , ISSN : 1771-5911
71008 International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies
71009 L'envers du décor : Etudes de linguistique anglaise. Actes de l'atelier de l'ALAES, 47e congrès de la SAES, mai 2007
71012 Edition du Service Géologique du Maroc
71017 Computer Measurement Group Journal
71025 Mines et Géologie service géologique du Maroc
71027 SAE 2012 World Congress & Exhibition
71028 Topics in Biomedical Engineering. International Book Series
71033 CoRR (informal e-publication)
71039 Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci
71040 J. Symplectic Geom
71043 Annales E.S.C
71045 International of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
71048 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials
71051 Ingénierie des Système d'Information
71058 Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica
71059 Fund. Math
71060 Discrete Math
71061 Inditerra
71065 Journal of Advanced Materials Research
71074 Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos
71081 Recherces Géographiques à Strasbourg
71082 Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, Rabat
71085 Cahiers de l'université de l'eau - Conseil Général du Val de Marne
71089 International Journal of Logistics economics and globalisation
71094 Travaux et Mémoires du Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance
71095 International Journal on Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering (IJMTIE)
71098 International Journal of RF & Computer-Aided Engineering (Int. J. RF Microw. C E)
71102 Radioengineering, Part.I., Special issue on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications
71106 Studia Universitatis
71109 Semiconductor Science & Technology
71110 Optimization Online
71113 International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research
71123 Idioma
71130 Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry
71140 Vues d'ensemble
71147 Germinal, Revista de Estudios Libertarios
71151 International Journal of Nuclear Safety and simulation
71152 International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence
71153 The International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology
71155 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, series B: Applications & algorithms Watam
71159 Journal of Abstract Differential Equations and Applications
71166 Mémoires du Service Géologique National - Algérie
71168 EJEE
71172 Bulletin de l'Association des Officiers de Reserve de Lyon (AORL)
71173 Multiversa
71175 RSIS Commentaries
71177 Revista EIRD Informa - Las Américas
71178 Analele Universitatii
71185 Journal of IMS Group
71187 Mémoire d'Obiou (revue de l'association des Amis du musée matheysin)
71188 International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics (IJCV&B)
71192 Elastomery
71194 Journal of Family Research
71196 Journal of Family Research / Zeitschrift für Familienforschung
71197 Le Français Dans Le Monde, numéro thématique Les Ãchanges En Ligne Dans l'Apprentissage Et La Formation, F. Mangenot Et C. Dejean-Thircuir (Coord.)
71198 Revue Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Education
71202 Dossiers de l'Obstétrique
71204 catalysis by metal complexes
71208 Software Process: Improvement and Practice - Examining Process Design and Change
71210 Ernst Bloch Almanach
71212 Les Cahiers de l'Afeccav
71214 Systems Research Forum Journal
71223 Journal of Biophysical Journal
71225 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Science and Cryptography
71229 Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévale
71232 Der Schweizer Treuhänder (L'Expert-Comptable Suisse)
71237 International journal of next-generation computing (IJNGC)
71242 International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management
71249 Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti. Limba si literatura
71251 Revues diverses
71252 ERE Emiglia Romagna Europa
71258 Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair
71261 florentia
71274 Emergent functions of peroxisomes, Terlecky and Titorenko (eds)
74596 Anthropologie of food
74610 Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling
74612 Med Educ
74616 hhhhhhhhhh
74618 Journal of Association for advancement of modelling and simulation techniques in enterprises (AMSE)
74625 Industries en Provence, dynamiques d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
74631 Le Salon
74634 Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011),
74641 Electronique de Puissance du Futur
74642 ENSAIO Pesquisa em educação em ciências CECIMIG - UFMG Brésil
74643 Journal of Educational and Social Research Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research
74651 Mentalités, Histoire des Cultures et des Sociétés
74659 Cadernos de Filosofia
74660 Journal of Philosophy and Sciences
74661 Journal of Philosophy and Science
74678 Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2011)
74686 International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics Newsletter
74694 Les Jeux olympiques, d'Athènes à Pékin, L'Histoire, les Collections
74698 Depuis quand a-t-on peur des fous ? La Folie d'Erasme à Foucault, L'Histoire, les Collections
74700 International Conference on Space Optics
74702 Quaderni di Studi Arabi : Luoghi e immaginario nella letteratura araba
74705 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3
74708 Network and Information Systems Security (SAR-SSI), 2011
74709 Oasis/Nakhlistan/al-Waha
74721 The Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture
74723 Les administrations coloniales. Les Cahiers de l'IHTP-CNRS
74732 Research Journal of Microbiology
74735 Journal of Engineering Geology
74736 Dintorni
74738 Parasitology Research / Journal of Parasitology
74741 ICASSP
74745 LiLi
74746 Journal of Surrealism and the Americas
74747 Synergie Pologne
74751 Cuadernos de Economía (ISSN 0121-4772)
74752 Int J Theor Phys
74759 Microwaves & RF
74762 Psychology Letters, Behaviour, Brain and Cognition
74763 Obesity
74764 Psicologica
74781 The Environmentalist
74784 The International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home
74785 Policy review. IJHP
74786 Presses de Sciences Po
74787 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
74788 Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion
74796 4th Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE) 2010
74801 eTopoi, Journal of Ancient Studies
74802 Journal of the studies of humanities
74803 Proceedings of The 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing GRID2007
74808 International Journal of Engineering
74813 Le patrimoine culturel des migrants, Museum international
74826 Studi Africanistici
74827 Encyclopaedia Aethiopica
74833 ZÄS
74838 voprosy yazykozmanija
74839 Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
74844 IEEE Knowledge and Systems Engineering
74848 Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales
74849 C R Seances Acad Sci D
74851 Period. Math. Hungar
74856 Society for Arabian studies Monograph. Oxford