Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
182164 Modern Psychology Scientific Bulletin 2579-2504 Yerevan State University
101481 Journal of Thermal Enginnering 2148-7847 Yildiz Technical University Press
167066 Pure and Aplied functional Analysis 2189-3764 Yokohama Publishers
132954 Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees 1920-7336 York University
130044 UnderCurrents 2292-4736 York University
243034 Tusaaji: A Translation Review York University, Canada
897047 Medicine and law journal 0723-1393 Yosmot Ltd
140016 Udaya: Journal of Khmer Studies 1683-7274 Yosothor
167938 Reportages Storia & Società 2611-9277 Youcanprint
158818 Journal of Academia and Industrial Research 2278-5213 Youth Education and Research Trust (YERT)
665185 Journal of Economic Analysis 2811-0943 Yu Hao
174356 Echo de la timbrologie 1269-5017 Yvert
844745 Atlas des Sports. L'observatoire innovant des sports Yvonnick Le Lay, Ludovic Lestrelin et François Madoré
503561 Han'guksaron (Histoire de la Corée) Yôksa p'yônch'an wiwônhoe (Commission de rédaction de l'Histoire nationale)
147482 Kikan kōkogaku 季刊考古学 (Archaeology quarterly) Yūzankaku 雄山閣
597831 LES ANNALES DE ISSHM 2811-6461 Zaineb édition
516186 IJAFAME 2658-8455 Zakaria EZ-ZARZARI
163811 Kultura 0023-5164 Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka Belgrade
181797 Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research 2408-6231 Zeeterz Publishing Group
138736 Computational Kinematics Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics 2211-0984 Zeghloul Romdhane Laribi
579408 Keramos 0453-7580 Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft der Keramikfreunde e. V. Köln
183903 Polonus 2701-6285 Zeitschrift für die Polnische Sprache und den Europäischen Dialog
155645 Acta Histriae 1318-0185 Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Koper / Società storica del Litorale - Capodistria
148022 Computer Science Research Notes 2464-4617 Zhigeng Pan & Vaclav Skala
631789 MDPI Processes Zhiwei Gao
181340 Journal Of Ocean University of China (Social Sciences Edition) Zhong guo hai yang daxue xue bao she hui ke xue ban bian ji bu
411727 Fangyan (Dialects) 方言杂志 0257-0203 Zhongguo Shehui Kexueyuan Yuyan Yanjiusuo (Linguistics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
411582 Lishi Yuyanxue Yanjiu (Historical Linguistics) 历史语言学研究 Zhongguo Shehui Kexueyuan Yuyan Yanjiusuo (Linguistics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
26913 Faguo hanxue – Sinologie française Zhonghua shuju
26591 Suteren zai Zhongguo. Lishi, kaogu, yuyan de xin tansuo 粟特人在中國 – 歷史, 考古, 語言的新探索 Zhonghua shuju
180150 Faguo hanxue [Sinologie française] Zhonghua shuju; Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient
169156 World Review of Business Research 1838-3955 Zia World Press Australia
757464 Ecofeminism and Climate Change (EFCC) 2633-4062 Zibeline International Publishing
929237 Environment & Ecosystem Science 2521-0882 Zibeline International Publishing
821954 Geological Behavior 2521-0491 Zibeline International Publishing
151345 Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments 1024-1752 Zibeline international publishing
907195 JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION (JTIN) 2773-6202 Zibline International Publishing
134634 Le Courrier international de la francophilie Zigotto, Galati, Roumanie
117794 Nayra Kunan Pacha Revista de Arqueología Social Zona Arqueológica Caral
101634 Specimen 2258-7314 Zone
163953 In Situ (Zone Atelier Environnementale Urbaine) Zone Atelier Environnementale Urbaine
333048 revue de littérature et de réflexion Zulma, Paris
500365 trans magazin, Hg 1420-9713 Zürich: gta Verlag
507889 Breast Cancer (Auckl) / Breast cancer : basic and clinical research 1178-2234 [Auckland, N. Z.] : Libertas Academica ; : Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications
182093 Med Devices (Auckl) / Medical devices (Auckland, N.Z.) - Medical devices : evidence and research 1179-1470 [Auckland, N.Z.] : Dove Medical Press
163573 medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences [Cold Spring Harbor, NY] : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, [2019]
733262 Champ pénal/Penal field [En ligne]
153537 Journal of patient-reported outcomes / J Patient Rep Outcomes 2509-8020 [Heidelberg] : Springer International Publishing, [2017]
149401 Animal Model Exp Med / Animal models and experimental medicine 2576-2095 [Hoboken, New Jersey] : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2018]