Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
5453 Industrial and engineering chemistry research 0888-5885 American Chemical Society
922738 Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development - JCLAD 2148-1997
898936 Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 2394-1081 SD Publisher group
17473 NMR in Biomedicine 0952-3480 Wiley
12615 Disaster Prevention and Management 0965-3562 Emerald
922900 Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences 2008-9783
922793 Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology
923000 Fossil Studies 2813-6284 MDPI
923636 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
146158 La Revue des lettres modernes. Série Voyages contemporains 2111-6652 Lettres modernes Minard
923995 Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR) 2775-1082 Future Science
921485 Geografski vestnik 0350-3895 Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU
924154 Interfaces numériques
923415 trans-kom 1867-4844
924244 Nauchnyi dialog 2225-756X
924229 npj Imaging 2948-197X
924461 L'ACROPOLI Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli (CZ) - Italie