Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
921649 Journal of Applied Physical Science International 2395-5279
921658 Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica
921684 Revista Linguagem em Foco 2674-8266 Portal de Periódicos da Uece
162471 Vivência Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Departamento de Antropologia e Pós Graduação em Antropologia
921764 International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research 2774-5368
921761 Spectator. The University of South California Journal of Film and Television Criticism 1051-0230
921717 International Journal of Electronic Commerce
921713 Environmental Research: Health 2752-5309
921767 Les Cahiers de La Mothe 1965-1589 Association pour La Mothe
921768 Journal of Pedagogical Research 2602-3717
921780 CLEO: Fundamental Science
921776 Rare Metals
921758 Etages
922026 Journal Association 1901 “SEPIKE”, Edition 28, Poitiers (France), Frankfurt (Germany), Los Angeles (U.S.) 2196-9531 PublisherAssociation 1901 SEPIKE
922119 Nanotechnologies et biotechnologies pour la santé
922101 International Journal of Digital Law and Governance 2941-2552 De Gruyter
721808 Notebooks: the journal for studies on power 2666-7177 Brill
921815 Revue de droit civil, économique et comparé 2658-946X
19939 Yeast 0749-503X Wiley
921803 SciPost Phys.Codeb
922668 Plaisance. Rivista di lingua e letteratura francese moderne e contemporanea, Pagine
626551 European Yearbook on Human Rights 2566-137X Cambridge
839231 Relais, revue des amis du Musée de la poste 0751-753X Société des amis du Musée de la poste
120757 Mondes sociaux Labex Structurations des mondes sociaux (LabEx SMS)
3839 Cell 0092-8674 Elsevier
132582 Archivio Veneto 0392-0291 Deputazione di storia patria per le Venezie
922650 Cahiers Valery Larbaud 2429-3237 Classiques Garnier
922137 Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
9504 SIGKDD explorations : newsletter of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining 1931-0145 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
5453 Industrial and engineering chemistry research 0888-5885 American Chemical Society
922738 Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development - JCLAD 2148-1997
17473 NMR in Biomedicine 0952-3480 Wiley
12615 Disaster Prevention and Management 0965-3562 Emerald
922900 Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences 2008-9783
922793 Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology
922726 Sinzang 2959-9407 UFR des Lettres et des Arts de l’Université Peleforo GON COULIBALY (Côte d'Ivoire)
923177 Lettre de la MRIE (Mission Régionale d'Information sur l'Exclusion) 1620-1884 MRIE, Lyon
923203 Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication and Media 2676-4083 IRIB University
923159 Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 2730-7166
898936 Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 2394-1081 SD Publisher group
923220 European Research on Cetaceans
923000 Fossil Studies 2813-6284 MDPI
923222 Heavy metals in the Environment
923153 Boletín de Historia
923254 ESSDERC 2023 - IEEE 53rd European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC)
923300 L'Émancipation syndicale et pédagogique
923236 The Journal of Cultural Studies and Communication , JCSC 2717-2287 Association for Cultural Studies and Communication
923283 Journal of Audio-Visual Media 2645-470X IRIB University
923250 Hermès Science Publications