Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
988711 Тенденции и перспективы развития современного научного знания: материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции Спецкнига
988715 Сборник докладов ежегодной Международной научной конференции "Столицы как центры туризма и выставок", посвященной 15-летию столицы Казахстана и проведению в Астане выставки ЭКСПО-2017 Елорда
988762 Теория и практика современной науки: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции Спецкнига
988747 Asia Minor. An International Journal on Archaeology in Turkey 2785-0277 Fabrizio Serra editore
988753 Language Documentation & Conservation University of Hawai'i Press
988772 Concilium, Rivista internazionale di teologia
988140 Cyber Security and Data Protection as Tools for the Attainment of a Smart Nation: The Nigerian Example 2454-6194 International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)
133030 South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 1026-9185 Elsevier
988018 Moving towards motion activated security camera system with live feed and call routing Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
988101 Journal of Neurobiology and Physiology Probiologists
987915 Educaçao, sociedade e culturas 0872-7643 Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas — CIIE
82813 Note di lavoro della Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
987992 Discover Mechanical Engineering 2731-6564
988161 Cyber Security and Digital Privacy: An Imperative for Information and Communication Technology and Sustainable Development in Nigeria 2348-6848 International Journal of Research
154759 Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 2661-8869 Tsinghua University Press (Chine) ; Springer [2019-....]
988081 Analysis of Petroleum Spillage Detection Systems Designed for use in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: the Missing Link 2348-6848 International Journal of Research
988269 Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry 2339-9686
988519 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH 2394-3211 Society for Advance Healthcare Research
988265 Journal of Information Technology in Construction 1874-4753 Slovenian Research Agency
988323 Intelligent and Sustainable Manufacturing 3005-8066
988337 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2169-9356
988525 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications 2249-7781 HSPI
988576 Scholars International Journal of Chemistry and Material Sciences 2616-8669
988535 Asian Journal of Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2457-0745
988485 The Empirical Economics Letters 1681-8997
988531 South Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2997-8661
988616 Histoire de l'art 0092-2059 Apahau
988629 Panorama 2827-1483 OFAJ Recherche-évaluation
988785 Concilium, Internazionale Zeitschrift für Theologie
179710 Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research 1927-033X [éditeur non spécifié], Burnaby, Canada
988779 Revue du développement régional R.D.R 0035-4344 Commissariat Général de Développement Régional
988799 Communio, International Catholic Review
988796 Isidorianum 1131-7027
988748 Hi theologos. Facolta Teologia di Sicilia
16610 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik = Journal of Applied mathematics and physics = Journal de mathématiques et de physique appliquées 0044-2275 Springer Verlag
111990 Skén&graphie 1150-594X Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté (PUFC)
19983 Zeitschrift für Physik. A, Atomic nuclei 0930-1151 Springer [1986-1990]
118777 Zeitschrift für Physik 0044-3328 Springer [1920-1974]
10640 Applied Numerical Mathematics: an IMACS journal 0168-9274 Elsevier
19988 Zeitschrift für Physik. D, Atoms, molecules and clusters 0178-7683 Springer [1986-1997]
19984 Zeitschrift für Physik. A, Hadrons and Nuclei 0939-7922 Springer [1991-1997]
112311 Bulletin du Centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre. Hors-série Centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre, Université de Bourgogne (ARTEHIS)
145966 HiMA : revue internationale d'histoire militaire ancienne 2491-6943 Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté (PUFC) ; (ancien éditeur : Klincksieck et Cie)
174422 Dix-Huitième Siècle 0070-6760 Société Française d'Étude du Dix-Huitième Siècle (SFEDS) Diffusé par la Librairie Vrin
34253 Cahiers Gaston Bachelard 1292-2765 Université de Bourgogne
19987 Zeitschrift für Physik. C, Particles and Fields 0170-9739 Springer [1979-1997]
70588 ¿ Interrogations ? Revue pluridisciplinaire de sciences humaines et sociales Association Interrogations
19985 Zeitschrift für Physik. B, Condensed Matter 0722-3277 Springer [1980-1997]