Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
988629 Panorama 2827-1483 OFAJ Recherche-évaluation
988617 Theatre Academy 2980-1656
988633 RECORDER Official Publication of the Canadian Society of Exploration of Geophysicists
988759 Деятельность социально-культурных институтов в современной социокультурной ситуации: проблемы теории и практики: материалы международной научно-практической конференции 22-23 апреля 2013 г Vedecko vydavetelské centrum «Sociosféra – CZ»
988758 Сборник материалов международного научно-практического семинара "Историко-культурное наследие и современная культура Service Press
988711 Тенденции и перспективы развития современного научного знания: материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции Спецкнига
988762 Теория и практика современной науки: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции Спецкнига
988747 Asia Minor. An International Journal on Archaeology in Turkey 2785-0277 Fabrizio Serra editore
988753 Language Documentation & Conservation University of Hawai'i Press
988772 Concilium, Rivista internazionale di teologia
988728 La Revue du Trombinoscope 2266-5587 François-Xavier d'Aillières
988265 Journal of Information Technology in Construction 1874-4753 Slovenian Research Agency
988323 Intelligent and Sustainable Manufacturing 3005-8066
988018 Moving towards motion activated security camera system with live feed and call routing Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
988101 Journal of Neurobiology and Physiology Probiologists
987992 Discover Mechanical Engineering 2731-6564
988337 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2169-9356
988485 The Empirical Economics Letters 1681-8997
988161 Cyber Security and Digital Privacy: An Imperative for Information and Communication Technology and Sustainable Development in Nigeria 2348-6848 International Journal of Research
988525 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications 2249-7781 HSPI
988269 Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry 2339-9686
988519 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH 2394-3211 Society for Advance Healthcare Research
988576 Scholars International Journal of Chemistry and Material Sciences 2616-8669
988535 Asian Journal of Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2457-0745
988531 South Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2997-8661
988616 Histoire de l'art 0092-2059 Apahau
988785 Concilium, Internazionale Zeitschrift für Theologie
179710 Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research 1927-033X [éditeur non spécifié], Burnaby, Canada
988779 Revue du développement régional R.D.R 0035-4344 Commissariat Général de Développement Régional
988799 Communio, International Catholic Review
988796 Isidorianum 1131-7027
988748 Hi theologos. Facolta Teologia di Sicilia
988794 Ex Professo 2543-3512 Press Of El Oued University
5453 Industrial and engineering chemistry research 0888-5885 American Chemical Society
990189 International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering 2769-3457 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
990234 International Journal of Dental science and Clinical Research 2582-3671 Dr. Angel Vaidic Publication
990174 Nouvelles dynamiques africaines (NDA) 2563-8394 Le Palétuvier
990279 Mol Biol Res Commun 2322-181X Shiraz University
990150 Room 2412-4311 Asgardia Terra Ark (ARA)
5356 IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 1051-8223 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
174841 ISME Communications Springer Nature
10858 Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A 0004-6361 EDP Sciences
15309 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1475-7508 Institute of Physics (IOP)
13118 The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and Nuclei 1434-6001 EDP Sciences ; Springer [1998-....]
991537 Acta Biochemica and Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai)
111492 Physical Review A 2469-9926 American Physical Society
738352 Modern Economy and Management 2790-3214 Innovation Forever Publishing Group
691485 Human Reproduction Open 2399-3529 Oxford Academic