Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
9010 Triquarterly 0041-3097 Northwestern University
1839 Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 1549-8271 Northwestern University School of Law
1840 Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights 1549-828X Northwestern University School of Law
1841 Norwegian Journal of Geology 0029-196X Norwegian Geological Society (Norsk Geologisk Forening, NGF)
6829 Library Research 0164-0763 Norwood, N.J., Ablex
103048 Nos Oiseaux 0029-3725 Nos Oiseaux - Société Romande pour l'Etude et la Protection des Oiseaux
3251 Associations Now 1557-7562 Not Known
1311 Jk Practitioner 0971-8834 Not Known
21993 Journal of Applied Measurement 1529-7713 Not Known
21475 Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1505-1773 Not Known
39828 Latinamerica Press 0254-203X Noticias Aliadas
5935 Journal of College and University Law 0093-8688 Notre Dame Law School
7329 Natural law forum 0199-9702 Notre Dame Law School
7515 Notre Dame Law Review 0745-3515 Notre Dame Law School
7514 Notre Dame journal of law, ethics & public policy 0883-3648 Notre Dame Law School; 1999
72859 Bulletin médical calédonien et polynésien 1624-7337 Nouméa : ADIMNC
107428 Le Temps des médias. Revue d’histoire 1764-2507 Nouveau Monde Editions
82870 Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée / New Comparative Mythology Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée
249575 NVO : La Nouvelle Vie Ouvrière [La Vie Ouvrière : la revue du travail et des luttes sociales] 1628-674X Nouvelle Société anonyme La Vie Ouvrière [2001-....]
82445 Nouvelle Revue du travail 2495-7593 Nouvelle revue du travail
25494 Raison Présente 0033-9075 Nouvelles Editions Rationalistes
158690 Les Cahiers de Lagrasse 2105-5580 Nouvelles presses du Languedoc éd
7518 Nova law journal 0149-6204 Nova Law Center
20986 Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices 1097-2803 Nova Science
101027 Brain Research Journal 1935-2875 Nova Science Publishers
72184 International Journal of Evolution Equations 1549-2907 Nova Science Publishers
68319 International journal of energy, environment, economics 1054-853X Nova Science Publishers
116235 Journal of Communications Research 1935-3537 Nova Science Publishers
143850 Journal of Tribology and Surface Engineering 1949-4866 Nova Science Publishers
100621 Neuroscience Imaging 1556-4010 Nova Science Publishers
5416 Ilsa Journal of International and Comparative Law 1082-944X Nova Southeastern University
1100 Innovate (North Miami Beach, Fla.) 1552-3233 Nova Southeastern University
1170 International Journal of Motorcycle Studies 1931-275X Nova Southeastern University
1814 New Horizons in Adult Education 1062-3183 Nova Southeastern University
2032 Qualitative Report 1052-0147 Nova Southeastern University
1201 The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice 1540-580X Nova Southeastern University
103866 Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 1828-695X Novamedia
1845 Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie : Teorija i Istorija Literatury, Kritika i Bibliografija 0869-6365 Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
7521 Novum 1438-1753 Novum gebrauchsgraphik
7524 Novyi Mir Iskusstva 1560-8697 Novyi Mir Iskusstva, The New World of Art Magazine
40232 Players Directory Now Casting Inc
13446 Foundations and Trends in Accounting 1554-0642 Now Publishers
12367 Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory 1567-2190 Now Publishers
12368 Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision 1572-2740 Now Publishers
13239 Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation 1551-3939 Now Publishers
13447 Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 1551-3114 Now Publishers
13448 Foundations and Trends in Finance 1567-2395 Now Publishers
78643 Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction 1551-3955 Now Publishers
13449 Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 1554-0669 Now Publishers
70225 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 1935-8237 Now Publishers
13450 Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics 1547-9846 Now Publishers
13451 Foundations and Trends in Networking 1554-057X Now Publishers
98432 Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages 2325-1107 Now Publishers
101224 Foundations and Trends in Robotics 1935-8253 Now Publishers
106940 Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing 1932-8346 Now Publishers
13452 Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management 1571-9545 Now Publishers
13453 Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 1551-305X Now Publishers
13454 Foundations and Trends in Web Science 1555-077X Now Publishers
18455 Quarterly Journal of Political Science 1554-0626 Now Publishers
105475 Review of Behavioral Economics 2326-6198 Now Publishers
112876 Foundations and Trends® in Privacy and Security 2474-1558 Now publishers inc
135715 Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control 2325-6818 NowPublishers
8752 Supervision 0039-5854 Nrb National Research Bureau
6463 Journal of staff development 0276-928X Nsdc National Staff Development Council
8422 Science scope / National Science Teachers Association 0887-2376 Nsta
7318 National Tax Journal 0028-0283 Nta-tia National Tax Association
1848 Nuclear Receptor Signaling 1550-7629 Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas
1851 Nueva sociedad 0251-3552 Nueva Sociedad, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
199586 Articulations 2728-834X NumeRev
22116 Journal of Nursing -Taipei 0047-262X Nurses' Association of the Republic of China
108413 Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) 1873-1244 Nutrition
129710 Journal of Nutritional Science 2048-6790 Nutrition Society
114833 Fossil Imprint 2533-4050 Národní muzeum
152771 Cahiers de démographie locale 2102-3697 Néothèque
139253 Bibechana Népal : Biratnagar : Department of Physics
63165 Art et politique 2115-1601 Nîmes: Éd. Appendices
126136 Jahrbuch 0932-7282 Nördlingen: Historischer Verein für Nördlingen und das Ries
439 Cadernos Pagu 0104-8333 Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero - Pagu
168758 Livro – Revista do Núcleo de Estudos do Livro e da Edição 2179-801X Núcleo de Estudos do Livro e da Edição, Universidade de São Paulo
64612 Kunstchronik 0023-5474 Nürnberg: Carl
138554 O Globo O Globo
28723 Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik = Journal of Arabic linguistics = Journal de linguistique arabe 0170-026X O. Harrassowitz
114982 OA Arthritis OA Publishing London
291521 Journal of translational genetics and genomics 2578-5281 OAE Publishing
145070 Cancer Drug Resistance 2578-532X OAE Publishing Inc
242069 Chemical Synthesis 2769-5247 OAE Publishing Inc
108131 Hepatoma Research 2394-5079 OAE Publishing Inc
182527 Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal 2771-2893 OAE Publishing Inc
78528 Nano-micro Letters 2311-6706 OAHOST
125107 Integrative Food, Nutrition and Metabolism 2056-8339 OAT
137770 Otorhinolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery OAT
128004 Documents de travail de l'OCDE sur la politique commerciale 1816-6873 OCDE
165524 Perspectives économiques en Afrique 1815-9508 OCDE
62048 La Lettre de l'OCIM (Office de Coopération et d'Information Muséographique) : Musées, Patrimoine et Culture scientifiques et techniques 0994-1908 OCIM
3023 Annual Review of OCLC Research 0894-198X OCLC, Inc
108552 OECD Journal: Economic Studies 1995-2848 OECD
38195 AEN Infos 1605-959x OECD Publications Centre
38406 Bank Profitability 1608-1064 OECD Publications Centre
38486 Bulletin de droit nucléaire 0304-3428 OECD Publications Centre
38693 Creditor Reporting System on Aid Activities 1023-8875 OECD Publications Centre