Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
177815 Anuario de Eusko Folklore - Eusko Folklore Urtekaria 0210-7732 Barandiaran Fundazioa
164430 der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 1865-7192 Barbara Budrich
144144 Estudis Escènics, Quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre de la Diputació de Barcelona Barcelona
502848 Stochastica, revista de matemática pura y aplicada 0210-7821 Barcelona, 1975 à 1992
145415 Studies in the Decorative Arts 1069-8825 Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts
174721 Metropolitics Baruch College – CUNY (New York)
527381 Biomedicine hub = Biomed Hub 2296-6870 Basel : S. Karger, [2016]
171095 Bat Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 2659-5176 Bat Soziolinguistika aldizkaria - Andoain (Spain)
232422 Δ⅄⎈ [Pyramide-Diapason-Roue crantée] Bat éditions
170576 Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Маchine Building 0536-1044 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
704028 Croire aujourd'hui Bayard
126852 Les cahiers croire Bayard
805988 Muze 1768-6563 Bayard
227948 Médias pouvoirs Politiques, économies et stratégies des médias Bayard
132041 Montagnes du monde 2274-6234 Bayard Press
136647 Terre Sainte Magazine 0040-3873 Bayard Service
187238 Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics 0794-9057 Bayero University, Kano
148200 Kultura i Rozwój 2450-212X Bazekon
302294 Beatdom Beatdom
124337 Tout le Mont-Saint-Michel Beaux-Arts Editions
494849 De Europa: European and Global Studies Journal 2611-853X Beck Verlag, Blackwell, Editorial Crítica, Laterza, Éditions du Seuil
198593 International Journal of Uncertainty Quantification 2152-5080 Begell House
106681 International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion Begellhouse
94646 Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal Begellhouse
152903 Application du droit Beijing
145454 Chinese Teaching in the World 1002-5804 Beijing Language University
182278 Guoji hanxue 国际汉学 International Sinology 2095-9257 Beijing Waiguoyu daxue 北京外国语大学 Beijing Foreign Studies University
166735 Dunhuang yu silu wenhua xueshu jiangzuo Beijing tushu guan chuban she
174729 BAU Journal - Society, Culture and Human Behavior 2663-9122 Beirut Arab University Press
69647 Journal of Electron Devices 1682-3427 Beirut Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Sustainable Development
865484 Journal of Belarussian State University. Law 2521-6848 Belarussian State University
160422 Physicalia Magazine 0770-0520 Belgian Physical Society
160301 GRAMM-R 2030-2363 Belgique, Bruxelles : Peter Lang
98086 Citrus, revue illustrée 2274-7117 Belgique, Ed. L'Agrume
160174 De Achttiende Eeuw : Tijdschrift van de Belgisch-Nederlandse Werkgroep de 18de eeuw 0166-6304 Belgisch-Nederlandse Werkgroep De Achttiende Eeuw
134075 Nauchny rezultat. Voprosy teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy lingvistiki 2313-8912 Belgorod State University
162156 Barbarismos Queer Bellaterra Editorial
115578 Pós : Revista do Programma de Pós-graduaçāo em Artes 1982-9507 Belo Horizonte : Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Belas Artes
133726 Kultúra és Közösség 0133-2597 Belvedere Meridionale
129950 Geography Research Forum 0333-5275 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
142421 Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Mathematics) 1592-4424 Benedetto di Paola
509184 Graffylia 1870-1396 Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
199683 Graffylia Benemérita Universidad de Puebla
152202 De Genere 2465-2415 Benevento: Edizioni Labrys
145188 Journal of Applied Chemical Science 2395-3705 Bengi Uslu, Ankara University, Turkey
163486 NILES journal for Geriatric and Gerontology 2636-3232 Beni-Suef University, National Institute of Longevity Elderly Sciences
151366 Environmental Crisis and Human Costs Benjamin Franklin American Studies Research Institute
177016 Applied Physics Letter Photonics 2378-0967 Benjamin J. Eggleton
26873 Prosody and Syntax Benjamins
158120 Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications 2666-2558 Bentham Science