Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
48316 Pages du Libraire
45874 Pages newsletter
133124 PagesEurope
148144 Paginauno
928507 Pagine altotiberine
179289 Pagus - Cahiers de l'association Castrum Alpes-Maritimes 2260-8427 Castrum Alpes-Maritimes
53746 Paideia
93767 Paideia - International Philophical Journal
154957 Paideia : rivista di filologia, ermeneutica e critica letteraria 2239-6381
78950 Paideuma
169256 Paidia – Zeitschrift für Computerspielforschung 2363-5630
520208 Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) 0103-863X
150120 Paille en Plume
375500 Pain
605412 Pain 1872-6623
171647 Pain Physician 1533-3159
70457 Pain Res Manage
126918 Pain Research and Treatment
176812 Pain Review
96648 Pain Studies and Treatment
607457 Pain and Therapy 2193-8237
511076 Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) 1526-4637
176014 Pain physician 2150-1149
179336 Paisagens Híbridas
106695 Pajuhesh-e Honar Univ. Isfahan
178876 Pak. J. Commer. Soc. Sci
172586 Pakistan Archaeology
162539 Pakistan Archaeology 0078-7868 Departament of Archaeology and Museums of Pakistan
107277 Pakistan Journal of American Studies 1011-811X Area Study Centre for Africa, North & South America, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
91974 Pakistan Journal of Botany
668785 Pakistan Journal of Criminology 2222-6648 Dr. FASIHUDDIN (PSP), President & Founder, Pakistan Society of Criminology Patron-in-Chief, Pakistan Journal of Criminology
168227 Pakistan Journal of Historical Studies
168323 Pakistan Journal of History and Culture National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research
981377 Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (PJLSS) 1727-4915
149677 Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1011-601X
395263 Pakistan Journal of Social Research 2710-3129
107963 Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal
53698 Pakistan. Un autre regard
43455 Pal, Pal, Pal
173684 PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology 1567-214X PalArch Foundation
167130 Palabra - Clave 2027-534X
109469 Palabra Clave 0122-8285 Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia)
268585 Palabra y Razón, Revista de Filosofía, Teología y Ciencias de la Religión 2452-4646 Unversidad Catolica del Maule
795458 Palabre coutumier
87183 Palabres
65642 Palabres actuelles
73729 Palace Museum Journal 故宮博物院院刊
59365 Palaeoanthropology
65059 Palaeodiversity
161222 Palaeoecology, Palaeography, Palaeoclimatology
695459 Palaeoentomology 2624-2834
174023 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
114979 Palaeogeography, …
52997 Palaeohispanica
114005 Palaeohispánica
91572 Palaeoklimaforschung/Palaeoclimate research
100013 Palaeontographica
68734 Palaeontographica Abteilung A
57368 Palaeontographica, Abteilung A: Palaozoologie - Stratigraphie
294935 Palaeontologia Electronica
107644 Palaeontologia Electronica 1935-3952
131774 Palaeontologica Nova. Publicaciones del Seminario de Paleontología de Zaragoza Seminario de Paleontología de Zaragoza
81520 Palaeontological Association Newsletter
145447 Palaeontology
376292 Palaeoslavica 1070-5465 PALAEOSLAVICA
51129 Palaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations: Climatic and Evolutionary Controls. Geol. Soc., London
46030 Palaestra
129634 Palaestra, Revue de l’association des enseignants chercheurs en science politique
103962 Palais 1951-672X Palais de Tokyo
511485 Palais de Tokyo, Palais #23 1951-672X
178039 Palais. Le magazine du Palais de Tokyo Palais de Tokyo
248826 Palamedes: A Journal of Ancient History 1896-8244
814811 Palamède
72804 Palaogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
107830 Palapa Journal of Scientific Research in Architecture 1870-7483 Universidad de Colima, Mexique
863010 Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 1567-214X
140833 Palaver
126286 Palaver 2280-4250
68175 Palavra
115952 Palavra em Mutação
164679 Palawija News 0215-2711
137429 Paleoamerica
145409 Paleobiology
241399 Paleoceanography
294937 Paleoentomology
157790 Paleohsipanica
51605 Paleontographica A
41953 Paleontologia Africana
57831 Paleontological Contributions
32121 Paleontology
25968 Paleopathology Newsletter
477879 Paleos
51724 Paleoworld
167113 Palest. J. Math
330966 Palestine Journal of Mathematic
622668 Palestine Technical University Research Journal 1307-8081
111289 Palestine-Israel Journal MIDDLE EAST PUBLICATIONS
138225 Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture 0793-1395
828442 Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal 2790-0231
168763 Palette pour Marie-Madeleine Martinet
86195 Paletten
149206 Palgrave Communications 2055-1045
182726 Palgrave Shakespeare Studies
182727 Palgrave Studies in Life Writing
177904 Palilia 2366-133X
116158 Palimpsest. A Journal on Women, Gender and the Black International 2165-1612 State University of New York Press
491160 Palimpsestes Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle
496225 Palimpsestes : Traduire l’intertextualité 2109-943X Presses Universitaires de la Sorbonne
174505 Palimpsesto Cátedra Blanca de Barcelona
122510 Palimpsesto, revista cientifica de ciencias sociales iberoamericanas 0718-5898 Universidad de Santiago de Chile
137313 Palimpsesto. Revista de Arqueología
538867 Palladio. Rivista di storia dell'architettura e del restauro 0031-0379
85707 Palladium-catalysed direct regioselective C5-arylation of a thiophene bearing a cyclopropyl ketone group at C2
37358 Palliat Med
884364 Palliative & Supportive Care
167837 Palliative Medicine
170541 Palliative Medicine Reports
55594 Palms
153360 Palynosciences
31186 Paléolithique moyen récent et Paléolithique supérieur ancien en Europe. Ruptures et transitions : examen critique des documents archéologiques. Actes du colloque de Nemours, 9-11 mai 1988 n° 3, Mémoires du Musée de Préhistoire d'Ile-de-France
172422 Pamatky archeologiké
101121 Pamiętnik Literacki 0031-0514 Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
163956 Pamiętnik biblioteki kórnickiej [The Journal of the Kórnik Library] 0551-3790 Polska Akademia Nauk
70777 Pampa
74966 Pampa. Revista Interuniversitaria de Estudios Territoriales
106086 Pamphleteer, The realities of regeneration in London
172305 Pamàtky archeologické
173188 Památky Archeologické
525372 Pan African Medical Journal
399642 Pan African News
139314 Pan European Networks: Science & Technology Pan European Networks
113697 Pan Rivista di Filologia Latina 2284-0478 Università degli studi (Palerme, Italie)
126794 Pan-American Geologist
129473 PanNature Policy Bulletins 0866-7810 People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature)
178761 Panace@ Revista de medicina, lenguaje y traducción 1537-1964 Tremédica
200393 Panache
126809 Panambi. Revista de Investigaciones Artísticas 0719-630X Universidad de Valparaiso. Chile
82131 Panamerican Mathematical Journal
481614 Panard 2824-0391
885495 Pancreas 1536-4828
84771 Pancreatic cancer and the tumor microenvironment:
76396 Pandanus
166298 Paneuropa Österreich
674722 Pangeas. Revista Interdisciplinar de Ecocrítica 2695-5040
177197 Panoeconomicus 2217-2386
46238 Panoeconomicus
103887 Panoeconomicus 1452-595X Economists' Association of Vojvodina
838884 Panorama
364619 Panorama - Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art 2471-6839 Libraries Publishing
114079 Panorama / politiques et sociétés Éditions Charles Corlet
71388 Panorama Administrativo
979867 Panorama de droit pharmaceutique
98485 Panorama de l'Actualité / of events Publishing and Marketing House
169283 Panorama du médecin
63963 Panorama et Synthèses
91810 Panoramique
49133 Panoramique, le cœur, le sexe et toi et moi...,
179537 Panoramiques 1255-0620
27144 Panoramiques
44762 Panoramiques
311917 Panta Rei - Revista digital de Historia y Didáctica de la Historia 1136-2464
171682 Pantagruel La nave di Teseo
415789 Panteon 2723-9934 O.Gra.Ro.Srl Officine Grafiche Roma
144352 Panthéon Assas : le magazine de l'Université 2554-7119 Université Paris 2 Panthéon Assas
577501 Panthéon Sorbonne Magazine
80235 Panurge (site)
106376 Papeles Médicos 1133-7591 Sociedad Española de Documentación Médica (SEDOM)
41582 Papeles de Economia espanola n° spécial La historia economica de las cajas de ahorros : Raices profondas de una realidad pujante
58779 Papeles de Europa
121502 Papeles de Geografía 1989-4627 Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Letras Universidad de Murcia
152133 Papeles de Población
138805 Papeles de Trabajo 1851-2578
177358 Papeles de Trabajo - Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Etnolinguistica y Antropologia Socio-Cultural 1852-4508
134584 Papeles de la India (The Spanish Quarterly Journal of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations Consejo indo de relaciones culturales
727943 Papeles de trabajo 1851-2577 UNSAM Edita
57262 Papeles: Revista de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global
42525 Paper International
64645 Paper SPE 134293 - Proc. SPE Annual Technical Conference,
541072 Paper and Biomaterials
307787 Paper and the paper manuscript
368113 Paper in Linguistics 0031-1251
162270 Paper presented to the Scientific Committee of the International whaling Commission
120857 PaperPublications
424862 Papernia - Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal for Innovative Research Wajoku Digital Library
73531 Papers
105585 Papers IEMED 1988-7981
48653 Papers and Proceedings
117206 Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association
57111 Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
106837 Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics
640312 Papers di diritto europeo 2038-0461
165797 Papers do NAEA 1516-9111 Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos
182155 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 2041-9015
66095 Papers from the Staffordshire Hoard Symposium, British Museum
766603 Papers in Applied Geography 2375-4931
112554 Papers in Historical Phonology
491525 Papers in Physics
130136 Papers in Regional Science
60025 Papers of the British School at Rome
103046 Papers of the Geographic Seminar ”Dimitrie Cantemir” Department of Geography, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University