Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
156560 Acta Parasitologica Turcica
156561 Plant Breeding and Seed Science 1429-3862
156562 Getreide Mehl und Brot 0367-4177
156563 Odours and VOC's Journal 1025-2576
156564 Sciences Vétérinaires Médecine Comparée 0750-7682
156565 Scientifur 0105-2403
156566 Recent Research Developments in Microbiology
156567 Journal of Conference Abstracts 1362-0886
156568 Recherches Marines 1242-3947
156569 Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Supplementband, Large Rivers 0945-3784
156570 Annual Wheat Newsletter
156571 MSH Informations 0397-2062
156572 Haute Définition 0999-5846
156573 Journal of the Taiwan Livestock Research 0253-9209
156574 JET. Journal Epidémiologie Terrain 1254-8472
156575 Revue de la Fédération Wallonne Horticole
156576 Vie Agricole et Coopérative 0750-4497
156577 Bulletin de Liaison de la Société Botanique du Vaucluse 1281-2676
156578 Nova Acta Cientifica Compostelana (Bioloxia) 1130-9717
156579 Biotecnologia Ciência & Desenvolvimento 1414-6347
156580 New York History 0146-437X
156581 HRC and CC. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography and Chromatography Communications 0344-7138
156582 Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de Mulhouse 0373-4544
156583 Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology of the Netherlands Entomological Society 1388-8390
156584 Revista Chilena de Entomologia 0034-740X
156585 Ichtyophysiologica Acta 0245-8608
156586 Ovis 1130-4863
156587 French Politics, Culture and Society 0882-1267
156588 Mineralia Slovaca 0369-2086
156589 Zeszyty Naukowe Polskie Towarzystwo Zootechniczne 1230-5367
156590 Horticulture et Paysage Magazine. L'Horticulture française 1288-6785
156591 Research Advances in Agricultural and Food Chemistry
156592 Ophtalmologie (Paris) 0989-3105
156593 Echos de la Gaillarde
156594 Cahiers du Bioger 1264-7551
156595 Tecno Vet 0717-1439
156596 Entomological Knowledge 0452-8255
156597 Viticulture en Val de Loire 1151-1109
156598 Herba Polonica 0018-0599
156599 Médecine et Chirurgie Digestives 0047-6412
156600 GCIRC Bulletin 0765-9466
156601 International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Newsletter for Europe 1026-695X
156602 Ochrana Rostlin 0862-8645
156603 Rostlinna Vyroba 0370-663X
156604 BYDV Newsletter
156605 Revue du Papier Carton 1279-0958
156606 Rat Genome 1081-4205
156607 Caryologia 0008-7114 Firenze University Press
156608 Seminars in Food Analysis 1084-2071
156609 Recent Research Developments in Synthetic Organic Chemistry