Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
1144 International Journal of Communications Law and Policy 1439-6262 Oxford University, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
176525 Bioinformatics Advances Oxford academic
21041 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 0004-6264 Oxford university press
96137 British Archaeological Reports (BAR) 0143-3032 Oxford: British Archaeological Reports
182400 British Journal of Anaesthesia open 2772-6096 Oxford: Elsevier Ltd
1402 Journal of Dependence 1302-5570 Ozel Bagýmlilik Saglik Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti
149669 Oñati Socio-Legal Series 2079-5971 Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law - Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati
131793 Creatio fantastica 2300-2514 Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
7652 P: Art and Culture Magazine 1302-244X P Magazine
2927 American Preservation 0148-3668 P. Briggs
109898 Philologie im Netz: Beihefte 1436-7211 P. Gévaudan c/o Romanisches Seminar, Eberhard-Karls-Universität / P. Schneck c/o Amerika-Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität / D. Scholler c/o Institut für Romanische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin
57704 Compar(a)ison: an international journal of comparative literature 0942-8917 P. Lang
136469 Les Cahiers Stéphane Mallarmé 1661-0288 P. Lang
165211 Transatlantic Aesthetics and Culture 1661-805X P. Lang
91870 Revue de l'Agenais 0035-1288 P. Noubel
160149 Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences 1983-8409 PACIS
739821 PAGE. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe 1871-6032 PAGE. Population approach group Europe
168044 MAP Kinase 2235-4956 PAGEPress
104874 Rendiconti / Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Classe di scienze matematiche e naturali 2384-986X PAGEPress
128112 Journal of Limnology 1129-5767 PAGEPress Publications
109673 European Journal of Translational Myology 2037-7452 PAGEPress®
177342 Past Global Changes Horizons 2788-5658 PAGES (Past Global Changes)
22671 Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Andrologia 1124-3562 PAGEpress
22264 European Journal of Histochemistry 1121-760X PAGEpress
125784 Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 2038-324X PAGEpress
102350 Open Journal of Archaeometry 2038-1956 PAGEpress
21371 Reumatismo 0048-7449 PAGEpress
1912 PASOS : Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural 1695-7121 PASOS
216695 Revue des Sciences Sociales-Programme d’Appui Stratégique à la Recherche Scientifique 2311-5890 PASRES Editions - Programme d'appui stratégique à la recherche scientifique (Abidjan)
3682 Cable World 1042-7228 PBI Media,LLC
3683 CableFAX's CableWORLD 1547-7223 PBI Media,LLC
7705 PC Computing 0899-1847 PC Computing
89454 Primary Care Diabetes 1751-9918 PCDE/Elsevier
122031 Carnets rouges PCF
28718 Spectra Analyse 1635-947X PCI
147976 International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing PEARL (Publishing Engineering and Academic Research Letters) Media Publications
160509 Pedagogika Społeczna = Social Pedagogy 1642-672X PEDAGOGIUM Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie
6992 Material Handling Management 1529-4897 PENTON MEDIA, Inc
37460 Bulletin PFC (Phonologie du Français Contemporain) PFC - Phonologie du Français Contemporain
65790 Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 1897-8649 PIAP
1919 Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé 1481-9384 PISTES
117699 Bulletin juridique des assurances 2557-938X PJ Ventures [2017, n° 51 -....] [LexisNexis]
38600 Clinica 0144-7777 PJB Publications Ltd
40467 Scrip - World Pharmaceutical News 0143-7690 PJB Publications Ltd
128959 Medicine Anthropology Theory 2405-691X PKP Publishing Service
108759 Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 1551-9899 PKP Publishing ServicesNetwork
250412 PLOS Digital Health PLOS
1956 PLoS Computational Biology 1553-734X PLOS
117525 Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 1938-7228 PMLR
22752 American Journal of Health Behavior 1087-3244 PNG Publications
143592 Journal of Biological Methods POL scientific
172089 Tangente Éducation 1956-3434 POLE
156418 Notizie di Politeia. Rivista di etica e di scelte pubbliche 1128-2401 POLITEIA - Centro per la ricerca e la formazione in politica e etica (Milan, Italie) [1985-....]
40253 PR Internet Online 1422-8610 PR Internet Online
3883 Chicago (1975) 0362-4595 PRIMEDIA Consumer Media and Magazine Group
4748 Exceptional Education Quarterly 0196-6960 PRO-ED
2574 Academic Therapy 0001-396X PRO-ED Journals
82756 PSN – Psychiatrie, Sciences humaines, Neurosciences 1639-8319 PSN éd. [2003-2006] - Springer [2007-2011] - Éditions matériologiques [2012-....]
112696 Advances in food sciences 1431-7737 PSP
148735 Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics 2617-9687 PSR Press
4937 Forum for the Discussion of New Trends in Education 0046-4708 PSW Publications
5304 Idea 0019-1272 PTC Research Foundation; 1999
3280 Audio Visual Communications 0004-7562 PTN Publishing Co
5472 Industrial Photography 0019-8595 PTN Publishing Co
7835 Plastics World 0032-1273 PTN Publishing Co
4035 The Commercial Image 1081-3128 PTN Publishing Co
122884 Droit nucléaire PUAM
123667 Les nouveaux problèmes actuels de sciences criminelles 2262-1407 PUAM
119566 Scripta 1516-4039 PUC Minas
747757 Dispositiva : revista interinstitucional dos programas de pós-graduação em comunicação social da PUC Minas e da UFMG PUC Minas ; UFMG
169758 Analógos PUC-Rio
121432 Premier plan (Paris-La-Défense) 0183-0937 PUCA (Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture)
114460 Ius Inter Gentes, Revista de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales PUCP
164953 Revista de psicología 0254-9247 PUCP
534962 Anthropía 2076-0574 PUCP (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
67358 Annales bergsoniennes PUF
43287 Communication & langages 0336-1500 PUF
121221 La pensée écologique 2558-1465 PUF
160144 Monde Commun 2648-1146 PUF
41770 Topique : La psychanalyse aujourd'hui [Revue freudienne] 0040-9375 PUF [1969-1973] – Épi s.a. éditeurs [1974-1987] – Dunod [1988-1996] – L'Esprit du temps [1997-2022] – A2IP [2023-...]
56638 Revue du Management Technologique 1774-0061 PUG
820076 Revue Scientifique des travaux de fin d'Étude en Rééducation et Réadaptation 3038-3617 PULIM
110973 Temporalités, revue du CERHILIM (Centre de recherche historique de l'Université de Limoges) 1769-9932 PULIM
91705 Incertains regards. Cahiers dramaturgiques 2116-0619 PUP (Presses universitaires de Provence)
27593 Cahiers de sociolinguistique 1273-6449 PUR - Presse Universitaire de Rennes
165230 Changer d'époque [anciennement Cahiers du GRHis] 2111-6911 PURH – Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre [2010, n° 21-....]
93198 Publicaciones del Seminario Matemático García Galdeano 0085-6029 PUZ Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza
38317 Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology 0920-5268 Pabst Science Publishers
158103 Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik 0170-0537 Pabst Science Publishers
40773 Transplantationsmedizin 0946-9648 Pabst Science Publishers
142708 Pacarina del Sur: Revista de Pensamiento Crítico Lationamericano Pacarina del Sur
7653 Pace Environmental Law Review 0738-6206 Pace Univeristy School of Law
117443 Woolf Studies Annual 1080-9317 Pace University Press
7654 Pace International Law Review 1553-7897 Pace University School of Law
7655 Pace Law Review 0272-2410 Pace University School of Law
7656 Pace Yearbook of International Law 1052-3448 Pace University School of Law
179248 Pacific Arts 1018-4252 Pacific Arts Association