Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
14473 International Journal of Human Resource Management 0958-5192 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14474 International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 1465-6612 Inderscience
13989 International Journal of Human Rights 1364-2987 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
1163 International Journal of Human Sciences 1303-5134 International Journal of Human Sciences
148340 International Journal of Human Settlements 2588-1779 Association Nationale des Enseignants Architectes Universitaires (A.N.E.A.U) (Algérie)
531300 International Journal of Human Settlements Vol. 3 Nr. 1 2019 2588-1779 ANEAU Association
14475 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 1044-7318 Taylor & Francis
171442 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 1532-7590
84071 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (Special Issue on Human-Virtual Environment Interaction)
5624 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 1071-5819 Elsevier
113780 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Elsevier
148101 International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2349-0373 ARC Publications
174471 International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science 2471-7576
64506 International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 1753-8548 Edinburgh University Press
152766 International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies 2356-5926
747192 International Journal of Humanities and Education Research 2664-9799
171722 International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences
5625 International Journal of Humanities and Peace 1042-4032 International Journal of Humanities and Peace
60106 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) 2220-8488 Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA
130798 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
607608 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) 2319-7714 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
181818 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research 2455-2070 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research
716689 International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS)
162338 International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 2415-0916
14476 International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 0219-8436 World Scientific Publishing
123852 International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, World Scientific
105420 International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
118573 International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 1448-5869
71481 International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems
79833 International Journal of Hybrid Systems
33108 International Journal of Hydroclimatology
14477 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 0360-3199 Elsevier
984088 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
153877 International Journal of Hydropower and Dams 1352-2523
14478 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 1438-4639 Elsevier
153513 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 1438-4639
145932 International Journal of Hypertension 2090-0384
14479 International Journal of Hyperthermia 0265-6736 Taylor & Francis
118448 International Journal of IT Architecture, Engineering and Construction
171361 International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research
133783 International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research 1539-3062
64173 International Journal of ITS Research
14480 International Journal of Iberian Studies 1364-971X Intellect
80001 International Journal of Image Processing
81640 International Journal of Image Processing and Visual Communication (IJIPVC) Journal Home e-Publication ( A Unit of OppCorp Learning & Development Pvt.Ltd.)
65826 International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 1947-9832 Taylor & Francis
14481 International Journal of Image and Graphics 0219-4678 World Scientific Publishing
109771 International Journal of Image and Graphics (IJIG)
93536 International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 2074-9074 Modern Education and Computer Science Press(MECS Press)
70149 International Journal of Imaging Systems Engineering
14482 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 0899-9457 Wiley
136332 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
94376 International Journal of Imaging and Robotics
138449 International Journal of Imaging and Robotics (IJIR)
168334 International Journal of Imagining and Robotics
14483 International Journal of Immunogenetics 1744-3121 Wiley
130510 International Journal of Immunology 2329-177X Science Publishing Group
22056 International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 0394-6320 University of Chieti -- Medical School
14484 International Journal of Immunopharmacology 0192-0561 Elsevier
362699 International Journal of Immunotherapy and Cancer Research 2455-8591
14485 International Journal of Impact Engineering 0734-743X Elsevier
132459 International Journal of Impact Engineering
14486 International Journal of Impotence Research 0955-9930 Nature Publishing Group
1164 International Journal of Inclusive Democracy 1753-240X International Network for Inclusive Democracy
14487 International Journal of Inclusive Education 1360-3116 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
138359 International Journal of Indian Languages and Literature 2455-1678 JOILL, Babukhan Estate,Basheerbag, Hyderabad-500 001
148062 International Journal of Industrial Chemistry
110285 International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research
121344 International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 1923-2926
300517 International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 2217-2661
101243 International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice 1943-670X
496920 International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice 1072-4761
14489 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 0169-8141 Elsevier
86256 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (IJIE)
14490 International Journal of Industrial Organization 0167-7187 Elsevier
77602 International Journal of Industrial Robot
844234 International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering 2575-3150
315720 International Journal of Industrial and Operations Research
14488 International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1748-5037 Inderscience
14491 International Journal of Infectious Diseases 1201-9712 Elsevier
259582 International Journal of Infectious Diseases
127929 International Journal of Inflammation 2090-8040 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
43889 International Journal of Info & Com Sciences for Decision Making
48571 International Journal of Info & Com for Decision
44301 International Journal of Info and Com Sciences for Decision Making
106235 International Journal of Informatics Society 1883-4566 Japan Informatics Society
143552 International Journal of Informatics and Applied Mathematics 2667-6990
180334 International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT) 2252-8776 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
14492 International Journal of Information Acquisition 0219-8789 World Scientific Publishing
173530 International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development 1935-5661
80242 International Journal of Information Engineering
141251 International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business 2074-9023
14494 International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012 Elsevier
40509 International Journal of Information Management 0143-6236 Elsevier
144595 International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012
176329 International Journal of Information Management
881868 International Journal of Information Processing and Communication (IJIPC) 2645-2960 University of Ilorin, Nigeria
109896 International Journal of Information Quality
167255 International Journal of Information Retrieval and Management 2320-2548 Intellect Research Publications
125489 International Journal of Information Science & Technology 2550-5114 iJIST
154680 International Journal of Information Science and Intelligent System
855291 International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM) 2008-8310 Islamic World Science and Technology Monitoring and Citation Institute (ISC)
43907 International Journal of Information Science for Decision Making
83304 International Journal of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering 1836-7305 Pharus
875212 International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques 2249-1139
1090 International Journal of Information Sciences for Decision Making 1265-499X University of South Toulon - Var
14495 International Journal of Information Security 1615-5262 Springer Verlag
163906 International Journal of Information Security Science
39408 International Journal of Information Security and Privacy 1930-1650 IGI Global
110180 International Journal of Information Studies 1911-8408
63798 International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design 1947-8186 IGI Global
77471 International Journal of Information Systems (IJIS)
14496 International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 1479-3121 Inderscience
162836 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC)
150425 International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management 1935-5726 IGI Global
103303 International Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication Engineering (IJISTE)
137075 International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management 1937-9390 IGI-Global
152128 International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector 1935-5688
116774 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach 1935-570X igi
1165 International Journal of Information Technology 1304-239X World Enformatika Society
178921 International Journal of Information Technology Project Management
788221 International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 2074-9007
14497 International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 0219-6220 World Scientific Publishing
117308 International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 2306-708X ITEE
96396 International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing
14498 International Journal of Information Technology and Management 1461-4111 Inderscience
144814 International Journal of Information Technology and Management 1461-4111
64713 International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM)
92717 International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM) Special Issue on: "Advances and Trends in Biometrics". Dr Lidong Wang (IF 0.727)
69803 International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM),
62666 International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM), Special issue,
109724 International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 1554-1045 Idea group publishing
55930 International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering
161290 International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE)
875122 International Journal of Information Technology, Control and Automation 1839-6682
64916 International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 1753-7703 Inderscience
66512 International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies
123336 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 1466-6642 Inderscience Publishers
92562 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), IGI Global Publisher
39407 International Journal of Information and Computer Security 1744-1765 Inderscience
115666 International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 1756-7017
110112 International Journal of Information and Education Technology 2010-3689
77067 International Journal of Information and Education Technology
71784 International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering 2010-3719 Inconnu
137012 International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 2056-4880 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
14493 International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 1744-2303 Inderscience
43955 International Journal of Information, Savoirs, Decision & Médiation
43954 International Journal of Information, Savoirs, Decision & Savoirs
44009 International Journal of Information, Savoirs, Médiation, Décision
110175 International Journal of Information- Intelligence-Interaction (I3)
14499 International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 0195-9271 Springer Verlag
937746 International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
14500 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 1745-7300 Taylor & Francis
123800 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
131598 International Journal of Innovation 2318-9975 Nove de Julho University, São Paulo, Brazil
89886 International Journal of Innovation (IJI)
39409 International Journal of Innovation Management 1363-9196 World Scientific Publishing
363710 International Journal of Innovation Management
782053 International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223
130882 International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research IJSIR
624946 International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review 2582-6131 IJISRR
110841 International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 2028-9324 ISSR Journals
146679 International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
147531 International Journal of Innovation and Knowledge Management in Middle East and North Afric
14501 International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1471-8197 Inderscience
55474 International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL)
109465 International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research 2351-8014 ISSR Journals
14502 International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 1740-8822 Inderscience
14503 International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 0219-8770 World Scientific Publishing
741393 International Journal of Innovation in Engineering 2783-1906
960113 International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 2201-1323
68402 International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology 2010-0248 International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
171146 International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology 2319-1058
145352 International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research Pen Academic Publishing
81180 International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 1751-6498 Inderscience Publishers
102317 International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 1349-4198 ICIC International
142484 International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control
109872 International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management ( IJIR EM)
115585 International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies 2394-4404
135677 International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 2278-0211 Globeedu Group
177434 International Journal of Innovative Research and Publications
154728 International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies
115455 International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
132219 International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering 2321-2004
953449 International Journal of Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Education 2833-4515
125488 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 2347-6710
112480 International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering and Technology
181833 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 2456-2165 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
159242 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
165141 International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology 2348-7968
652500 International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities 2456-4931
140861 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
14504 International Journal of Inorganic Materials 1466-6049 Elsevier
27540 International Journal of Inovative Computing, Information and Control
14505 International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 0020-7322 Elsevier
426439 International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 Sage
128295 International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy Scientific & Academic Publishing
5626 International Journal of Instructional Media 0092-1815 Westwood Press, Inc
1166 International Journal of Integrated Care 1568-4156 Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals
164158 International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2229-838X