Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
12814 Economic Annals 0013-3264 Faculty of Economics, Belgrade
4478 Economic Botany 0013-0001 Springer Verlag
12763 Economic Bulletin 0343-754X Springer Verlag
12764 Economic Change and Restructuring 1573-9414 Springer Verlag
12765 Economic Design 0928-5040 Springer-Verlag
4480 Economic Development Quarterly: The Journal of American Economic Revitalization 0891-2424 SAGE Publications
4479 Economic Development and Cultural Change 0013-0079 University of Chicago Press
4481 Economic Geography 0013-0095 Taylor and Francis
4482 Economic Geology 0361-0128 Society of Economic Geologists
20660 Economic History Review
77990 Economic History of Developing Regions
4484 Economic Indicators 0013-0125 U.S. Government Printing Office, For sale by the Superintendent of Documents
4485 Economic Inquiry 0095-2583 Wiley
12766 Economic Modelling 0264-9993 Elsevier
12767 Economic Notes 0391-5026 Wiley
12768 Economic Outlook 0140-489X Wiley
12769 Economic Policy 0266-4658 Oxford University Press (OUP)
38825 Economic Policy Reforms 1813-2715 OECD Publishing
4810 Economic Quarterly- Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 1069-7225 The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
12770 Economic Record 0013-0249 Wiley
38826 Economic Report of the President Bernan Associates
4488 Economic Review- Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 0161-2387 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
4812 Economic Review- Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 0363-0021 The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
110375 Economic Sociology (European Electronic Newsletter) 1871-3351 Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
162397 Economic Studies journal = Ikonomicheski Izsledvania 0205-3292 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute
12771 Economic Systems 0939-3625 Elsevier
12772 Economic Systems Research 0953-5314 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
12773 Economic Theory 0938-2259 Springer Verlag
120702 Economic Theory Bulletin 2196-1085 Springer International Publishing
38827 Economic Trends 0013-0400 Palgrave Publishers Ltd
120527 Economic alternatives 1312-7462 UNWE (Bulgaria)
12762 Economic and Industrial Democracy 0143-831X SAGE Publications
150675 Economic and Labour Relations Review 1035-3046 Cambridge University Press
164111 Economic and Political Studies 2095-4816 Taylor & Francis
38824 Economic and political weekly 0012-9976 Sameeksha Trust
120750 Economic anf Financial Computing 0962-2780
4487 Economic outlook USA 0095-3830 University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research
4489 Economica 0013-0427 Wiley
104854 Economica e Politica Industriale 2281-5260
113529 Economics 1864-6042 de Gruyter
126460 Economics 2376-659X Science Publishing Group
705 Economics Bulletin 1545-2921 Economics Bulletin
12777 Economics Letters 0165-1765 Elsevier
137111 Economics and Business 1987-5789 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
109686 Economics and Business Letters 2254-4380 University of Oviedo
12774 Economics and Human Biology 1570-677X Elsevier
12775 Economics and Philosophy 0266-2671 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
82416 Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment 2280-7659 Franco Angeli Edizioni
12776 Economics and Politics 0954-1985 Wiley
104264 Economics and business review 2392-1641 Poznań University of Economics Press