Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
94812 Plastik
94825 Kinesiology
94826 Muzica
94830 Livres Hebdo
94831 La Boîte à outils
94833 Proceedings of the JMSM 2008 Conference
94843 Acoustic Research Letters Online
94849 L'inouï, revue de l'Ircam
94861 Circuit
94862 Cognition Technology & Work
94868 Technical paper
94879 Théâtre Publique
94881 Journal on Multimodal User Interface manuscript
94882 Noise & Vibration Worldwide
94889 Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung
94891 Contemporary Muic Review
94901 ICC 2014 : IEEE International Conference on Communications
94903 Workshop interdisciplinaire sur la sécurité globale
94908 Earth and Environmental Science . IOP Conf. Series
94909 Nouveau Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne
94910 journal of Mathematical Biosciences
94917 LNCS Series, Spinger
94919 Joural of European Real Estate Research
94922 Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Conf. Series
94926 Journal of Control Engineering and Technology 2329-5430 inconnu
94933 ISPSO 2013 : annual meeting of the International Society for the Psychoanalytical Study of Organizations
94946 Discourses Processes
94953 Études&Travaux TESC
94957 Biennales des jeunes créateurs d'Europe et de la Méditerranée
94959 Bull. de la SMF, 138 (3), 395-413 (2011)
94966 Cahiers de la Société des Amis de Jean Lorrain
93816 Theory in Bioscience
93820 El Caldero de la Escuela
93821 Inwit, Tidjdschrift voor psychoanalyse van de New Lacanian School
93822 Bulletin de l'École d'architecture de Nancy
93824 Revue des Études Islamiques (R.E.I.)
93825 Hurly Burly
93826 Freie Universitaet Berlin/ Verlag Das Arabische Buch
93827 Carta de Sao Paulo, Boletim da Escola Brasileira de Psicanálise
93828 Lacanian Ink
93829 Vierteljahresberichte: Problems of International Cooperation
93834 Geneva Papers
93835 Lacunae, Journal of the Association for Psychoanalysys and Psychotherapy
93839 Der Bürger im Staat
93840 International Politics and Society/International Politik und Gesellschaft
93841 Current microwave chemistry
93842 Cancer & Metabolism
93844 Freudiana
93849 Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters
93851 La Psicoanalisi
93854 Mediodicho
93855 Revista Lacaniana de Psicoanalisis
93856 Feuillets psychanalytiques du Courtil
93862 ZDM The international Journal on Mathematics Education
93863 Mol Metab
93866 International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security
93869 Economicos Tachidromos
93870 Global Strategy Journal
93872 African Diaspora J. of Math
93873 Proceedings of Nice Spring School on Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology
93880 Revista de Geofisica
93881 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology
93884 Dispar
93885 Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
93888 Umbr(a)
93889 El Psiconanàlisis
93890 Problemi
93892 Enlaces
93893 La petite Girafe
93894 La Lettre Mensuelle
93895 Rivages
93896 Abords
93900 Proceedings of International Conference on 3D Vision
93902 Springer MTAP
93904 Hindawi International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
93906 Nuncius. Journal of the History of Science
93909 L'a-graphe
93915 Confluents
93918 Elsevier Journal on Computers & Security
93919 Expert Syst. Appl
93921 Vidya ( ISSN 2176-4603) Centro Universitário Franciscano de Santa Maria (RS Brésil)
93924 Les documents de Scripta
93926 Letterina
93932 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
93934 Doppiozero
93936 hæcceit@s web. Rivista online di filosofia, cultura e società
93945 Proceedings of the International Conference on PLM '10
93951 Nóema - Rivista online di filosofia
93952 Bulletin de l'UFORCA pour l'Université Populaire Jacques Lacan
93955 studies on Voltaire
93956 Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE 11th IVMSP Workshop
93957 Proceedings of 2013 IEEE 15th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)
93958 Bulletin du Centre Pierre Léon d'histoire économique et sociale
93965 Bulletin of Tsuyama national College of technology
93968 Terre Du CiEN
93970 Bibliothèque municipale de Nantes
93972 L'objet lacanien
93974 Forum - Association Cause Freudienne