Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
14511 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 0884-8173 Wiley
172438 International Journal of Intelligent Systems
77469 International Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS)
14512 International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 1740-8865 Inderscience
96203 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications
96799 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications ijisa MECS Publisher
670548 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering 2147-6799
1167 International Journal of Intelligent Technology 1305-6417 World Enformatika Society
82689 International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 1348-8503 Springer Verlag
14509 International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems 0218-2157 World Scientific
14513 International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy 1096-7028 Wiley
66571 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies
55166 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)
76626 International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence UNIR
110234 International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education 1741-5659 EmeraldInsight
169783 International Journal of Intercultural Information Management 1750-0028 Inderscience
14514 International Journal of Intercultural Relations 0147-1767 Elsevier
114889 International Journal of Intercultural Relations
114704 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking
892995 International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies Publication of the European Centre for Research Training and Development -UK
14516 International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1477-5212 Inderscience
14517 International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 1743-8209 Inderscience
109917 International Journal of Internet Science 1662-5544
96985 International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transaction
71896 International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions
14515 International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 1476-1300 Inderscience
76076 International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM)
27475 International Journal of Internet and Entreprise Management
103921 International Journal of Interoperability in Business Information Systems
123485 International Journal of Inventory Research 1746-6970 Inderscience publishers
738527 International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Research 2636-9419
119054 International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding
182070 International Journal of Islamic Psychology
125933 International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
122855 International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 1753-8394
129953 International Journal of Islamic architecture 2045-5895 Intellect
163884 International Journal of Islands Research 2737-7776 Technological University Dublin
330127 International Journal of Jaina Studies 1748-1074 SOAS University of London
14518 International Journal of Japanese Sociology 0918-7545 Wiley
92926 International Journal of Journalism & Mass Communication
102526 International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology 2234-0068
121581 International Journal of Knowledge Engineering 2382-6185
103694 International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
97295 International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms Inderscience
39411 International Journal of Knowledge Management 1548-0666 IGI Global
104325 International Journal of Knowledge Management & E-Learning
14520 International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 1743-8268 Inderscience
176545 International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies,
87298 International Journal of Knowledge Society Research (IJKSR)
14519 International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 1741-1009 Inderscience
146863 International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science 1947-8208
39412 International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 1447-9575 Common Ground Publishing
137470 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2040-4468 Inderscience
178803 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations 2155-6393 IGI Global
130792 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations
352384 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO)
94131 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems
39413 International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 1327-2314 IOS Press
115352 International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, KES Journal, IOS Press Eds., Netherlands
77361 International Journal of LCA
14521 International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 1751-5521 Wiley
178891 International Journal of Lakes and Rivers
104784 International Journal of Landslides and Environment 2350-8663 Himalayan Landslide Society
143792 International Journal of Language & Linguistics 2374-8850 Center for Promoting Ideas
414990 International Journal of Language Academy 2342-0251 Ömer Tuğrul KARA
54453 International Journal of Language Resources and Evaluation
124717 International Journal of Language Studies 2157-4898
133042 International Journal of Language Testing
14522 International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 1368-2822 Wiley
98269 International Journal of Language and Culture 2214-3165 John Benjamins Publishing
226396 International Journal of Language and Linguistics 2330-0205 Science Publishing Group
126413 International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication 2241-4304 EKT Publishing
166916 International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics 2382-6282 Jason Miin-Hwa Lim
130246 International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research 2455-4847
729956 International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS) 2456-0766
781602 International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
166749 International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology 2319-3778 SN EDUCATION SOCIETY
5630 International Journal of Law Libraries 0340-045X C.F. Muller
5627 International Journal of Law and Information Technology 0967-0769 Oxford University Press (OUP)
143483 International Journal of Law and Management 1754-243X
5628 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 0160-2527 Elsevier
412688 International Journal of Law and Society 2640-1894 Science Publishing Group
959310 International Journal of Law in Changing World 2764-6068
14523 International Journal of Law in Context 1744-5523 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
427316 International Journal of Law in Context 1744-5531
64965 International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice
415074 International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies (IJLESS) 2394-9724 KY Publications
143072 International Journal of Law, Language and Discourse
5631 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 1360-9939 Oxford University Press (OUP)
39414 International Journal of Leadership Education Senate Hall Academic Publishers
14524 International Journal of Leadership in Education 1360-3124 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
38469 International Journal of Leadership in Public Services 1747-9886 Emerald
80786 International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 2040-4166 Emerald Publishing
150634 International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 2215-1478 John Benjamins Publishing Company
125067 International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities
39415 International Journal of Learning 1447-9494 Common Ground Publishing
90213 International Journal of Learning Technologies not yet available
14527 International Journal of Learning Technology 1477-8386 Inderscience
76059 International Journal of Learning Technology (IJLT)
14525 International Journal of Learning and Change 1740-2875 Inderscience
159235 International Journal of Learning and Development
14526 International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 1479-4853 Inderscience
572815 International Journal of Learning and Teaching 1986-4558
169426 International Journal of Legal Discourse 2364-8821
337171 International Journal of Legal History and Institutions Elisabeth Gilmour, 17 Catherine St. Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 3AQ, 2017
42715 International Journal of Legal Medecine
12546 International Journal of Legal Medicine 0937-9827 Springer
890772 International Journal of Legal and Social Order
105535 International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 1757-5567 Inderscience Publishers
14528 International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 0148-916X International Journal of Leprosy
5633 International Journal of Lexicography 0950-3846 Oxford University Press (OUP)
153168 International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry 1741-6426 Inderscience
666125 International Journal of Library and Information Studies 2231-4911 SSR Subscription Agency
14930 International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 0948-3349 Springer Verlag
874852 International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
174433 International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research 2250-3137
5634 International Journal of Lifelong Education 0260-1370 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14911 International Journal of Lighting Research and Technology 1365-7828 Sage Publications
164093 International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 2588-8404
620872 International Journal of Limnology
899485 International Journal of Linguistic studies MUSTAPHA ZANZOUN
176892 International Journal of Linguistics 1948-5425
483889 International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation 2708-0099
39416 International Journal of Listening 1090-4018 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
102530 International Journal of Literacies The Learner
226353 International Journal of Literature and Arts 2331-0553 Science Publishing Group
94012 International Journal of Livestock Production
168075 International Journal of Livestock Research
176601 International Journal of Logistics Management
19486 International Journal of Logistics Management, The 0957-4093 Emerald
14529 International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 1367-5567 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14530 International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 1742-7967 Inderscience
90487 International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM)
71089 International Journal of Logistics economics and globalisation
14531 International Journal of Low Radiation 1477-6545 Inderscience
166179 International Journal of Low Radiation
5635 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 1748-1317 Oxford University Press (OUP)
14931 International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 1534-7346 SAGE Publications
135292 International Journal of MS Care 1537-2073 Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)
109711 International Journal of Machine Consciousness
113572 International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing EJournal
14532 International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research 0020-7357 Elsevier
43282 International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture
14533 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 0890-6955 Elsevier
14534 International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 1748-5711 Inderscience
115586 International Journal of Management (IJM)
107069 International Journal of Management - Theory and Applications (IREMAN) Praise Worthy Prize
14537 International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1478-1484 Inderscience
23595 International Journal of Management Education
95944 International Journal of Management Excellence
14538 International Journal of Management Practice 1477-9064 Inderscience
119464 International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy 2319-345X IJMRBS
14539 International Journal of Management Reviews 1460-8545 Wiley
52956 International Journal of Management Science OMEGA
128340 International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration 1849-5419 Inovatus Usluge Ltd
54948 International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 1750-9653 Taylor & Francis
51999 International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management
494620 International Journal of Management and Business Studies International Scholar Journals
501183 International Journal of Management and Business Studies International Scholar Journals
14535 International Journal of Management and Decision Making 1462-4621 Inderscience
14536 International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 1468-4330 Inderscience
146504 International Journal of Management and Fuzzy Systems 2575-4939
115587 International Journal of Management and Humanities (IJMH) 2394-0913 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd
166396 International Journal of Management and Marketing Research 1931-0269 The Institute for Business and Finance Research
124529 International Journal of Management and Network Economics 1754-2316 Inderscience
61721 International Journal of Management and Network Economics
130836 International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering
150577 International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering 2249-7455
14540 International Journal of Managerial Finance 1743-9132 Emerald
138524 International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
103295 International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 1753-6715 Inderscience Publishers
67076 International Journal of Managing Information Technology (IJMIT)
81117 International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1753-8378 Emerald
357636 International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains AIRCC Publishing
14541 International Journal of Manpower 0143-7720 Emerald
14542 International Journal of Manufacturing Research 1750-0591 Inderscience
140683 International Journal of Manufacturing Research
14543 International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 1368-2148 Inderscience
144658 International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 1368-2148
142984 International Journal of Maps in Mathematics
102846 International Journal of Marine Energy 2214-1669 Elsevier
860662 International Journal of Marine Science 1927-6648 Aqua Publisher
5637 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 0927-3522 Brill Academic Publishers
109667 International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2005-9795 Korea Maritime Institute
59703 International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
51144 International Journal of Maritime Engineering (IJME) 1740-0716 Royal Institution of Naval Architects
41612 International Journal of Maritime History 0843-8714 SAGE Publishing
39417 International Journal of Market Research 1470-7853 World Advertising Research Center
144408 International Journal of Market Research 1470-7853
121981 International Journal of Market Research
409807 International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies
62138 International Journal of Marketing Studies 1918-719X Canadian Center of Science and Education
387904 International Journal of Marketing and Sales Education 2572-4851
158202 International Journal of Marketing and Social Policy (IJMSP)
168904 International Journal of Martial Arts 2287-8599 Korea Society of Martial Arts (KOSOMA), International Society of Martial Arts and Korea Education Foundation
112766 International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 2056-9467 Inderscience publishers
14544 International Journal of Mass Customisation 1742-4208 Inderscience
158640 International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters International Research Committee on Sociology of Disasters
14545 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1387-3806 Elsevier
135438 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry