Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
123312 Strength of Materials. ICSMA 10
123313 Automatyka/Akademia Górniczo‐Hutnicza im. Stanislawa Staszica w Krakowie
123314 Odlewnictwo‐ Nauka i Praktyka
123315 Odlewnictwo‐Nauka i Praktyka
123316 Hommes et Fonderie
123317 Giessereiforschung
123319 Lettre de Liberté du Judaisme
123320 Memini, (Bulletin de l'Association des médiévistes Québécois), no 15, 1988, p. 8-11
123321 Sociologues dans la cité
123323 Revue algérienne de finances publiques 2170-1881
123324 Bulletin du Bibliophile, nouv. sér. II, no 2, Paris, 1990, p. 314-344
123326 Latin-American Journal of Physics Education 1870-9095
123327 PRISMA
123328 HENOCH. Historical and Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Judaism and Christianity
123341 S24‐Fissuration en fatigue
123346 L'Épopée tardive
123347 ISIJ Int (Iron Steel Inst Jpn)
123350 Metal Matrix Composites−Processing, Microstructure and Properties
123352 Current Research in Microbiology and Biotechnology 2320-2246 Aizeon Publishers
123360 Pontcerq 2551-0053 les Éditions Pontcerq (Rennes)
123364 Memorie di Scienze Geologiche Universita di Padova
123365 International Journal of Microbiology and Mycology | IJMM |
123368 Journal of Dental and Oral Health 2369-4475
123371 EMC médecine buccale Elsevier
123372 Clinic EditionCdP
123377 L'Antiquité dans la culture européenne du Moyen Âge
123379 Alexandre le Grand dans les littératures occidentales et proche-orientales
123380 Baking Europe
123381 Deceptio. Mystifications, tromperies, illusions de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge
123382 The Medieval French Alexander
123383 Materialy Ceramiczne
123385 Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 13. Crack‐Microstructure Interaction, R‐Curve Behavior, Environmental Effects in Fracture, and Standardization
123387 Fracture Mechanics of ceramics
123388 Adv. Sci. Technol. 32
123389 Adv. Sci. Technol. 3 B
123390 Materialy Ceramiczne/Ceramic Materials
123392 Rail International AICCF
123404 DigiWorld Economic Journal
123405 Law and Financial Markets Review
123406 Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering-International English Edition 1021-9986
123407 Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin 0027-1314
123411 Geological Quarterly 1641-7291
125740 New knowledge in strategic management through
125741 Big Data (Big Data), 2017 IEEE International Conference on
125742 business
125743 Istoricheskii zhurnal: nauchnie issledovaniia
125744 Istoriia Meditsiny. Nauchno-Prakticheskii Zhurnal
125745 Les Cahiers du monde russe
125746 Shomotsugaku 書物学
125747 Quaderni del Polo museale del Veneto
125749 Feed Res. Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research
125750 Odisea. Revista de Estudios Migratorios 2408-445X UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES
125754 Dossier d'étude Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (France)
125756 Le Point, Les textes fondateurs de la pensée chinoise
125760 Prehistoria y Arqueología serie I
125777 Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege
125792 Revista Alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico: 1993)
125794 Pediatric Allergy and Immunology: Official Publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
125811 Travaux de l’Ermitage, 77: Archéologie sans frontières. Collections, problèmes, recherches hypothèses. Mélanges en honneur de A.Yu. Alexeev
125817 H-ermes. Journal of Communication 2284-0753 Università del Salento
125837 Pharmacology & Therapeutics
125840 Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, Bereich Sprachwissenschaft
125841 Études de la pensée française Éditions People’s Publishing House
125842 Eur.J.Nucl.Med.Mol.Imaging
125843 electronic Journal of Health Informatics 1446-4381
125845 RCCA 2550-469X
125849 Pediatrics & Neonatology 1875-9572
125853 International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences
125875 Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs 1938-4114
125877 Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism
125880 Social Enterprise Journal 1750-8614
125884 Strasbourg Observers
125885 Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal
125886 Epigenomes
125889 Computational Economics
125890 international political anthropology
125896 Cauce Revista internacional de Filología y su Didáctica Universidad de Sevilla
125904 Metallurgical Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
125907 Logistik und Supply Chain Management 2191-2424 University of Bamberg
125910 Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research 2587-0742
125911 Bilan scientifique de la région Martinique 1249-4569 Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Martinique, Service régional de l'archéologie
125913 Academy of Management Discoveries
125914 AMS Review 1869-814X
125915 Revue de l'AFIM (Agence Fédérale d'information mutualiste)
125916 Connexion sociale
125918 Tralogy II Session 5 - Assessing Quality in MT / Mesure de la qualité en TA 2116-3197 Lodel
125922 Vivre ensemble
125923 Forum La revue du CNAPE (Convention Nationale des Associations de Protection de l'Enfance)
125929 Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 1674-862X
125931 Histoire, mondes et cultures religieuses
125933 International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
125935 Les Cahiers Croire
125937 Dacromania 1582-4438 Editura Academiei Române
125532 EID&A (Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Integrados em Discurso e Argumentação) 2237-6984
125536 Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
125537 Proceedings - Electrochemical Society
125539 IEEE Semiconducting and Semi-Insulating Materials Conference, SIMC
125540 Proceedings of the International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology
125541 Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology
125544 Cell Research
125546 Stem Cells and Development
125547 Quaderni del CSCI 1885-1975
125548 Filtration & Separation 0015-1882
125553 Русистика сегодня. Rusistika segodnâ 1029-1237 Académie russe des sciences
125559 Psicol. Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology -2011
125562 Psychology Research and Behavior Management
125564 La portualità in Istria, Spunti di ricerca dall’età romana al finis Austriae, Atti e memorie della società istriana di archeologia e storia patria
125565 Eos 101
125567 Bulletin de la Société française des mécaniciens 0368-8933 Société française des mécaniciens
125575 Actes du... colloque franco-roumain de chimie appliquée 2068-6382 Editions Alma Mater Bacau
125576 The LINGUIST List
125578 [en ligne]
125579 Les Cahiers de jurisprudence administrative montpelliéraine 1622-4116 La Gazette économique
125586 Scientia Danica 9788773044094 Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
125588 Archives of Toxicology
125589 Revista Cadernos do Ceom 1413-8409
125590 Russian Peasant Studies 2500-1809
125591 Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences 2573-2897 MedCrave
125592 Beiträge zur nationalsozialistischen Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik
125593 Liber. Revue internationale des livres
125594 Études foncières 0183-5912 ADEF
125603 European Issues Fondation Robert Schuman
125605 Damage Mechanics of Cementitious Materials and Structures
125616 Publics en questions 2553-5374 OpenEdition
125617 graphé
125629 Ciencia Politica 1909-230X Universidad Nacional de Colombia
125630 Recherches sur la société du numérique et ses usages - M@rsouin L'Harmattan
125631 Internet: interactions et interfaces - M@rsouin L'Harmattan - Paris
125632 Le numérique en sociétés - M@rsouin L'Harmattan - Paris
125634 Cyberviolence & Cyberharcèlement. Carnet de recherche de Bérengère Stassin 2550-9985 OpenEdition
125636 Museo de Zaragoza. Boletín
125638 Bolscan
125639 Tabona
125641 Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 1937-6472
125643 Arqueología Aragonesa
125651 Bolskan
125656 Studies in Logic 1674-3202
125657 IET Mcrowaves, Antennas & Propagation
125662 bulletin des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées- 237-réf
125664 Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Clásica
125675 Cailiao Daobao/Materials Review 1005-023X
125684 BMZaragoza
125687 cellular engineering
125689 Collection INTI International Network of Territorial Intelligence 2607-7418 J.-J. Girardot
125691 Media@LSE Working Paper Series Department of Media and Communications, LSE
125692 International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education
125695 Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueología
125697 Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
125699 Études de l’Ifri
125701 The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease
125702 International Journal of Modern Anthropology 1737-7374
125709 Iberia judaica 2171-2182 Asociación Hispana de Estudios Hebraicos
125710 Rogue State
125711 La Revue-I
125712 ensenenza de la ciencas sociales 1579-2617 Fundación Dialnet, Universidad de la Rioja
125715 Occasional Papers in the Historic Built Environment (edited by N.M. James)
125716 LexisNexis JurisClasseur
125717 Bulletin de liaison de la Commission française pour l’enseignement des mathématiques
125719 Cartier Art et Culture. Issue 44, octobre 2016, pp. 54-61 Cartier
125721 SOCLES 2335-1144 Ecole normale supérieure de Bouzaréah
125729 Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
125733 Revue Objectif Grand Paris
125735 Norsk Shakespeare- og teatertidsskrift
125737 Advances in Modelling Series C. Automatic Control (theory and applications) 1240-4535 Christian Berger Vachon
125739 ICIT 2017 Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Information Technology Pages
126342 Public Health Action 2220-8372
126347 Academia Arena Academ Arena
126357 Revue Soins Gérontologie
126364 Les Cahiers réunionnais du développement AKOZ
126366 Vestnik of Lobachevsky University of Nizhni Novgorod 1993-1778 Nizhni Novgorod State University Press
126370 Review of psychology 1330-6812 Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap
126371 Cahiers de la métrologie
126376 Bulletin du Vieil Argenteuil Société Historique et Archéologique d'Argenteuil et du Parisis, Le Vieil Argenteuil
126392 SERPE Bulletin
126393 Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Sassari, Olbia-Tempio e Nuoro
126396 Journal of Business and Economics 2155-7950 Academic Star Publishing Company
126398 International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations 1942-3888
126403 Geologia tecnica ed ambientale Ordine Nazionale dei Geologi
126405 Globe
126406 Revista Al Margen 1657-7310 Bernardo Correa
126408 Toudi (revue belge wallonne)
126409 République
126410 Cronica (revue culturelle de Roumanie)
126417 An International Journal, Kedge Business School
126420 Gli Stati Generali
126426 Vita e pensiero
126427 Lombardia Sociale
126432 Детские чтения
126434 Литературный факт
126435 Stockholm international arbitration review - SIAR Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
126438 Bacchanales
126444 Bilan Scientifique 1991
126445 Bilan Scientifique 1993
126451 International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology