Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
35812 Approches cognitives de la création artistique, Spirmont, Mardaga
92615 Approches du handball
141594 Approches inductives
42278 Approches-Asie (ISSN 0759-223X)
166694 Approches. Revue Trimestrielle, Littérature et Sciences Humaines
183060 Appunti Leopardiani
62195 Appunti di gastronomia
32101 Aprender de la experiencia. El capital social en la superacion de la pobreza
174820 Aprendizagem desenvolvimento
90901 Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento
175406 Aproximaciones al análisis del arte tridimensional, bidimensional, visual-verbal y sonoro
727297 Après la révolution 2678-3991 Association Après la révolution - Riot Éditions
114818 Après-demain Association Après-demain
906454 Après-demain
150557 Après/Avant, Revue annuelle de culture graphique
179975 Aptamers 2514-3247
106109 Apulum
513246 Apuntes Postmodernos/Postmodern notes (A Cuban/American Review) Miami
661460 Apuntes de Psicología 0213-3334
66926 Apuntes de investigación del CECYP
145846 Apuntes estratégicos 2683-8257 Universidad Nacional de Rosario
152952 Apuntes filosoficos 1316-7553 Universidad Central de Venezuela
502931 Apuntes. Revista de estudios sobre patrimonio cultural 1657-9763
139160 Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes
157246 Aqua Newsletter
154506 Aqua Revue n° 47
154202 Aqua revue supp. région Centre
123664 Aqua-LAC 1688-2873 International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO
138570 Aquaculture & Fisheries
174167 Aquaculture Res
170562 Aquaculture Research
180614 Aquaculture and Fisheries Studies 2771-8107 Research Open World
154377 Aquaculture recherche
107606 Aquacutural Engineering
175608 Aquat. Cons. Mar. Fresh. Ecos
159383 Aquat. Living Resour
172406 Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
571881 Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 1099-0755
105543 Aquatic Ecology
158072 Aquatic Ecology 1386-2588
46072 Aquatic Invasions
149204 Aquatic Living Resources
661002 Aquatic Living Resources 1765-2952
160297 Aquatic Mammals
135788 Aquatic Microbial Ecology
93426 Aquatic Procedia
137145 Aquatic Research 2618-6365 ScientificWebJournals
159970 Aquatic Sciences Springer Verlag
613850 Aquatic Sciences And Engineering 2602-473X
140014 Aquatic Sciences and Engineering Istanbul University Press
176223 Aquatic Toxicology
130665 Aquileia Nostra Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia
127168 Aquileia nella Venetia et Histria, AAAd
127167 Aquileia, la Dalmazia e l'Illirico, AAAd
179099 Aquinas 0003-7362 Lateran University Press
518859 Aquinas Review 1076-8319 Thomas Aquinas College
26969 Aquisição da Linguagem : Conceito, Definição e Explicação na Criança In S. Dinucci Fernandes (Org.) São Paulo : Cultura Acadêmica Editora
37256 Aquisição da linguagem : uma abordagem psicolingüistica
37349 Aquisiçăo de Linguas Estrangeiras
157778 Aquitani
853445 Ar Men 0297-8644 142 mille lieux
538873 ArK. Rivista di architettura e paesaggio
94438 ArMen
873849 ArMen - Revue Bretagne Culture Société
115124 ArNovIt. Archivio novellistico italiano 2531-5218 Edizioni Spolia
113070 ArXiv e-prints
904639 Arab Humanities Journal 2709-8508
608161 Arab International Journal of Information Technology & Data 2812-5010 Arab institution of Knoweldge Management
61524 Arab J Geosci
136219 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1319-5166
44211 Arab Journal of Science and Information
177492 Arab Journal of Urology
178283 Arab Media & Society 1687-7721 The American University in Cairo
175680 Arab Reform Initiative
129482 Arab Studies Journal 1083-4753 Arab Studies Institute
28351 Arab Studies Quarterly
101792 Arab Water Council Journal
188253 Arab World Studies
300441 Arabesken: Tijdschrift van het Louis Couperus Genootschap
27493 Arabia
140518 Arabian Journal For Science and Engineering 2193-567X
155370 Arabian Journal For Science and Engineering
85966 Arabian Journal Geosciences
55535 Arabian Journal for Plant Protection
66556 Arabian Journal of Chemestry (bank Sciences Direct)
117012 Arabian Journal of Geosciences
181146 Arabian Journal of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants 2458-5920
87194 Arabian Studies
117752 Arabic Biology & Medicine
473497 Arabic Biology and Medicine 2489-186X
173857 Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
89249 Arabic Sciences and Philosophy (Cambridge University Press)
58546 Arabica
171903 Arabica
73992 Arabica, The Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
904028 Arabica. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
33432 Arabie orientale, Mésopotamie et Iran méridional de l'âge du Fer au début de la période islamique
138121 Arabiques
152398 Araborama Editions du Seuil
87060 Arabyan Humanities / ex-Chroniques yéménites
114960 Arachnology
86870 Aracne editrice
172199 Aragón en la Edad Media
677343 Aragón en la Edat Media Universidad de Zaragoza
172549 Aram
555276 Araripe
48393 Arash – A Persian Monthly of Cultural and Social Affairs
25734 Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofia, Politica y Humanidades
176736 Araçlari Uygulamasi
33774 Arbeid, tijd en flexibiliteit
101603 Arbeidsrechtelijke Annotaties
178314 Arbeidsrechtelijke Annotaties 1568-6639
177963 Arbeit - Bewegung - Geschichte
61503 Arbeit und Recht - AuR
606430 Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege 1867-9277 Landesamt für Archäologie
818734 Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kunst- und Museumsbibliotheken (AKMB) 2197-7402 Heidel­berg Uni­ver­sity Library
179703 Arbetarhistoria 0281-7446
345417 Arbitrium 1865-8849 De Gruyter
62436 Arbor
635807 Arbor 0210-1963 CSIC
154261 Arbor 1995 : the journal of Aberdeen university forestry society
53293 Arbre & Développement
68124 Arc-Continent Collision
553384 ArcHistoR Extra
723740 Arcade. The Humanities in the World
116151 Arcadi
151460 Arcadia 2199-3408 Environment & Society Portal
178554 Arcana Naturae : Revue d'histoire des sciences secrètes Agorà & Co
137499 Arch & Comport
99827 Arch Anat Microsc Morphol Exp
99788 Arch Biochem Biophys
65806 Arch Environ Occup Health
82079 Arch Fr Pediatr
70689 Arch Gerontol Geriatr Suppl
52660 Arch Int Physiol Biochim
65930 Arch Invest Med (Mex)
76654 Arch Iran Med
51789 Arch Mal Prof Env
177533 Arch Microbiol
159253 Arch Neurol
82313 Arch Pathol (Chic)
182872 Arch Pharm (Weinheim)
48720 Arch Phys Med Rehabil
27634 Arch Virol
99898 Arch Virol Suppl
34801 Arch Womens Ment Health
65684 Arch+
738223 Arch+ : Zeitschrift für Architektur und Urbanismus,
72954 Arch+ - Zeitschrift fur Architektur und Städtebau
738224 Arch+ Journal for Architecture and Urbanism/ English edition
133475 Arch+. Zeitschrift fûr Architektur und Urbanismus
81774 Arch+. Zeitschrift für Architektur und Städtebau
99686 Arch. Biochem. Biophys
67131 Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol
99725 Arch. Mech
27515 Arch. Metall. Mater
149554 Arch. Pediatr
170577 Arch.Ration.Mech.Anal
106097 ArchAlp 2039-1730
873352 Archa Verbi
408152 Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology Aschendorff
420922 Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology Aschendorff Verlag, Münster
146727 Archaea
160808 Archaeoastronomy
59700 Archaeobiologiae Documenta
163801 Archaeologia Austriaca
50276 Archaeologia Baltica
193655 Archaeologia Bulgarica
559964 Archaeologia Cambrensis
377390 Archaeologia Cypria 0257-1951 The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists (Nicosia)
159669 Archaeologia Luxemburgensis - Bulletin du Centre national de recherche archéologique 2354-5526 Centre national de recherche archéologique (CNRA)
181656 Archaeologia Mediaevalis. Chronique
37950 Archaeologia Polona
125494 Archaeologia and ancient history of Ukraine
163212 Archaeologia e Calcolatori 2385-1953 Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale
347820 Archaeologiae : Research by Foreign Missions in Italy 1724-2274 Fabrizio Serra Editore
66398 Archaeologica Pragensia
84394 Archaeological Almanac
60035 Archaeological Computing Newsletter
165846 Archaeological Discoveries and Excavation in 2018 1313-0889 NAIM
165847 Archaeological Discoveries and Excavation in 2019 1313-0889 NAIM
165842 Archaeological Discoveries and Excavations in 2017 1313-0889 NAIM
308795 Archaeological Discoveries and Excavations in 2020 NAIM
342435 Archaeological Discoveries and Excavations in 2021 1313-0889 National Archaeological Institute and Museum - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
286397 Archaeological Museum Newsletter Friends of the American University Archaeological Museum
169736 Archaeological Reports The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
83409 Archaeological Reports (The Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, Téhéran)
117838 Archaeological Researches in Uzbekistan
71960 Archaeological Textiles Newsletter
885671 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1866-9557
268788 Archaeologie in Deutschland
301515 Archaeology & History in Lebanon
136159 Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia
129438 Archaeology Southwest Magazine Archaeology Southwest Organization
53946 Archaeology and History in the Lebanon
123608 Archaeology and History of Lebanon 1475-5564
117913 Archaeology and Linguistics in the Modern World
178688 Archaeology in Jordan ACOR
131830 Archaeology in Jordan Newsletter ACOR – The American Center of Oriental Research
122365 Archaeology in Oceania