Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
113775 Revue de Génie Industriel
113776 NEMO-Online 2265-6561
113780 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Elsevier
113782 Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
113783 International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture
113784 SPIE Proceedings, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VII
113789 Revista andaluza de Antropología 2174-6796 ASANA, Asociación Andaluza de Antropología
113796 Cosmos and Taxis
113797 Journal of Applied Econometrics
113798 Saitama Daigaku Kiyo, Kyoyogakubu (Saitama University Review Faculty of Liberal Arts)
113799 Open Economies Review
113803 International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
113805 Cahiers de la Haute-Loire 0575-0717
113806 Romanian Journal of Society and Politics 1582-5795 Faculty of Political Science, National University of Political Science and Public Administration
113818 American Journal of Applied Chemistry Science Publishing Group
113820 Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology 2409-9848 Avanti
113826 Filosofia e Teologia 1824-4963 Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
113827 Museologia e Interdisciplinaridade Brésil, Université de Brazilia
113264 Psychologie et Culture
113265 Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Integrados em Discurso e Argumentação
113273 Applied General Topology 1989-4147 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
113276 Optical Engineering
113278 Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems 2376-0419 Omics Publishing Group
113280 Open Journal of Civil Engineering 2164-3172 Scientific Research
113281 Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA
113285 Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, Special Issue on Open Source Tools for Machine Translation
113286 ALSIC à paraitre
113287 TSI, Technique et Science Informatiques, n° spécial L'informatique à l'interface de l'activité humaine et sociale
113288 Journal of International and Intercultural Communication
113290 Distance & Savoir
113291 Synergie Nord Est Européen
113292 Journal of e-learning and Knowledge Society
113295 Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR), Special Issue Usage Analysis in Learning Systems: Existing Approaches and Scientific Issues
113296 e-TI : Revue électronique des technologies de l'information
113297 Minds & Machines. Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science
113298 Synergie Monde
113300 Memorias 0124-4361
113302 KinoKultura 1478-6567 Birgit Beumers
113303 Северные грани
113307 Minds and Machines. Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science
113312 Res Academica
113314 The integration of phonetic knowledge in speech technology
113319 Verba, revue de linguistique et de sémiotique
113321 International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (Endorsed by IEEE Learning Technology Task Force)
113322 Didaskalia
113323 Synergies Russie
113324 Arobase. Journal des lettres et sciences humaines
113325 In Cognito, Cahiers romans de Sciences Cognitives
113326 IEE Proceedings Vision, Image & Signal Processing - Special issue on Biometrics on the Internet
113328 Technique de l'Ingénieur, Traité Télécoms
113329 Sciences et Techniques Educatives
113330 International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education
113332 Synergie Pérou
113333 Dyalang
113335 The Journal of Interactive Learning Research
113336 Notes aux comptes rendus de l'académie des sciences
113337 EMPURIES 0213-9278 Museo Arqueologico Catlunya Empuries
113341 Revue de l'Académie de l'Orléanais
113342 RINASCIMENTO Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento 0080-3073 Olschki
113343 Postscriptum
113347 Domínios de Lingu@gem
113348 Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation 9781629934808 Bruzzone, A.G
113353 Journal of Center for the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture Center for the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture, Kansai University
113355 Alternautas
113357 Abraxas Journal Fulgur
113359 Informatika 1816-0301 National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
113360 Brazilian Keynesian Review
113361 The Walter Pater Newsletter 0264-8342
113363 L'Harmattan
113365 Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italiana 1590-7929 Edizioni ETS
113367 Journal of Clinical & Medical Genomics 2472-128X Omics Publishing Group
113368 Insights in Analytical Electrochemistry 2470-9867 imedpub
113369 Encyclopédie de la Bretagne dumane
113370 Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems
113380 Kinésithérapie, les annales
113382 Free Radic. Res
113387 Produto & Produção 1983-8026
113398 GeroPsych The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry 1662-9647 Hogrefe
113400 Continental Journal of Engineering Sciences 2141-4068 Wilolud Journals
113402 E/C 1970-7452 Palermo AISS
113403 Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders
113406 Manger et être mangé : l'alimentation et ses récits 9791030900620 Orizons
113407 The Journal of MacroTrends in Technology and Innovation 2333-1011 MACROJOURNALS
113408 The Journal of MacroTrends in Applied Science 2333-0996 MACROJOURNALS
113410 Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
113418 Verba
113420 Official Journal "Education and Information Technology
113421 Intelligent Tutoring Media
113828 Journal of Museum & Culture 博物館與文化 第7 期 頁 Chinese Association of Museums
113829 ВОПРОСЫ МУЗЕОЛОГИИ (The problems of museology) St Petersbourg University, Russia
113830 Media-Tropes e-Journal University of Toronto
113833 Revue Contrapuntos
113836 República de las Letras 1133-2158 Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España
113837 Ministère de la Culture, Espagne
113838 La lettre des académies Académie royale de Belgique
113839 ICOM Serbija Comité serbe de l'ICOM (Conseil international des musées)
113840 Musées Société des musées québécois
113843 Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences 2375-446X Omics Publishing Group