Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
98314 Neuropsy news : revue de formation en neurologie et en psychiatrie 1633-5767
485296 Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence
69332 Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
905549 Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence
485284 Neuropsychiatry
113195 Neuropsychoanalysis 1529-4145
133539 Neuropsychol Rehabil 1464-0694
168120 Neuropsychological Trends 1970-3201
169084 Neuropsychological rehabilitation
537054 Neuropsychology
485250 Neuropsychopharmacol
29254 Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
176132 Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 1740-634X
27823 Neuropsychopharmacology. 2006, 31, 1637- 46
56535 Neuropsycopharmacology
132450 Neuroradiology
123758 Neuroradiology, Springer
141147 Neuroreport
182088 Neuroreport
150529 Neuroreport
149376 Neuroreport 1473-558X
41721 Neuros
170348 Neurosci Biobehav Rev
154478 Neuroscience 1873-7544
145796 Neuroscience
149306 Neuroscience Letters 1872-7972
146482 Neuroscience Letters
159055 Neuroscience bulletin 1995-8218
145885 Neuroscience of Consciousness
170094 Neurosciences and Psychol
641022 Neuroscience Communications 2470-4008
634290 Neurospine 2586-6583
927232 Neurosurg Rev 1437-2320
948510 Neurosurgery 0148-396x
160314 Neurosurgical Review
937339 Neurosurgical focus: Video
978776 Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence
180351 Neurotherapeutics : the Journal of the American Society For Experimental 1878-7479
57333 Neurotoxicol. Teratol
85973 Neurotoxicology
130062 Neurotoxicology
151726 Neurotoxicology 1872-9711
181704 Neurotrauma Reports 2689-288X
834091 Neurourol. Urodyn 1520-6777
932712 Neuvième réunion de l'équipe de recherche "Mémoire et patrimoine" de l'UR "Religion, Culture et Société" (EA 7403), Institut Catholique de Paris, le 6 novembre 2023
47925 New Advances in Palaeodemography : Data, Techniques, Patterns
76695 New African/Le magazine de l'Afrique
109733 New Afrikan Journal of Culture, Politics, and Consciousness
841829 New American Studies Journal 2750-7327
26115 New Arabian Studies
118566 New Architecture 1000-3959
118652 New Astron
133833 New Astron.Rev
181853 New Astronomy
100233 New Astronomy Review
179472 New Astronomy Reviews
135837 New Bar Chronicle – Nouvelle Chronique du Barreau [Maurice]
147443 New Biotechnology
180285 New Challenges in Accounting and Finance 2717-8722
177847 New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession 2766-1768
90605 New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2013 IEEE 11th International
85168 New Community
80585 New Cultural Frontiers
118852 New Developments on Metallurgy and Applications of High Strength Steels
714513 New Disease Reports
35594 New Engl. J. Med
83325 New England Journal of International and Comparative Law
810862 New England Journal of Medicine 1533-4406
154469 New Food Magazine
152264 New Generation Computing 0288-3635
887492 New Genetics and Society: Critical Studies of Contemporary Biosciences
71301 New Geographies
82854 New Geographies (Journal of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design)
178511 New Global Studies 1940-0004
124437 New Horizons in Mathematical Physics 2521-7402
981355 New J.Phys
80244 New Journal of Glass and Ceramics
391411 New Journal of Physics
86154 New Media & Society
76402 New Medieval Literatures
109582 New Nietzsche Studies, The Journal of Nietzsche Society
165370 New Perspective on Political Economy
177614 New Perspectives
165376 New Perspectives on Political Economy
177425 New Perspectives on Turkey 1305-3299
46246 New Politics
181013 New School Economic Review 2377-2832
90596 New Standpoints
816392 New Tank Cities
34348 New Technology at the Outset
105146 New Technology, Work and Employment
91068 New Trends in Computer-Assisted Language Learning : Working Together. Madrid : Macmillan ELT
162841 New Trends in Differential Equations, Control Theory and Optimization
759245 New Trends in Mathematical Science 2147-5520
124791 New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science
74282 New Trends in Microbiology
177204 New Trends in Nanoparticle Magnetism 0933-033X
690822 New Trends in Qualitative Research 2184-7770
79877 New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems. Edited by Boris Feigin (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics
89003 New West Indian Guide
166066 New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids
116581 New West Indian Guide = Nieuwe West-Indische Gids
984547 New York J.Math
29344 New York Journal of Math
143807 New York Journal of Mathematics
26295 New York State Economic Association Review
43730 New York Times
43755 New York Times and International Herald Tribune
120051 New Zealand Geographer
173987 New Zealand International Affairs
167823 New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and Technology 0300-1342
169919 New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 0028-8276
92478 New Zealand Journal of French Studies
174066 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics
181930 New Zealand Journal of Psychology
180234 New Zealand beekeeper
32759 New analytical approach to multidimensional balance
133696 New developments in guaranteeing the optimal sensory quality of meat
82942 New economics papers history and philosophy of economics
161777 New essays on Leibniz reception in philosophy of science 1800-2000
125740 New knowledge in strategic management through
65040 New materials for fuel cells and modern battery systems
135868 New media & society 1461-4448
27775 New orleans, Experimental Biology, Faseb J
174206 New relationship of the Oceania people to their land and to their environment. Belonging versus property
302203 New writings of sound and music
396283 Newaa Pragya (The Journal of Newaa Academy)
401592 Newcastle and Northumbria Working Papers in Linguistics
175668 Newlines Magazine
82658 News International
69396 News International (Taipei)
69399 News International (Taipei)
42928 News Letter
58866 News Letter Corpus Vitrearum
173103 News Tank éducation & recherche
90472 News and Views
154221 News montagne
74384 News of the Belarusian engineering academy
53046 Newsletter
174548 Newsletter #2 Agreenium
140059 Newsletter (École urbaine de Lyon)
120351 Newsletter - IUSS-Working Group on modelling of soil and landscape evolution
134482 Newsletter AUREP
861537 Newsletter Club des Juristes
146771 Newsletter Collegium Beatus Rhenanus
155068 Newsletter Constances
443520 Newsletter INGÉ
180315 Newsletter INGÉ+
61974 Newsletter MIP Provence
236105 Newsletter PNRInfo
173497 Newsletter SPE
612529 Newsletter UPL
157287 Newsletter Working Group on Detailed Sward Measurement
156366 Newsletter Working Group on Pasture Ecology
69725 Newsletter d'octobre 2011
106889 Newsletter de l'école doctorale "Marchés et Organisations" Université de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis
142282 Newsletter de la Chaire Economie de Défense
122581 Newsletter de l’International Consortium for Research in the Humanities (IKGF) « Fate, Freedom and Prognostication »
151783 Newsletter du DHU HEPATINOV
69286 Newsletter du GIS-CrimSo
155916 Newsletter du Projet Q-PorkChains
174862 Newsletter du centre INRA de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
179725 Newsletter for the American Political Science Association's Comparative Politics Section
139085 Newsletter n°1
139086 Newsletter n°2
154574 Newsletter n°2 of the IAWPRC'S group on waste stabilization ponds
139082 Newsletter n°5
46506 Newsletter of The CEPII
150784 Newsletter of the Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China
65314 Newsletter of the EURO Working Group Multicriteria Aid for Decisions
156340 Newsletter of the Global Network on Mushrooms
154454 Newsletter of the IAWPRC'S group on the use of macrophytes in water pollution control
156354 Newsletter of the LSIRD Network
180549 Newsletter of the Margaret Atwood Society 1081-9622
156739 Newsletter on Mammary Gland Biology and Lactation
104292 Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers
122518 Newsletter, International Sociological Association/ Research Committee on Sociology of Law
695929 Newsletters of the Oriental Ceramic Society
143458 Newsletters on Stratigraphy
175221 Newsroom de Sorbonne Université
116923 Newstank
99244 Newzy
381227 Nexo Revista Científica 1818-6742
128809 Nexos 0188-0144
80535 Next
761036 Next Energy 2949-821X
771993 Next Materials 2949-8228
42282 Nghiên Cứu Lịch Sử (Recherches Historiques - Hanoi; ; ISSN 0866-7497)
42280 Nghiên Cứu Lịch Sử (Recherches Historiques - Hanoi; ISSN 0866-7497)
29211 Nghiên cuu Tôn giáo
957518 Nghiên cứu văn học 1859-2856
29106 Ngôn ngữ
33972 Ni Eve ni Marie
44732 Niandu xueshu/Theoria
31584 Niccolo Piccinni, musicista europeo
114683 Nice matin
166960 Nice, Les Editions Ovadia
182861 Nichifutsu Bunka
180445 Nie wieder Krieg 1422-1411
80666 Nietzsche Forschung