Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
168922 Electronic Structure 2516-1075 IOPScience
4582 Electronic Systems Technology & Design 1534-1238 PennWell Pub. Co
776 Electronic Transactions on Artifical Intelligence 1403-204X European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence
777 Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 1068-9613 Kent State University Library
114776 Electronic book review 1553-1139 s. n
763 Electronic journal of oriental studies 0928-6802 Department of Arabic, Persian and Turkic Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts, Utrecht University
38860 ElectronicHealthcare 1701-8439 Longwoods Publishing
109186 Electronics 2079-9292 MDPI
4585 Electronics & Wireless World 0266-3244 Quadrant Subscription Services
567962 Electronics Journal 1450-5843 University of Banja Luka
12847 Electronics Letters 0013-5194 IET
4587 Electronics Now 1067-9294 Gernsback Publications Inc
12843 Electronics Systems and Software 1479-8336 Institution of Engineering and Technology
4588 Electronics Week 0748-3252 Electronics Week, Circulation Manager
4589 Electronics Weekly 0013-5224 Reed Business Information Ltd
4590 Electronics World & Wireless World 0959-8332 Quadrant Subscription Services
4591 Electronics World (New York, N.Y.) 0013-5232
4584 Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal 0954-0695 Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
12844 Electronics and Communications in Japan Part I: Communications 8756-6621 Wiley
12845 Electronics and Communications in Japan Part II: Electronics 8756-663X Wiley
12846 Electronics and Communications in Japan Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science 1042-0967 Wiley
4586 Electronics and Power 0013-5127 Institution of Electrical Engineers
157290 Electronique Applications 0243-489X
54289 ElectroniqueS 2107-4089 Groupe01
12848 Electrophoresis 0173-0835 Wiley-VCH Verlag
127511 Electrotehnică, Electronică, Automatică 1582-5175 “Electra” Publishing House
26206 Electrum 1897-3426 Department of Ancient History at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow
20135 Elektrie
171763 Elektrische Bahnen 0013-5437 Georg Siemmens Verlag GmbH & Co
18748 Elektrokhimiya / Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 1023-1935 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
56160 Elektronika ir elektrotechnika - Electronics and Electrical Engineering 1392-1215 Kaunas : Kauno technologijos universitetas
165925 Elektrotehniški Vestnik [Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science] 0013-5852 Elektrotehniška zveza Slovenije / Electrotechnical Society of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovénie) [1933-....]
102601 Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene University of California Press
4592 Elementary English 0013-5968 National Council of Teachers of English
4593 Elementary English Review 0888-1030 National Council of Teachers of English
4594 Elementary School Guidance & Counseling 0013-5976 American Association for Counseling & Development
4595 Elementary School Journal 0013-5984 University of Chicago Press
19456 Elementary School Teacher 1545-5858 University of Chicago Press
13290 Elementary School Teacher and Course of Study 1545-5904 University of Chicago Press
12849 Elemente der Mathematik 0013-6018 European Mathematical Society
779 Elementos 0187-9073 Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
24863 Elements 1811-5209 GeoScienceWorld
31578 Elenchos Journal of Studies on Ancient Thought 2037-7177 De Gruyter
124614 Elephant & Castle 1826-6118 Università degli studi, Bergamo
148414 Elettra : études et ressources pour l'agrégation de lettres
157146 Elevage 2000 0298-4326
160124 Elevage Bovin 0395-8329
157116 Elevage Porcin 0752-4536
156053 Elevage et Insémination 0422-9703
157518 Elevage. Edition Bovin Ovin Caprins 0152-5670