Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
3226 Asia Pacific Chemicals 0960-2739 Reed Business Information Ltd
3232 Asian Chemical News 1356-5389 Reed Business Information Ltd
3825 Caterer & Hotelkeeper 0008-7777 Reed Business Information Ltd
3826 Catering Update 0269-7696 Reed Business Information Ltd
4037 Commercial Motor 0010-3063 Reed Business Information Ltd
4177 Contract Journal 0010-7859 Reed Business Information Ltd
4279 Crops 1364-6559 Reed Business Information Ltd
4589 Electronics Weekly 0013-5224 Reed Business Information Ltd
4697 Estates Gazette 0014-1240 Reed Business Information Ltd
4717 European Chemical News 0014-2875 Reed Business Information Ltd
5042 Global HR 1474-1598 Reed Business Information Ltd
5147 Health & Beauty Salon 0261-4146 Reed Business Information Ltd
39256 ICIS Chemical Business Reed Business Information Ltd
39308 Industrial Relations Law Bulletin 0969-3637 Reed Business Information Ltd
40053 New Scientist Archive Reed Business Information Ltd
7896 Poultry World 0032-5813 Reed Business Information Ltd
8958 Training Magazine 1364-7504 Reed Business Information Ltd
5248 Hospitality 1036-644X Reed Business Information, Ltd
7748 Personnel Today -Sutton 0959-5848 Reed Business Publications
3231 Asian Business -Hong Kong 0254-3729 Reed Business Publishing
4873 Flight international 0015-3710 Reed Business Publishing
7526 Nuclear Engineering International 0029-5507 Reed Business Publishing
7616 Optician 0030-3968 Reed Business Publishing
5549 Insurance Law Journal -Sydney 1030-2379 Reed International Books Australia Pty Limited
108332 Direction(s) : le mensuel des directeurs du secteur sanitaire et social 1763-0215 Reed business information
5071 Graphic Arts Monthly 1047-9325 Reeds Business Information
40346 REC News Exchange Reformed Ecumenical Council
8158 Regent University Law Review 1056-3962 Regent University School of Law
4641 English Language Notes 0013-8282 Regents of the University of Colorado
8352 Saskatchewan Library 0036-4924 Regina, Saskatchewan Library Association
112033 Aquatic Invasions 1798-6540 Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre
106454 BioInvasions Records 2242-1300 Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (REABIC)
88481 Management of Biological Invasions Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre - REABIC, PL 3, 00981 Helsinki, FINLAND
2516 Webology 1735-188X Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST)
133079 Bulletin de la Dialyse à Domicile 2607-9917 Registre de Dialyse Péritonéale de Langue Française et Hémodialyse à Domicile (RDPLF-HDD)
21388 Rehabilitation Nursing 0278-4807 Rehabilitation Nursing
1531 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 0748-7711 Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, Department of Veterans Affairs
139443 Butlleti Arqueològic 1695-5862 Reial Societat Arqueològic Tarraconense
309500 Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie 1866-8550 Reichert Verlag
71317 Kratylos 0023-4567 Reichert Verlag
176671 Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale Proceedings Reidel/Cambridge University Press
82611 Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 1434-2758 Reimer
55340 Travaux de l'Académie nationale de Reims 0980-6717 Reims : P. Giret
4867 First Things 1047-5141 Religion and Public Life
6890 Louisiana Life 1042-9980 Renaissance Publishing, LLC
7408 New Orleans Magazine 0897-8174 Renaissance Publishing, LLC
64537 Rivista italiana di filosofia del linguaggio 2036-6728 Rende (CS) : Università della Calabria
307703 Revue chinoise des droits de l'homme / Chinese journal of human rights [Renquan yanjiu. 人权研究] 2096-8221 Renmin University of China / Université du Peuple de Chine (Pékin, Chine) [2013-....]
74633 Monde(s). Histoire, Espaces, Relations 2261-6268 Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes
68890 Revue d'études d'oc, La France latine 2429-4748 Rennes : Université Rennes 2 - UFR ALC
90362 Didact Espagnol 1152-2437 Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes 2
121428 Place publique (Rennes) 2115-323X Rennes: Rennes métropole
57408 Annuaire-Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de la France 0399-1350 Renouard
118749 Renouveau et Lien réunis 0757-1712 Renouveau et le lien réunis
136972 Foreign Language Education Research [Oe'gug'eo gyoyug yeon'gu] 1229-5892 Republic of Korea
98148 Res Militaris 2265-6294 Res Militaris
141533 Research & Reviews: Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2347-2286 Research & Reviews
51276 International Journal of Community Currency Research Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Complementary and Community Currencies (RAMICS)
132750 Treubia 0082-6340 Research Center for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences Bogor, Indonesia
176416 OLDI (Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia) 0125-9830 Research Center for Oceanography and Research Center for Limnology
166768 International journal of quantum foundations 2375-4729 Research Center for Philosophy of Science and Technology, Shanxi University
116048 Journal for Early Modern Studies 2285-6382 Research Centre for the Foundations of Modern Thought, University of Bucharest
1185 International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 0798-1759 Research Committee on Sociology of Food and Agriculture (RC40)
160975 International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Research Department, Auricle Technologies Pvt. Ltd
126473 Global Journal of Marketing Management and Research 2250-3242 Research India Publications
39144 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0973-1768 Research India Publications
113987 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 0973-4562 Research India Publications
24593 International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences 0973-0176 Research India Publications
38329 Appropriate Technology 0305-0920 Research Information
5674 International Pest Control 0020-8256 Research Information
40141 Outlooks on Pest Management 1743-1026 Research Information
107074 RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu 1881-6193 Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences , Kyoto University Kyoto, 606-8502 JAPAN
600889 Motaleat-e Bastanshenasi-e Parseh / Parseh Journal of Archaeological Studies 2645-5048 Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism
136445 Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology 2251-659X Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI)
16202 Journal of Signal Processing 1342-6230 Research Institute of Signal Processing
1449 Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 1807-1775 Research Laboratory on Information Systems and Technology Management
105519 Open Journal Of Semantic Web 2199-336X Research Online Publishing (RonPub)
169539 Geology, Earth and Marine Sciences Research Open World
233419 Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Research 2769-4828 Research Open World
360401 Psychology Journal: Research Open 2771-9340 Research Open World
120279 Journal of forest products and industries 2325-4513 Research Publisher, Inc
58444 Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management 1793-9240 Research Publishing
164256 International Journal on Emerging Technologies 0975-8364 Research Trend
150060 Current Topics in Electrochemistry 0972-4443 Research Trends
129522 Current Topics in Toxicology 0972-8228 Research Trends
138752 Current Trends in Immunology 0972-4567 Research Trends
57194 Current Trends in Polymer Science 0972-446X Research Trends
129315 Currents Topics in Phytochemistry 0972-4796 Research Trends
78732 Trends in Chemical Physics 0972-4346 Research Trends
94053 Trends in Developmental Biology 0972-8422 Research Trends
90337 Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry 0972-432X Research Trends
48335 Trends in Organic Chemistry 0972-4362 Research Trends
61776 Trends in Physical Chemistry 0972-4435 Research Trends
80595 Trends in cell and molecular biology 0972-8449 Research Trends
159561 Trends in Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology 0972-4540 Research Trends (Trivandrum, India)
123361 Research and Science Today 2247-4455 Research and Science Today
134921 International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science 2454-6186 Research and Scientific Innovation Society
159718 International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology Researcher Index Society for Engineers
179632 Reset, Dialogues on Civilizations 2611-5611 Reset Dialogues
256 Avian Conservation and Ecology 1712-6568 Resilience Alliance