Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
106112 Acta Universitatis Danubius. Relationes Internationales 2344-1348 Danubius Journals
106110 STYLES OF COMMUNICATION 2065-7943 Danubius Journals
132198 Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition 2451-2125 Danuta Gabryś-Barker (University of Silesia, Katowice), Adam Wojtaszek (University of Silesia, Katowice)
108379 Revue Maghrébine des Langues RML‎ Dar El Qods‎
118413 Impackt – Contenitori e Contenuti Dativo
151883 Revue Echange David Collin
177598 Journal of Libertarian Studies 2643-4601 David Gordon
171105 Revue Espaces Marx David Noël
25951 Studies in African Linguistics David Odden
119480 Journal of Sports Science 2332-7839 David Publisher
101585 International Relations and Diplomacy 2328-2134 David Publishing
111424 Journal of Food Science and Engineering 2159-5828 David Publishing
133020 Journal of Health Science 2328-7136 David Publishing
103452 Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering David Publishing
108459 Philosophy Study 2159-5313 David Publishing
97961 Journal of Control Science and Engineering 2328-2231 David Publishing Company
179702 Management Studies 2328-2185 David Publishing Company
530063 Revue de Réflexion morale 2219-3243 David Sézito Maho
763373 The Coaching Psychologist 2396-9628 David Tee
143466 Rolf Lines. The Journal of the Rolf Institute Dc Ida Rolf Institut, Boulder CO, USA
132100 Medioevo. Un passato da riscoprire 1125-6893 De Agostini Rizzoli Periodici
109056 Compte-rendu de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris) 0021-8103 De Boccard
164485 RIDA 0556-7939 De Boccard
657052 Travaux de la Maison René-Ginouvès 1954-863X De Boccard
167638 Vita Latina De Boccard
34330 Le Néolithique de Chypre, Actes du Colloque International 17-19 mai 2001 De Boccard édition-diffusion
675845 Cahiers de l'ATM - Mondes en développement 1782-1444 De Boeck
25490 Politiques d'éducation et de formation De Boeck
127267 Développements 2103-2874 De Boeck Supérieur
891486 Sociétés 0765-3697 De Boeck Supérieur
145864 Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain & Cognition 1376-2095 De Boeck Université
136965 Entreprendre et innover 2034-7634 De Boeck Université
163942 Science et motricité 1378-1863 De Boeck Université
146839 Inflammasome De Gruyer
119196 Optical Data Processing and Storage De Gruyeter
130255 Advances in Systems, Signals and Devices 2364-7507 De Gruyter
373988 Altorientalische Forschungen 0232-8461 De Gruyter
345417 Arbitrium 1865-8849 De Gruyter
110325 Archive of Mechanical Engineering 2300-1895 De Gruyter
113769 Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques 2235-5871 De Gruyter
663776 Bruchstücke. Jahrbuch des Dokumentationsarchivs des österreichischen Widerstandes 1012-4535 De Gruyter
107270 Economic Quality Control De Gruyter
914433 European Property Law Journal 2190-8273 De Gruyter
153490 European Tort Law Yearbook 2190-7773 De Gruyter
180096 Europäisch-jüdische Studien – Beiträge 2192-9602 De Gruyter
133432 Geopolitical, social security and freedom journal De Gruyter
152682 Germanistik. Internationales Referatenorgan mit bibliographischen Hinweisen 0016-8912 De Gruyter
310273 International Yearbook of Futurism Studies 2192-0281 De Gruyter
149218 Jahrbuch der deutschen Schiller-Gesellschaft 0070-4318 De Gruyter
701172 Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 2195-0156 De Gruyter
200683 Journal of Economics and Statistics 2366-049X De Gruyter
124493 Journal of Modeling in Mechanics and Materials 2512-353X De Gruyter
106955 Journal of Time Series Econometrics 1941-1928 De Gruyter
831619 Linguistic Minorities in Europe 2510-5361 De Gruyter
178034 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 0942-5977 De Gruyter
111736 Nanospectroscopy 2300-3537 De Gruyter
126883 Open Information Science 2451-1781 De Gruyter
166455 Open Medicine 2391-5463 De Gruyter
182495 Open Psychology 2543-8883 De Gruyter
837418 Religious Minorities Online 2748-1328 De Gruyter
849044 Rhetorik : ein Internationales Jahrbuch 0720-5775 De Gruyter
121157 Romanistisches Jahrbuch 1613-0413 De Gruyter
816441 Rundbrief Fotografie 0945-0327 De Gruyter
158123 STUF - Language Typology and Universals 2196-7148 De Gruyter
177417 Soziale Systeme. Zeitschrift für soziologische Theorie 2366-0473 De Gruyter
107392 Spatium - The Journal of Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia 2217-8066 De Gruyter
129726 Swiss Journal of Sociology 2297-8348 De Gruyter
154751 Verkündigung und Forschung 2198-0454 De Gruyter
106117 Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 0084-5302 De Gruyter
180558 Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 128 (4), p. 605-625 De Gruyter
126610 annales UMCS - Informatica 1732-1360 De Gruyter
115684 Language Typology and Universals 1867-8319 De Gruyter Mouton
165795 Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 1939-0238 De Gruyter Mouton
106517 Topics in English Linguistics 1434-3452 De Gruyter Mouton
755205 History of Intellectual Culture: International Yearbook of Knowledge and Society 2747-6766 De Gruyter Oldenbourg
140064 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung a 1865-7109 De Gruyter, Berlin
817512 Malay 0115-6195 De La Salle University Publishing House
173130 Sharqiyyât. Tijdschrift van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Studie van het Midden-Oosten en de Islam/ Journal of the Dutch Association for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 0922-3398 De Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Studie van het Midden-Oosten en de Islam
146331 META De Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief & Documentatie vzw (VVBAD)
134631 Madeleine De l'Incidence
117500 Murmure 1770-7077 De l'incidence éditeur
492181 Nordic Wittgenstein Review 2242-248X DeGruyter
108003 Ethnographica et folkloristica carpathica, 0139-0600 Debreceni Egyetem Néprajzi Tanszék 0139-0600
134013 Keulmadang 2270-3063 Decrescenzo éditeurs
324149 Quaderni di Storia 0391-6936 Dedalo
599748 Sapere 0036-4681 Dedalo
177835 Settimana News Dehoniane
152347 Variations Delga, OpenEdition
152702 Variations Delga, Paris
110858 Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences 0250-9628 Delhi: Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics
894789 Journal of Strategic Studies for disasters and Opportunity Management 2629-2572 Democratic Arabic Center For Strategic, Political & Economic Studies
302315 Empty Mirror Denise Enck
286886 Veredas: Revista de Estudos Linguísticos 1982-2243 Denise Weiss
163206 Informatika 1419-2527 Dennis Gabor College
116441 Le Discours psychanalytique Denoël
279521 Revista Politikja 2225-6458 Departament i Shkencave Politike, Universiteti i Tiranës
162539 Pakistan Archaeology 0078-7868 Departament of Archaeology and Museums of Pakistan
168688 Ciências em Debate 2318-9193 Departamento de Ciências da Administração – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
408183 Educación Física y Ciencia 2314-2561 Departamento de Educación Física, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
180654 Cuadrivium, Revista del Departamento de Español de la U.P.R en Humacao, Puerto Rico 1555-8045 Departamento de Español de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao