Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
13128 European Respiratory Journal 0903-1936 European Respiratory Society
101274 European Respiratory Review 0905-9180 European Respiratory Society
111894 International Journal of Child and Family Welfare 1378-286X European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for children and adolescents (EUSARF)
117287 European Scientific Journal 1857-7881 European Scientific Institute
132579 Journal of Cognition European Society for Cognitive Psychology
169688 ESMO Open 2059-7029 European Society for Medical Oncology
109346 The European English Messenger 0960-4545 European Society for the Study of English ESSE
13042 European Journal of Heart Failure 1388-9842 European Society of Cardiology (Wiley)
699503 The European Sociologist 2415-6426 European Sociological Association
44532 The Messenger 0722-6691 European Southern Observatory
53753 ESA Special Publication 0379-6566 European Space Agency
125088 ESA bulletin 0376-4265 European Space Agency
98364 ACTA Futura 2309-1940 European Space Agency, Advanced Concepts Team
152717 Integral Transpersonal Journal European Transpersonal Association
119846 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems 2410-6895 European Union Digital Library
104216 Acta Europeana Systemica 2225-9627 European Union for Systemics
48275 Network Industries quarterly 1662-6176 European University Institute / Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
47071 Polis 2223-8174 European University of Tirana
130432 International Marine Energy Journal 2631-5548 European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
163626 Reports in Mechanical Engineering European centre for operational research
123016 Yearbook of Private International Law 1566-6352 European law publishers & Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
68641 International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology 1630-7267 Europia
96850 Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM) = Journal of Human Mediated Interactions 1289-2963 Europia
119021 Revue d’Interaction Homme Machine Europia productions
115939 HB revue internationale d'études stendhaliennes 1287-3209 Eurédit
44193 Bat : soziolinguistika aldizkaria : Hizkuntza normalizazioa eta glotopolitika aldizkaria 1130-8435 Euskal Kulturaren Batzarrea
133704 Egan 0422-7328 Euskalerriko Adiskideen Elkartea-Real Sociedad Vascongada de Amigos del País
133615 Euskonews & media 1139-3629 Eusko Ikaskuntza
77600 Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía 1136-6834 Eusko Ikaskuntza
57651 Zainak : cuadernos de antropología-etnografía 1137-439X Eusko-Ikaskuntza
38997 Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) 0014-3359 Evangelical Missions Information Services
154749 Evangile et Liberté 1146-4771 Evangile et Liberté
9419 Year Book of Education 0084-2508 Evans Bros
23033 Evolutionary Ecology Research 1522-0613 Evolutionary Ecology, Ltd
134767 NEO-LITHICS: The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research 1434-6990 Ex Oriente
4749 Exceptional Parent 0046-9157 Exceptional Parent
22748 American Journal of Orthopedics -Belle Mead 1078-4519 Excerpta Medica, Inc
3894 Child Care Information Exchange 0164-8527 Exchange Press Inc
4751 Executive Educator 0161-9500 Executive Educator
4549 EEO Today 0362-5818 Executive Enterprises Publications Co. Inc
139352 HR Grapevine 2055-2556 Executive Grapevine International Ltd
3857 Chain Store Age General Merchandise Edition 0193-1350 Executive Offices, Chain Store Age General Merchandise Group
3858 Chain Store Age General Merchandise Trends 0885-050X Executive Offices, Chain Store Age General Merchandise Group
108922 Sciences du jeu Experice - Université Paris‐Nord
132226 International Journal of Experimental Dental Science 2278-1692 Experimental Medical and Dental Science Research Association
10963 Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 1478-7210 Expert Reviews
12365 Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 1477-9072 Expert Reviews
12697 Expert Review of Dermatology 1746-9872 Expert Reviews
13220 Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism 1744-6651 Expert Reviews
13221 Expert Review of Medical Devices 1743-4440 Expert Reviews