Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
132148 Konteksty Kultury 2083-7658
132151 Beiträge zur Fremsprachenvermittlung
132152 Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 2219-6994 Forum neue Medien Austria
132154 Swiss portal for philosophy
132157 Acta Technica Napocensis : Civil Engineering & Architecture 1221-5848
132159 Romanian Journal of acoustics and vibration 1584-7284
132160 M3. Société urbaine et action publique 2268-2953
132161 LibreSens 1157-7452 CPED (Centre protestant d'études et de documentation)
132164 Studia Antyczne i Mediewistyczne 0039-3231 Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii
132169 Electromagnetic Phenomena 1562-2991 Institute for Electromagnetic Research, Ltd
132174 Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports
132177 民族语文 Mínzú Yǔwén [Minority Languages of China] 0257-5779
131788 Signal Processing Letters
131790 Revue INPES La santé en action
131791 Porównania 1733-165X Instytut Filologii Polskiej UAM
131792 Revue d'histoire de l'enfance "irrégulière 1777-540X
131794 Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing 2327-7211
131797 Journal of Pharmaceutics
131802 Journal of Powder Technology
131803 Food and Nutrition Sciences
131809 Cell and Tissue Research
131812 Information Systems Research
131813 EC microbiology
131816 Annales de la faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines 1026-3225 Clé
131817 The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning
131821 Revista del Museo de Antropología 1852-060X
131822 Journal of the Japan Society of Mathematical Education 0021-471X Japan Society of Mathematical Education
131823 Quaderni d’Italianistica Franco Pierno and Alberto Zambenedetti
131824 Población & Sociedad 1852-8562 CONICET - Universidad de Tucumán
131826 e-l@tina Revista electrónica de estudios latinoamericanos 1666-9606 Universidad de Buenos Aires
131830 Archaeology in Jordan Newsletter ACOR – The American Center of Oriental Research
131838 IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology
131840 Journal of Phycology
131843 Energy, Sustainability and Society
131845 Marque page
131848 South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics 1109-8597 Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region
131849 Légimag 2354-4783
131857 À l'école de de Clio
131858 NORBA Revista de historia 0213-375X
131862 International journal of software and hardware research in engineering 2347-4890
131867 Notes Scientifiques, Homme et Société
131869 Référence Ediitions du Sud ouest
131873 Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System OMICS International
131874 Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal
131875 Dacia, revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne 0070-251X Editura Academiei Române
131881 Dijalog - Časopis za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju 0350-6177
131885 Lutas Sociais 2526-3706 Núcleo de Estudos de Ideologias e Lutas Sociais (NEILS)
131887 Divergencia 0719-2390 Taller de Historia Política O.C.F
131888 International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics 1937-1055
131891 International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS)
131894 Semiconductor Science and Technology
131895 Microscopy and Microanalysis
131896 Journal of Studies in International Education
131898 Philosophical Magazine Letters
131901 Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties
131902 Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry
131904 Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala
131906 Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
131907 Acta Metallurgica
131908 Scripta Metallurgica
131911 Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics (RAAE) 1336-9261 RAAE
131912 AERC Research Paper 266
131913 International Journal of Education and Research 2411-5681 Contemporary Research Center CRC Publications
131914 Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design 2520-8160
131919 La Revue du Conservatoire 2265-2876 La revue du Conservatoire Directeur de la publication : Bruno Mantovani Directeur de la rédaction : Philippe Brandeis
131922 Areté. Revista de Filosofia 1016-913X Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú : Departamento de Humanidades
131923 Revue Marocaine d’Audit et de Développement « REMA » 1113-2035 REMA (éditeur) sous la direction de Mohammed Harakat
131926 Culture Sciences-Chimie, ENS-EDUSCOL
131927 Journal of the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health
131930 Techniques Hospitalières, Hospitalières Techniques
131934 Transactions of Tianjin University 1006-4982
131939 Southern Semiotic Review Sykes Geoffrey, Ryder Paul
131941 L'Alternativa
131945 Teoría y Praxis 1870-1582 Universidad de Quintana Roo
131948 Int. Journal on Emergency Management Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
131956 DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research
131958 The Australian & New Zealand grapegrower & winemaker 1446-8212 Ryan Publications
131959 Site du CERI
131964 Íconos. Revista de Ciencias Sociale 1390-8065
131968 Südost-Forschungen 2364-9321
132552 French Philosophy of Technology
132554 Energia 0392-7911
132556 J.Materials Sci
132557 Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings 0272-9172
132565 Todas as Artes: Revista Luso-Brasileira de Artes e Cultura
132575 Journal of Cystic Fibrosis: Official Journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society
132581 Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment
132584 Lustrum
132590 Int. J. Engng Sc
132591 Environmental earth science
132603 Biotechnology and bioengineering
132605 Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
132609 Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters
132613 Spunti&Ricerche
132614 SPIE Advanced Lithography
132623 J. Dynamic Behavior Mat
132624 Num. Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
132631 Int. J. Impact Eng
132634 Découvrir Association francophone pour le savoir - Acfas
132635 A contretemps. Bulletin de critique bibliographique