Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
126802 Recherches archéologiques 2118-6472 CNRS éditions, Inrap
126803 Cahiers Prévost d'Exiles Centre des sensibilités, Grenoble 3
126804 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT 2308-1007 North Atlantic University Union
126806 Thanat'Os MSHA Ausonius Éditions
126807 Les Cahiers rouges 1661-8955 Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europ
126808 The Numismatic Chronicle 0078-2696 The Royal Numismatic Society
126809 Panambi. Revista de Investigaciones Artísticas 0719-630X Universidad de Valparaiso. Chile
126814 Mém. B.R.G.M
126816 Research Film
126817 Annuaire de la Société d' Emulation de la Vendée
126818 Zeitschrift der Deutschen geolog. Gesellschaft
126819 Nordregio 1403-2511 Nordregio
126824 ChronoPhysiology and Therapy 2230-2026
126836 Larhyss Journal 1112-3680 Research laboratory in subterranean and surface hydraulics
126838 compte rendu de l'académie des sciences, Paris
126840 Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg
126842 Revue sémiotique canadienne RS/SI 0229-8651 Association canadienne de sémiotique
126846 Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Sciences 2356-5799 Knowledge Journals
126848 Quaderni di Storia della Fisica Società Italiana di Fisica (Italian Physical Society)
126851 Monitor ecclesiasticus
126852 Les cahiers croire Bayard
126853 Urban development issues 2544-6258
126857 Archives of Psychology
126102 Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa,
126105 Bulletin des Services de la Carte Géologique de la France et des Topographies Souterraines
126108 Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Archéologique de Bordeaux
126110 Revue Historique et archéologique du Libournais
126114 Indian journal of arts
126115 International Journal of Research & Review (
126116 International Refereed Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce 2320-3145 Scholar World - Maaz Publications
126117 Mémoires des pays de Branne
126118 Journal of Orthopaedic Research
126120 Institut de Recherche Sociales Appliquées Kabudri
126121 Recueil des Travaux de la Station marine d'Endoume, Marseille
126124 Molecular Neurobiology
126127 J. Mater. Chem. A,
126129 Journal of Electroceramics
126130 Journal of Languages and Culture
126134 International Journal of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems 2052-3556
126147 Anartiste
126149 Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society
126150 Journal of Space Science
126153 International Journal of Web Intelligence
126159 Konteksty Społeczne 2300-6277
126161 Ancient Macedonia, Sixth International Symposium
126163 International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development 2348-6406
126164 Advances in Technology of Materials and Materials Processing Journal
126165 Anales de la Universidad Metropolitana
126173 The Open Thermodynamics Journal 1874-396X
126174 International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems 1745-0071
126176 Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics
126181 Agri Res & Tech: Open Access J
126188 ANMED : News of Archeology from Anatolia's Mediterranean Areas
126190 Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
126198 Ophthalmic Research
126199 Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
126201 Anesthesiology
126203 Hispania Antiqua
126209 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
126211 Best Practice & Research. Clinical Gastroenterology
126214 Wound Repair and Regeneration: Official Publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society
126233 International Journal of Stroke: Official Journal of the International Stroke Society
126238 Additional Papers and Presentations
126240 Refractories Worldforum
126247 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
126252 Interfaculty
126253 American Journal of Research Communications 2325-4076
126258 País cultural 1997-8030
126268 The hematology journal : the official journal of the European Haematology Association
126269 Brain research. Molecular brain research
126270 Revista espanola de fisiologia
126272 Nord-Ouest Archéologie
126283 Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 1353-0089 Department of Welsh, Aberystwyth University
126284 International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development 1941-6253
126286 Palaver 2280-4250
126287 IJCCBS
126291 Bulletin de la Carte Géologique de France
126295 Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de l'Ouest
126296 Bulletin de la Société Minéralogique de France
126298 J.Lightwave Tech
126300 Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali / Working Papers in Linguistics and Oriental Studies
126303 Le Parisien 1251-8891
126304 Cahiers du Développement Coopératif
126307 Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXII
126311 Journal of Algebra, Number Theory: Advances and Applications 0975-1548
126319 Catalysis Communications
126320 European Journal of Physics
126321 Bulletin de l'association pour la protection du Vieux Blois et de ses environs Association pour la protection du Vieux Blois et de ses environs
126510 Mastia 1579-3303 Museo Arqueológico Municipal de Cartagena
126511 Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions
126512 International Journal of Arts and Technology 1754-8853
126518 Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions
126523 Pesticide Science
126524 SoftwareX
126525 Cahiers du Centre Georges-Radet
126532 Archaiognosia
126534 Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2
126535 Lipids
126536 Journal of Fluorescence
126538 Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1
126539 Journal of Chemical Research - Part S
126558 Tigre CERHIUS, Grenoble
126567 Eu-topías, Revista de interculturalidad, comunicación y estudios europeo x
126569 CLAC
126572 Existe-t-il des arts « mineurs » ? Traditions, mutations et dé-définitions, de la Renaissance à l’art actuel
126573 Journal of library metadata 1938-6389 Taylor & Francis
126575 CNRS la lettre innovation CNRS
126576 CNRS International magazine CNRS
126582 L'Unebévue, n° 17, Les bigarrures de Jacques Lacan 1168-148X L'Unebévue-éditeur
126585 NSTI: Advanced Materials - TechConnect Briefs 2015
126586 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
126587 Sustainable Chem. Processes
126589 International News on Fats, Oils and Related Materials
126594 Bentham Science
126598 Fractal, n° 25, VII/volumen II, Mexico
126599 Banque Africaine de Développement
126601 Me cayó el veinte, n° 8, Revista de psicoanálisis, Mexico
126602 Revue des Sciences de l'Education, Formation et Evaluation
126607 Banques et Assurance
126610 annales UMCS - Informatica 1732-1360 De Gruyter
126614 Visnyk of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ser. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2523-4641
126615 Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales
126616 Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing 0973-6093
126617 Advances in Algebra 0973-6964
126618 Bioplastics Magazine 1862-5258 Polymedia Publisher GmbH
126619 Le Rail 0989-8220
126620 Dozor Techniczny
126621 Revista de Plasticos Modernos
126622 Contacto
126623 Composites Centre de Promotion des Composites (CPC)
126625 ISRN Toxicology 2090-6188 Hindawi
126629 Leukemia Research Reports 2213-0489 Elsevier
126630 Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology 0544-0440
126637 Revue Congolaise d'Economie et de Gestion 1804-5714 EDUPC
126638 Revue congolaise d'économie et de gestion Université Protestante au Congo
126639 Histoire Antique & Médiévale. Hors-Série 1632-0859 Faton
126640 Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography,
126641 European Clinical Respiratory Journal
126646 Dibur : literary journal 2228-3552 Stanford University Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
126650 Territoire & santé Éditions de santé
126651 Bulletin d'information - Les Amis du Vieux Riez 0244-884X Les Amis du vieux Riez
126654 IDCASES
126664 European Journal of Oral Implantology 1756-2406
126666 Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval
126671 Sotsiologicheskoe Obozrenie / Russian Sociological Review 1728-192X
126672 Journal of Globalization Studies 2075-8103 Uchitel Publishing House
126673 Commun.Theor.Phys
126675 Estudios portugueses y brasileños 2255-1891 Luso-Española de Ediciones
126679 Journal of Yunan Normal University (Natural Sciences Edition) 1007-9793
126686 Dada/Surrealism 0084-9537
126687 Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 1080-6032
126689 Perspectives 2020 Copenhague Novo nordisk
126691 REVUE PAB (Pierre André Benoît)
126702 Remate de males 2316-5758
126705 Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society —
126708 Earth Syst. Sci. Data
126710 Tertio Anvers (Belgique)
126714 Operations and Supply Chain Management : An International Journal 1979-3561 OSCM
126715 Global Journal on Technology
125356 Eyguières 1632-3416 Mairie d'Eyguières
125358 IKON University of Rijeka
125362 Acta Histriae
125364 Langage & Société
125366 Savoirs du Verdon
133527 Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics (CEJEME) 2080-0886
133528 Journal of Clinical Epigenetics / J Clin Epigenet 2472-1158 Wilmington, DE : iMedPub
133533 Contemporary Educational Researches Journal (CERJ) 2301-2552 SciencePark Science, Organization and Counseling (SPROC)
133534 Défis 2265-4577 INHESJ
133536 Les Cahiers Linguatek 2559-7752 Performantica
133539 Neuropsychol Rehabil 1464-0694
133548 PUR (Presses Universitaires de Rennes)
133558 Criminalités. Revue de géopolitique
133564 IJWGS
133567 International Journal of Bacteriology 2356-6957 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
133572 Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography SciTechnol
133573 Amity Journal of Computational Sciences Amity University
133574 Prog.Photovol.Res.Appl
133576 Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Procurement 2516-1814 Henry Stewart Publications
133577 International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity
133581 Culturas. Debates y perspectivas de un mundo en cambio 1515-3738 Universidad del Litoral
133634 Working Paper BETA-umr7522
133635 Jacobin
133639 Archives of Parasitology OMICS Group
133640 Nature Index
133644 Actes du séminaire d’ethnobotanique de Salagon, année 2017 Musée de Salagon et Forcalquier, éditions C’est-à-dire
133646 Nonprofit Policy Forum 2194-6035
133649 Arquetipo 2215-9444 Universidad catolica de Pereira
133650 ANZIAM Journal
133651 Al-Bahith Review 1112-3613 Université de Ouargla
133653 I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance 0393-5949
133654 Zentralasiatische Studien 0514-857X International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
133655 Estudios Josefinos 0210-7074 Centro Espanol de Investigaciones Josefinas