Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
35509 In Gajewski, Jon, Valentine Hacquard, Bernard Nickel, and Seth Yalcin (eds.) 2005, New Work on Modality (MITWPL 51)
27879 In Hematopoiesis : a development approach, L.Zon, ed. (New York : Oxford University Press)
119161 In Homenaje a Ricardo Olmos. Per speculum in aenigmate. Miradas sobre la Antigüedad
29679 In Honor of Mei Tsu-lin: Studies in Historical Syntax and Morphology
31458 In International Conference Autonomy and Language Learning: Maintaining Control. Hong Kong et Hang Zhou (Chine), du 14-18 juin 2004
110242 In International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering
110167 In International Scientific Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI)
36414 In La création d'entreprises innovantes et les expériences de spin-off universitaires dans l'Europe élargie, in Progetto Spin-Off, éd. Universita degli Studi di Perugia, p.146-159
174106 In Matari’i
600483 In Mathematical Aspects of Deep Learning. Cambridge University Press
526784 In Medias Res, A Magazine for Lovers of the Classics
51460 In Models for Computer Aided Tolerancing in Design and Manufacturing J.K. Davidson Ed. Springer
64595 In Monte Artum
95291 In NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center
916999 In Other Words 1361-911X
27998 In Perpetual Motion. Travel Behaviour Research, Opportunities and Application Challenges - Eight International Conference on Travel Behavior Research - (Selected Proceedings)
182170 In Praise of Cinematic Bastardy Cambridge Scholars Publishing
73454 In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
73464 In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
58460 In Report to Cospar 2008
181168 In Review. Pediatric Rheumatology
37451 In Silico Biol
163953 In Situ (Zone Atelier Environnementale Urbaine) Zone Atelier Environnementale Urbaine
31995 In Système d'information géographique et gestion des risques
89041 In Texto
524477 In Translation / في الترجمة 2353-0073 TRADIL Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria
705689 In Vitro Arts 2825-9599
489197 In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 1543-706X
155769 In Vivo - Ecole doctorale ABIES
635765 In développement local communautaire durable, Comparaison plurielle
54175 In foldamers
839636 In its La Rech. Aerospatiale
138773 In vitro cellular & developmental biology : journal of the Tissue Culture Association 0883-8364
166398 In vivo - In vitro
239334 In&Around 0000-0000 Cereq
179578 In'hui 0298-5810
181406 In-Mind FR
425870 In-Traduções Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução da UFSC 2176-7904 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
129399 In: LiterNet
180994 In: Multi-Spacecraft Analysis Methods Revisited / Gotz Paschmann and Patrick W. Daly (eds.). ISSI Scientific Reports Series
547209 In: Planetary Systems and Planets in Systems / Stephane Udry
174220 In: “Geology of New Caledonia” Memoir of the Geological Society of London Ed N. Mortimer Ch. 3
170941 InCILC2016
164300 InCircolo. Rivista di filosofia e culture 2531-4092
56263 InCognito
107849 InCognito Cahiers Romans de Sciences Cognitives
66752 InDirect, les Clés de la gestion scolaire
434980 InGenere
171470 InMedia
182508 InMedia. The French Journal of Media Studies
152382 InMedia. The French Journal of Media and Media Representations in the English-Speaking World
145785 InPress
189841 InSitu (ZAEU)
163659 InTech
116359 InVerbis 2279-8978 Carocci
55048 Inamo. Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten
128420 Inauguration de COLIVRI, Universidad de los Andes
160140 Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng
168689 Incertains regards
168053 Incertains regards – cahiers dramaturgiques , « Penser, c’est faire des épaisseurs… »
121602 Incertitudes et fiabilité des systèmes multiphysiques
195485 Incheon (Corée du Sud) : Revue d'études françaises
48406 Inchiesta – Trimestrale di ricerca e pratica sociale
876534 Incidencias 2954-4629 Comunidad Universitaria del Golfo Centro, A.C
95003 Incipit
548989 Inclinaisons et autres pentes
774769 Incontri Linguistici 0390-2412 Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa · Roma
25551 Incontri Mediterranei
27526 Incontri Triestini di Filologia Classica
34578 Incontri dell'Università di Viterbo (en collaboration avec la Soprintendenza dell'etruria Meridionale)
268660 Incontri di filologia classica
26703 Incontri linguistici
33190 Incontro di Grammatica Generativa
928645 Incroyance et foi
45645 Inculte
883196 Incursiuni în imaginar 2501-2169 Université d'Alba Iulia (Roumanie)
157477 Ind Ha Bro Societes Bretonnes
96834 Ind. Biotechnol
50137 Ind. Ceram
84453 Ind. Crop. Prod
50122 Ind. Céram
178095 Indag.Math
146042 Independent Journal of Management & Production 2236-269X
174316 Index Comunicación 2444-3239 Universidade Rey Juan Carlos
137915 Indexation et réseaux sociaux, quels modèles pour les institutions ?
179165 India Housing Report
126041 India International Centre Quarterly 0376-9771 India International Centre, India, New Delhi
592665 India and the Indian Diasporic Imagination, PoCoPages
52429 Indian Anthropologist
131292 Indian Birds : Journal of South Asian Ornithology
94215 Indian Concrete Journal
140015 Indian Economic Journal
127108 Indian Express
49520 Indian Growth and Development Review
88893 Indian J Microbiol
99694 Indian J. Chem
118664 Indian J.Phys
160285 Indian Journal of Forestry 0971-9431 M/s Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, India
295106 Indian Journal of Advanced Botany 2582-9475