Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
121142 Current Treatment Options in Rheumatology
667242 Current Trends In Information Communication Technology Research (CTICTR) 2814-1709 The College of Postgraduate Studies, Babcock University
134233 Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences 2572-1151 Juniper Publishers
835570 Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering 2643-6876 IRIS PUBLISHERS
138752 Current Trends in Immunology 0972-4567 Research Trends
175978 Current Trends in Neurology 0972-8252
57194 Current Trends in Polymer Science 0972-446X Research Trends
98390 Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E 2342-7205 University of Helsinki
128352 Current Urban Studies 2328-4900 Scientific Research Publishing
22366 Current Urology Reports 1527-2737 Current Medicine Group
170692 Current Urology Reports
12337 Current Vascular Pharmacology 1570-1611 Bentham Science Publishers
38736 Current Women's Health Reviews Bentham Science Publishers Ltd
12338 Current Women's Health Reviews 1573-4048 Bentham Science Publishers
158363 Current World Archaeology
178878 Current World Environment
75329 Current advances in algal taxonomy and its applications: phylogenetic, ecological and applied perspective
22392 Current clinical topics in infectious diseases 0195-3842
138274 Current epidemiology reports 2196-2995 Springer
63675 Current hematologic malignancy reports
12258 Current herpetology 1345-5834 BioOne (Herpetological Society of Japan)
4302 Current history 0011-3530 Current History
166147 Current issues of social sciences and history of medicine 2311-9896
29152 Current medicinal chemistry. Anti-cancer agents
93841 Current microwave chemistry
114536 Current opinion in green and sustainable chemistry 2452-2236 Elsevier
144249 Current opinion in immunology 1879-0372
175567 Current opinion in investigational drugs (London, England : 2000)
140628 Current opinion in microbiology 1879-0364
822059 Current opinion in oncology 1531-703X
477181 Current opinion in ophthalmology
178454 Current opinion in organ transplantation 1531-7013
168245 Current opinion in pharmacology 1471-4973
636110 Current opinion in structural biology 1879-033X
80937 Current problems in mathematics and mechanics (Sovremennye problemy matematiki i mehaniki)
176012 Current protocols in bioinformatics 1934-340X
104380 Current protocols in protein science 1934-3655 Wiley
66575 Current research in the Pleistocene 8755-898X Center for the Study of the First Americans
171457 Current research, Part A/Recherches en cours, Part A, Geological Survey of Canada 0068-7650 Geological Survey of Canada
22371 Current studies in hematology and blood transfusion 0258-0330
22370 Current therapy in endocrinology and metabolism 0831-652X
157239 Current topics in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science 0166-2333
147749 Current topics in behavioral neurosciences 1866-3370
22369 Current topics in cellular regulation 0070-2137
34245 Current topics in microbiology and immunology
22367 Current topics in neuroendocrinology 0723-1229
22364 Current topics in pathology 0070-2188
109608 Current topics in phytochemistry
142774 Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine
177184 Current trends in Islamist ideology 1940-834X
120024 Current tropical medicine reports 2196-3045 Springer
135348 Current urology
98027 Current zoology 1674-5507 Oxford University Press
129315 Currents Topics in Phytochemistry 0972-4796 Research Trends
12339 Currents in Biblical Research 1476-993X SAGE Publications
143358 Curriculo sem Fronteiras
4310 Curriculum Inquiry 0362-6784 Wiley
12340 Curriculum Journal 0958-5176 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
4311 Curriculum Review 0147-2453 WD&S Publishing
12341 Curriculum Theory Network 0078-4931 JSTOR
75317 Cursif
780073 Curso de Derecho Internacional (Organisation des Etats Américains, OEA)
139029 Cursus publicus Association Human-Hist
12342 Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1355-4905 Wiley
105851 Curved and Layered Structures 2353-7396 De Gruyter Open Access
139683 Custodes
4312 Custom Builder 0895-2493 Custom Builder
4315 CustomRetailer 1541-7735 North American Publishing Co
108128 Customer & service systems 2198-8005 KIT scientific publishing
4313 Customer Interaction Solutions 1533-3078 Tmc
4314 Customer Interface 1531-4472 Questex Media Group, Inc
154877 Customer Needs and Solutions 2196-291X
178935 Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Algeria; Highlight on the Focus of M’Sila
12343 Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology 1556-9527 Informa Healthcare
22363 Cutis -New York 0011-4162 Quadrant Health Com Inc
100805 Cutis; cutaneous medicine for the practitioner
131769 Cutter Benchmark Review 1522-7383
869432 Cutting edge our textile universe The Danish National Research Foundation’s CTR & University of Copenhagen
61235 Cuture Communication
255478 Cuyo. Anuario de Filosofia Argentina y Americana 1853-3175 Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana. Universidad nacional de Cuyo
85105 CyTA - Journal of Food
841594 Cyber Cercle Collection - Paroles d'Experts Cyber Cercle
73891 Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology
26298 Cyber Psychology & Behavior
124532 Cyber Psychology and Behavior
768362 Cyber Security and Applications 2772-9184
970428 Cyber Security and Digital Privacy: An Imperative for Information and Communication Technology and Sustainable Development in Nigeria Published by International Journal of Research
113896 Cyber Semiotic Institute
178826 Cyber-Physical Systems 2333-5777 Taylor & Francis
137588 CyberOrient
109538 Cyberato Travaux et Mémoires Cyberato Association
76972 Cyberc 2012
612 Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography 1278-3366 UMR 8504 Géographie-cités
613 Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research 1523-1216 Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA)
162783 Cyberleninka
94758 Cyberliteratures of the world, Neohelicon
614 Cybermetrics : International Journal of Scientometrics, Informetrics and Bibliometrics 1137-5019 Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica
108610 Cybernetics
12344 Cybernetics / Cybern Syst Anal 0011-4235 Springer-Verlag
38737 Cybernetics and Human Knowing 0907-0877 Imprint Academic