Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
878457 Sautuola 1133-2166 Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueología “Sautulola” Santander
660024 El Matadero. Revista Crítica de la Literatura Argentina 2683-9687 Instituto de literatura argentina Universidad de Buenos Aires
164085 Archivio Per La Storia Postale comunicazioni e società Instituto di Studi Storici Postali
122757 Communication interculturelle et littérature : Mémoire, littérature et identité 1844-6965 Institutul European
147762 Revista de Arheologie, Antropologie si Studii interdisciplinare 2587-3768 Institutul de Cercetari Bioarheologice si Etnoculturale
134628 Intertext Institutul de Cercetări Filologice şi Interculturale, Chişinău, Moldova
160269 Revista de Istorie a Moldovei 1857-2022 Institutul de Istorie al Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova
148679 Ephemeris Napocensis 1220-5249 Institutul de arheologie şi istoria artei (Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie)
927709 Revista de Istorie Militara 1220-5710 Institutul pentru Studii Politice de Aparare si Istorie Militara
101294 Almogaren Institutum Canarium
508871 Archivum historicum Societatis Iesu 0037-8887 Institutum historicum Societatis Iesu
178647 Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej / Problems of Agricultural Economics 0044-1600 Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy / Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute
131791 Porównania 1733-165X Instytut Filologii Polskiej UAM
98424 Twórczość 0041-4727 Instytut Książki (Kraków)
101346 Kultura-Historia-Globalizacja 1898-7265 Instytut Kulturoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
101344 Normy, Dewiacje i Kontrola Społeczna 2299-7725 Instytut Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
107788 Cognitive Studies = Etudes cognitives (Warsaw. Online) 2392-2397 Instytut Slawistyki PAN
268416 Fabrica Societatis 2657-3679 Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
200385 Insula, revista de letras y ciencias humanas 0020-4536 Insula
852903 Hashiye ki awaj 2277-5331 Integrated social initiatives, Indian Social Institute, Delhi
103771 Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 2040-4344 Intellect
129953 International Journal of Islamic architecture 2045-5895 Intellect
103676 Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance Intellect
108934 Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies 2049-9531 Intellect
103330 Journal of Music, Technology and Education 1752-7066 Intellect
160493 PUBLIC 0845-4450 Intellect
398316 Punk & Post-Punk 2044-1983 Intellect
308892 Global Hip Hop Studies 2632-6833 Intellect Books
729622 Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 2043-0701 Intellect Books
143429 Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 2047-7376 Intellect Ltd
131423 Ubiquity: the Journal of pervasive Media 2045-6271 Intellect Ltd
167255 International Journal of Information Retrieval and Management 2320-2548 Intellect Research Publications
102353 Review of Management Innovation & Creativity 1934-6743 Intellectbase International Consortium
862646 Grain de sel Inter-réseaux
43732 Interdisciplines Interdisciplines
160404 Interface Critique 2570-0472 Interface Critique
114486 Hors d'œuvre 1289-9518 Interface, Dijon
474914 Autografo 1721-5943 Interlinea
109992 International Journal of Academic Research in Management and Business International Academic Publishing Group
492570 Humanity space. International almanac 2226-0773 International Academy of Education
142839 Northern Notes International Arctic Social Sciences Association IASSA
152803 Workers of the World. International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts
114730 IABSE Symposium Report 2221-3783 International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
135206 Fasti On Line Documents & Research (FOLD&R) 1828-3179 International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC)
107015 Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 2160-5882 International Association for Energy Economics
181206 The International Association for the Study of Arabia Bulletin International Association for the Study of Arabia
150811 IASPM Journal 2079-3871 International Association for the Study of Popular Music
294199 Journal of Global Positioning Systems (JGPS) 1446-3156 International Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems (CPGPS)
113633 JDR Clinical & Translational Research 2380-0844 International Association of Dental Research
180625 IAMSLIC Newsletter 0193-9254 International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC)
147376 International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 2192-4880 International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
107969 IATSS Research - Journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences 0386-1112 International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences
176084 Newsletter of the International Bar Association International Bar Association (IBA)
154681 Barcode Bulletin 2371-4646 International Barcode of Life
834069 International Heat Transfer Conference 2377-424X International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer
152396 国際哲学研究 - Journal of International Philosophy 2186-8581 International Center for Philosophy, Toyo University
881887 Advances in Multidisciplinary & Scientific (AIMS) Research Journal 2488-8699 International Centre for Information & Development, Southern University, Baton Rounge, USA
152097 Asian Cultural Studies International Christian University
757121 Journal International-Club Les Toques blanches 1626-9853 International Club les Toques Blanches
547596 Samudra Report. 0913-1121 International Collective in Support of Fishworkers
474414 International Colour Association (AIC) Conference 2018. Color and Human Comfort 2617-2410 International Colour Association (AIC)
180170 CIPA Heritage Documentation Newsletters International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA)
138173 Frontiers of Supercomputing 2467-298X International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES)
135056 CBU 1805-9961 International Conference Proceedings 2018, vol 6 (2018)
158164 ICEVI European Newsletter 2666-1527 International Council for Education and Rehabilitation of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI)
820090 ICES Scientif Reports 2618-1371 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
127542 International Journal of Energy and Environnement 2076-2895 International Energy & Environment Fondation
412838 Euphorbia World 1746-5397 International Euphorbia Society
177056 GFZ Data Services International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service
123664 Aqua-LAC 1688-2873 International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO
177347 Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 0992-499X International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA), Canada
165469 Bulletin of IICAS 2181-8592 International Institut for Central Asian Studies (IICAS) by the UNESCO Silk Road Programme
150569 The Journal of Baroque Studies International Institute for Baroque Studies, University of Malta
117840 Bulletin of the International Institute of Central Asian Studies 1694-5794 International Institute for Central Asian Studies (Samarkand)
173235 International Institute for Peace International Institute for Peace
98131 International Reports on Socio-Informatics International Institute for Socio-Informatics
384629 Trade and Sustainability Review International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
133654 Zentralasiatische Studien 0514-857X International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
820542 IIARD International Journal of Geography & Environmental Management (IJGEM) 2504-8821 International Institute of Academic Rese arch and Development
121969 International Journal of Research in Chemical, Metallurgical and Civil Engineering 2349-1442 International Institute of Engineers
121274 Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis / The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 1572-1701 International Institute of Social History
111049 International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research 2408-7262 International Invention Journals
618194 An Expected Utility-based Decision Making Model for Analyzing the Behavior of Agents in a Bio Attack 2582-2160 International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)
115633 International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management
115634 International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management
181820 International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies 2664-8660 International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies
583333 International Journal of Bioassays  2278-778X International Journal of Bioassays
181942 International Journal of Development Research 2230-9926 International Journal of Development Research
181843 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2664-7133 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
161207 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2664-7125 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
181619 International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 2823-9350 International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences
166973 International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research 2643-976X International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems
181839 International Journal of Environmental and Ecology Research 2664-7117 International Journal of Environmental and Ecology Research
607608 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) 2319-7714 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
181818 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research 2455-2070 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research
181833 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 2456-2165 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
608095 International Journal of Research Publications 2708-3578 International Journal of Research Publications
174620 International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) 2395-3470 International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS)
115582 International Journal of Scientific Research and Education 2321-7545 International Journal of Scientific Research and Education
181828 International Journal of Social Research and Development 2664-8709 International Journal of Social Research and Development
137743 International Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education 2521-0041 International Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education
111462 International Journal of Web Applications 0974-7710 International Journal of Web Applications
139338 International Journal of Zoology Studies 2455-7269 International Journal of Zoology Studies (IJZS)
568907 International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE) 2690-7909 International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE)
110049 International Journal for Physics & Chemistry International Journals For Research Group
116908 International Journal of Engineering& Scientific Research 2347-6532 International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy
414440 Asian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies International Knowledge Press
124398 Journal of Basic and Applied Research International 2395-3438 International Knowledge Press
103648 Journal of Biology and Nature 2395-5376 International Knowledge Press
157826 International Labor Review 0020-7780 International Labour Office
125417 Bull. Int. Math. Virtual Inst International Mathematical Virtual Institute
179869 Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES 2220-6663 International Network For Natural Sciences
801573 International Numismatic e-Newsletter International Numismatic Concil
110807 Odonatologica 0375-0183 International Odonatological Foundation
572945 Clinical and Experimental Psychology 2471-2701 International Online Medical Council (IOMC)
596082 Dermatology Case Reports 2684-124X International Online Medical Council (IOMC)
828270 Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology 2155-9562 International Online Medical Council (IOMC)
110185 IOSR Journal of Mathematics(IOSR-JM) 2278-5728 International Organization Of Scientific Research
120985 IOSR Journal of Applied Physics 2278-4861 International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR)
113681 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR - JCE) 2278-0661 International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR)
117552 IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance 2321-5933 International Organization of Scientific Research
233655 Algebraic Geometry and Physics International Press
181344 Morningside Lectures in Mathematics International Press
184377 Analysis of PDE-Morningside Lecture notes International Press of Boston, Inc
120009 International Journal of Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process 2356-5608 International Publisher & CO
636130 Japan review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies 0915-0986 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
848539 Japanese Studies around the World 2436-1771 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
301382 NIHON KENKYŪ 0915-0900 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
489441 African Journal of Botany International Scholar Journals
473945 African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems International Scholar Journals
502471 Applying DEA and Taguchi methods in plant selection and optimal layout to increase commerce management environment quality International Scholar Journals
496997 Determinants of parents’ choice of a paediatric dentist: An application of factor analysis International Scholar Journals
497235 Global Journal of Business Management International Scholar Journals
496975 Global Journal of Business and Management International Scholar Journals
497007 Impact of socio-economic characteristics on formal and informal public transport demands in Kwara state, Nigeria International Scholar Journals
494620 International Journal of Management and Business Studies International Scholar Journals
501183 International Journal of Management and Business Studies International Scholar Journals
497020 Language, communication and information flow in entrepreneurship International Scholar Journals
502482 Organizational learning and performance: Relationship between the dynamic and the operational capabilities of the firm International Scholar Journals
454334 international journal of bacteriology and mycology 2756-3669 International Scholar Journals
145517 ISRN Thermodynamics International Scholarly Research Network,
809120 International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2169-303X International Scholars Journals
115162 International Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2321-2527 International Science Community Association
492021 Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 2320-6063 International Science Community Association
116128 International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 0974-5572 International Science Press
242083 International Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology (IJCSST) 0974-3898 International Science Press India, available online
176806 Agriculture & Food. Journal of International Scientific Publications 1314-8591 International Scientific Publications
176170 Katchar Scientific Periodical International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS of Armenia
169567 Sericologia International Sericulturul Commission, France
368386 International Social Science Journal (Chinese version) International Social Science Journal editorial office
763908 Coaching Psychology International International Society for Coaching Psychology
876019 Cultural History. Journal of the International Society for Cultural History 2045-2918 International Society for Cultural History
116911 Laser Therapy 0898-5901 International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine
111397 East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 1562-918X International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (ISHEASTM)
130598 Vesalius. Acta Internationalia Historiae Medicinae 1373-4857 International Society for the History of Medicine
167671 Operant Subjectivity - The international Journal of Q Methodology 0193-2713 International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity
104094 Philosophy and Cosmology 2307-3705 International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology
151084 Sound, Music and Motion International Symposium CMMR
150271 ITU Telecom World Forum: Young Voices, New Visions International Telecommunication Union Publications
113597 Coaching and Sport Science Review International Tennis Federation
168731 ITF Coaching and sport science review 2225-4757 International Tennis Federation
149413 Journal of Applied Crystallography 1600-5767 International Union of Crystallography
178776 History of Oceanography 1013-3917 International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science.. Division of the History of Science. Commission of Oceanography
176523 IWC Scientific Committee Paper International Whaling Commission
72897 International Journal on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems 2219-1887 International journal on Internet and distributed computing systems
134590 Proceedings of the Gökova Geometry-Topology conference 9781571463609 International press
777631 The Mekong Eye Internews
107004 European labour law journal 2031-9525 Intersentia
162065 Intervention 1923-256X Intervention
124940 AutografO 1721-5943 Intrapresa;Interlinea
774692 Estudos de Jornalismo 2182-7044 Inês Amaral (FLUC, CECS) ; Pedro Jerónimo (UBI, LabCom, CECS)
66594 Acta Electrotehnica Ioan G. TARNOVAN
346909 Mousikos Logos 1108-6963 Ionian University-Corfou
170200 La Lettre de l'Ipraus 1763-6868 Ipraus - Ecole d'architecture de Paris-Belleville
591952 Journal of Narra 2588-6231 Iran Academy of Literary Criticism
150595 Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (JISE) 1735-8272 Iran Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE)
515462 Journal of Iran National Museum Iran National Museum
654654 Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering 1735-0808 Iran University of Science & Technology
135701 Cultural Studies & Communication Iranian Association for Cultural and Communication Studies
826050 Society, Culture, Media 3855-2320 Iranian Association of Cultural Studies & Communication
873152 Journal of Water and Environmental Nanotechnology 2476-7204 Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society
537550 Nashrieh Shimi va Mohandesi Shimi Iran Iranian Institute of Research and Development in Chemical Industries (IRDCI)-ACECR
177305 Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining 1311-4539 Iraq Geological Survey (GEOSURV, Iraq)
165771 ANALYSE – Œuvres commentées du répertoire de l’Ircam [En ligne] 0000-0000 Ircam
177783 ANALYSES – Œuvres commentées du répertoire de l’Ircam 2557-8928 Ircam
137703 L'Étincelle 2111-4439 Ircam
124795 Résonance Ircam - Centre Georges-Pompidou
25368 Cahiers Jeunesses et sociétés Iresco CNRS
220595 Archives in Neurology & Neuroscience 2641-1911 Iris Publishers
470767 World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science 2641-6379 Iris Publishers
175060 Revista Filipina Isaac. Donoso
271718 Synthèse 1282-3910 Isemar : Institut du shipping et d'économie maritime
150826 デザイン理論   0910-1578 Isho gakkai
173215 Journal of Microbial World 2008-3068 Islamic Azad University Jahrom Unit
588672 Media Studies 2008-9619 Islamic Azad University science and research branch
667792 Journal of Nuts 2383-3416 Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch
163789 Islamic Studies 0578-8072 Islamic Research Institute
855291 International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM) 2008-8310 Islamic World Science and Technology Monitoring and Citation Institute (ISC)
285263 Small States & Territories 2616-8006 Islands & Small States Institute of the University of Malta