Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
173215 Journal of Microbial World 2008-3068 Islamic Azad University Jahrom Unit
588672 Media Studies 2008-9619 Islamic Azad University science and research branch
667792 Journal of Nuts 2383-3416 Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch
163789 Islamic Studies 0578-8072 Islamic Research Institute
855291 International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM) 2008-8310 Islamic World Science and Technology Monitoring and Citation Institute (ISC)
285263 Small States & Territories 2616-8006 Islands & Small States Institute of the University of Malta
166031 YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies 2687-5012 Istanbul Research Institut
166030 YILLIK:Annual of Istanbul Studies 2687-5012 Istanbul Research Institute
158485 ANADOLU ARAŞTIRMALARI JAHRBUCH FUR KLEINASIATISCHE FORSCHUNG Annals of Ancıent Anatolia 21 0569-9746 Istanbul University
140014 Aquatic Sciences and Engineering Istanbul University Press
442912 Les concepts fondateurs de la philosophie du langage Iste éditions
119891 AAA - TAC (Acoustical Arts and Artifacts. Technology, Aesthetics, Communication) Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
25339 Rivista Internazionale Di Economia Dei Trasporti = International Journal of Transport Economics Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
25885 Historia philosophica Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali
177903 Mediterraneo Antico 1127-6061 Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali
258107 Iride. Filosofia e discussione pubblica 1122-7893 Istituto Gramsci toscano, Florence
121019 Quaderni dell'Hôtel de Galliffet Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Parigi
610358 Quaternaria Nova Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana
125123 Cahiers de l'Hôtel de Galliffet Istituto Italiano di cultura di Parigi
56242 Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 0006-6729 Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS, Trieste, Italy
146797 Annuario dell'Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia 1454-6620 Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia
144928 Studia e documenta 1970-4879 Istituto Storico San Josemarìa Escrivà
222695 Atti dell’IVSLA, Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali 0392-6680 Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti
149281 Economia delle Fonti di Energia 0391-6340 Istituto di Economia delle Fonti di Energia, Universita L. Bocconi, Milano
177189 RiMe 2035-794X Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
135140 RIME (Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea) 9788897317210 Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
135729 Quaderni IRCrES 2499-6955 Istituto di ricerca sulla crescita economica sostenibile
113585 Thesaurismata - Θησαυρίσματα 0082-4097 Istituto ellenico di studi bizantini e postbizantini - Venise (IT)
106538 Archeo : Attualità del Passato 1120-4559 Istituto geografico De Agostini (Novara)
113721 Ligures 1824-7776 Istituto internazionale di studi liguri
175185 Quaderni del CSCI : rivista annuale di cinema italiano, dossier: Cinema italiano: pratiche e tecniche Istituto italiano di Barcellona
98318 Oriente Moderno 0030-5472 Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino
791872 Laboratorio dell'ISPF 1824-9817 Istituto per la Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e scientifico moderno
145879 Quaderno di storia contemporanea 1122-536X Istituto per la storia della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea in provincia di Alessandria “CARLO GILARDENGHI”
35041 Trasporti Europei Istituto per lo studio dei trasporti nell'integrazione conomica (I.S.T.I.I.E.)
178692 La rivista di Arablit 2239-4168 Istituto per l’Oriente “Carlo Alfonso Nallino”
106195 Valdinievole. Studi storici 1825-2575 Istituto storico lucchese, Sezione di Valdinievole
106756 Revista Contapontos 1519-8227 Itajaí : Univali Editora
106754 revista contrapontos 1519-8227 Itajaí : Univali Editora
159294 SciMedicine Journal 2704-9833 Ital Publication
152906 Opinio jurisin comparatione Italia
116947 RSA (Rivista di Studi Nord Americani) 1592-4467 Italian Association for north American Studies
112335 Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 0375-7633 Italian Paleontological Society
833784 Giornale di Fisica 0017-0283 Italian Physical Society
518942 Ittiopatologia 2281-8189 Italian Society of Fish Pathology
805187 TeMa 2552-1292 Itavi
505404 Interpretatio Prudentium 2183-8194 Iuris
754136 Revista General de Derecho Administrativo 1696-9650 Iustel
176732 Revista Hipótese 2446-7154 Ivan Fortunato
149728 Theory and Practice of Teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language 2078-5119 Ivan Franko National University of L'viv
111156 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 2313-0210 Ivano-Frankivsk mathematical society
258775 Shiso [思想, La Pensée] 0386-2755 Iwanami
897410 Kagaku 0022-7625 Iwanami Shoten
159218 Khimicheskaya Fizika 0207-401X Izdatel'stvo Nauka
165834 Novyj filologičeskij vestnik 2072-9316 Izdatelstvo Ippolitova
124873 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Fizika 0021-3411 Izdatelʹstvo Tomskogo universiteta
385602 La nuit rwandaise 2101-4183 Izuba Editions
176869 Journal of Rural Economics 0387-3234 J-Stage
26806 Der Neue Pauly J. B Mezler
112682 Bibliographie de la philosophie 0006-1352 J. Vrin
160516 Cahiers d'archéologie du CELAT J.-F. Moreau, R. Auger, J. Chabot, A. Herzog
125689 Collection INTI International Network of Territorial Intelligence 2607-7418 J.-J. Girardot
119482 Sambodhi J.B. Shah et N.M. Kansara, L.D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, Inde
519128 International Journal of Expert Systems 0894-9077 JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, United States
118836 Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science 2277-2219 JALIS
803101 The Language Teacher (JALT) 0289-7938 JALT Publication
725374 The economics and management review (EMR) 2820-7610 JAMAL Youssef
178513 Quaestiones Romanicae 2457-8436 JATEPress Szeged
178515 Quaestiones Romanicae 2457-8436 JATEPress Szeged, EUV Timisoara
148347 Journal of Engineering Precious Research and Applications 2456-2734 JEPRA
174844 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2349-5162 JETIR
120520 Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 2051-7041 JIANG Jiehong
839434 Hématologie JLE
115133 journal of mathematical studies 1006-6836 JMS
162402 Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies 2581-7574 JOHN FOUNDATION
138359 International Journal of Indian Languages and Literature 2455-1678 JOILL, Babukhan Estate,Basheerbag, Hyderabad-500 001
930420 مجلة المعرفة للدراسات والأبحاث 2820-7440 JOSOOOR
154905 Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal 2573-2633 JP Juniper Publishers
114441 JSM Vascular Medicine and Research JSM Online Scientific Resources LLC
814519 Journal of Computer Science and Software Development 2996-010X JScholar Publishers California
121618 JSM Environmental Science & Ecology JSciMed Central
433510 Jacket 1440-4737 Jacket Magazine - Australian Literary Management
113889 Jacobs Journal of Radiation Oncology 2376-9424 Jacobs Publisher
882610 Journal of Global, Public and One Health 2942-5123 Jacobs Publishing
348815 Quaderni di lavoro ASIt 1828-2326 Jacopo Garzonio
181795 Mille Cosmos Jacques dans le vert
168766 Trade and development review 0974-4347 Jadavpur University
148680 Studia Iberystyczne 2082-8594 Jagiellonian University of Cracow
804046 Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft
169617 Württembergisch Franken Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für Württembergisch Franken (Schwäbisch Hall)
115986 International Journal of New Technology and Research 2454-4116 Jaipur : Nextgen Research Publication
114561 Foundations and Trends® in Renewable Energy 2328-8906 James Finlay
124209 Political Crossroads 1323-5761 James Nicholas Publishers
178849 Michigan war studies review : review, surveys, essays and commentary in the field of military studies 1930-045X James P. Holoka
43734 Jamestown Terrorist Monitor Jamestown Foundation
112698 Russia and Eurasia Review Jamestown Foundation
801208 Newspaper Jan Mot Jan Mot Gallery
118439 New Eastern Europe - A Quarterly journal of Central and Eastern European Affairs 2083-7372 Jan-Nowak Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe in Wrocław
133721 Asian and African Studies Jana S. Rošker
323461 Samta Marg Janata Trust
587578 Historical Harp Society Bulletin Janna Urschel
909874 Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education 0919-1720 Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education
500808 JAXA Special Publication: Proceedings of the 54th Fluid Dynamics Conference / the 40th Aerospace Numerical Simulation Symposium Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
98070 Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 1882-6121 Japan Institute of Energy
628298 International Medical Journal 1341-2051 Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation JICEF
163818 Celtic Forum Japan Society for Celtic Studies
482904 Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems 0915-647X Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics
597493 Japanese Journal of Meat Science and Technology Japan Society for Meat Science and Technology
371786 Spicilegium Japan Society for Medieval European Studies (JSMES)
131822 Journal of the Japan Society of Mathematical Education 0021-471X Japan Society of Mathematical Education
129359 Journal of the Japan Welding Society 0021-4787 Japan Welding Society
133797 Japanese Journal of Medical and Psychological Study of Infants 0918-7065 Japanese Association for Medical and Psychological Study of Infants
435847 Nihon Kindaibungakukan nenshi 2433-9261 Japanese Institute of Modern LIterature Nixon Kindaibungakukan
136057 Japanese Language Teaching Association in honor of Professor Fumiko KOIDE 1345-0757 Japanese Language teaching association in honor of professor Fumiko Koide
119471 Journal Of The Japanese Society Of Microgravity Applications Japanese Society Of Microgravity Applications
493827 Special bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology 1341-1128 Japanese Society of Coleopterology
126370 Review of psychology 1330-6812 Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap
855260 Nature & Récréation Jean Corneloup
134320 Cahiers Textuel Jean Vignes, Univ. Paris VII, Du Bellay : La Deffence & L’Olive, lectures croisées
876051 Europe Jean-Baptiste Para
620767 Europe 0014-2751 Jean-Baptiste Para
116476 Gazogène, Cahors Jean-François Maurice
116511 Gazogène, n° 21, Cahors Jean-François Maurice
135342 Lettre du GIS-Réseau Asie et Pacifique Jean-François Sabouret
214249 Éducation thérapeutique du patient / Therapeutic patient education (ETP/TPE) 2100-0808 Jean-François d'Ivernois
25593 Dictionnaire International des Termes Littéraires Jean-Marie Grassin éd
102582 biocontact 1634-1996 Jean-Pierre Camo
380440 Frictions 1298-5724 Jean-Pierre Han
477268 International Journal of Art, Culture, Design, and Technology 2155-4196 Jeffrey M. Morris (Texas A&M University, USA) and Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Information Resources Management Association, USA)
142424 Jersey and Guernsey Law Review Jersey Legal Information Board
133104 Jeune Cinéma 0758-4202 Jeune Cinéma
182109 Revue pluridisplinaire africaine de l'environnement 2778-584X Jeunesse Africaine pour l'Environnement
118092 Journal of Forensic Research 2157-7145 Jian Tie
177718 Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition) 1673-0453 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
149072 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition 0257-2834 Jilin University
178756 Journal of Archaeomythology 2162-6871 Joan Marler
194982 Landbauforschung - Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems 2700-8711 Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute
101414 Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart 0947-0565 Johannes Kramer, Andre Klump
620085 Language and Linguistics 1606-822X John Benjamins
114152 Pragmatics and Society 1878-9722 John Benjamins Pub., Amsterdam
278749 Interaction Studies - Special Issue on Vocal Interactivity in‐and‐between Humans, Animals and Robots 1572-0373 John Benjamins Publishing Company
454349 Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society 0925-4757 John Benjamins Publishing Company
108814 Journal of Natural Gas Engineering 2379-2892 John Carroll,
237728 Kyoto Journal 0913-5200 John Einarsen
164102 Dermato Mag 2271-8273 John LIbey
805629 Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching John Levis (Guest Editor), Katarina Hiebert (Guest Editor), Ron Thomson (Guest Editor), Tracey Derwing (Guest Editor)
68217 Neural Computing & Applications John MacIntyre
170339 Operational Research An International Journal 1866-1505 John Psarras, Constantin Zopounidis
123864 eLS 9780470015902 John Wiley & Sons
163161 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1532-0634 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
137342 Electronic Publishing 0894-3982 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
42002 Tropical Medicine & International Health John Wiley & Sons Ltd
106434 Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1617-7061 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
182679 Technology and Culture 1097-3729 Johns Hopkins University Press
437608 Victorian Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Victorian Studies 0848-1512 Johns Hopkins University Press
141966 International Journal of Data Infrastructures Research 1725-0463 Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
680567 ESRFnews 1011-9310 Jon Cartwright
717124 Noticias Jorge Fontevecchia
717125 Perfil Jorge Fontevecchia
174517 Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research 1899-4849 Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
282879 Elementos de Juicios : Revista de temas constitucionales 1900-8376 José Gregorio Hernández Galindo
125311 Geominas 0016-7975 José Herrero
434194 Práticas da História. Journal on Theory, Historiography and uses of the Past José Neves
154694 ​International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research Journal BINET
417164 For(e)Dialogue Journal by the School of Media, Communication and Sociology at the University of Leicester
611318 Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions 2069-6469 Journal edited by NR&DI URBAN-INCERC
149770 Contributii Botanice 0069-9616 Journal for free
26035 Journal of American Water Resources Association Journal of American Water Resources Association
122504 Journal of Biodynamics Tasmania 1443-3508 Journal of Biodynamics Tasmania
108896 Journal of Ethnology Journal of Ethnology/民族学刊
705638 Journal of Free Speech Law 2766-7677 Journal of Free Speech Law
167741 Journal of Mental Health & Clinical Psychology 2578-2959 Journal of Mental Health & Clinical Psychology
480091 Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2229-7723 Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results
607931 Journal of Science and Technology Technical Universities 0868-3980 Journal of Science and Technology
106654 Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine 0973-7154 Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
892785 Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban) 1673-064X Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
128490 Contemporary Social Sciences Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences
110324 CHIME Journal of the European Foundation of Chinese Music Research
926725 Iarmhí Journal of the Westmeath Archeological and Historical Society
127567 Australian Journalism Review 0810-2686 Journalism Education Association
582003 Anàlisi: Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura 2340-5236 Journalism and Communication Sciences Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
859059 London Journal of Research In Computer Science and Technology 2514-8648 Journals Press
164483 iura 0021-3241 Jovene
123152 Ideas Sonicas 2317-9694 João Pedro Oliveira
793043 The Japanese Yearbook of International Law 1883-9959 Jpanese Society of International Law
152909 Revue Skholé Julien Gautier
413303 TexTconTexT 0179-6844 Julius Groos Verlag, Heidelberg
623601 PROCEED Julius Kühn Institute
519919 Afaq althaqafah wa l-Turath 1607-2081 Juma al Majid Center
133047 Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (RESD) 2356-8569 June 2015 - ISSN 2356-8569
180596 Harvard Review of Latin America 1541-1443 June Carolyn Erlick
122893 Advances in Biotechnology & Microbiology 2474-7637 Juniper Publishers
175056 Ecology and Conservation Science Open Access 2689-4637 Juniper Publishers
662272 Journal of Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare 2572-1232 Juniper Publishers
173822 Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal 2474-7688 Juniper Publishers
115120 Museo y Territorio 1888-4393 Junta de Andalucía
135112 Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology 2575-8608 Jupiner publishers
101599 Tabula 1331-7830 Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
887888 Revue Africaine de Droit des Affaires 3003-1559 Juris-Intelligence
131120 JurisClasseur Ingénierie du patrimoine JurisClasseur