Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
601453 International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 1839-5171 AIRCC Publishing Corporation
96076 International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications 0976-2221 AIRCC Publishing Corporation
150022 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks AIRCC Publishing Corporation
106491 Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal 2229-3922 AIRCC Publishing Corporation
89684 Gestion et management public [2012-...] 2116-8865 AIRMAP
7974 Process Industries Canada 0826-7243 AIS Communications Ltd
111963 Ricerche Semiotiche 1973-2716 AISS
148079 E/C AISS Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici
123742 Revista Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información 1646-9895 AISTI – Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
522065 Industria Italiana Del Cemento 0019-7637 AITEC
135811 Umanistica digitale AIUCD - Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale
118610 Anuarul Institutului de Cercetari Socio-Umane "C.S. Nicolaescu-Plopsor 1841-0898 AIUS
54563 Revue des Etudes Militaires Anciennes 1770-8869 AJ Picard
360821 Annals of Japan Association for Middle 0913-7858 AJAMES
77 African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management 1438-7890 AJEAM/RAGÉE
134980 African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 1684-5374 AJFAND
150156 African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research 2006-9731 AJMCSR - Kai-Long-Hsiao
29857 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 1118-0579 AJOL
628954 Urban Art Bio 2830-9618 AJPS Publications
166423 American Journal of Science and Engineering 2578-8353 AJSE Publishers
111168 Revista da Ajuris 1679-1363 AJURIS
45862 Computer Methods in Materials Science 1641-8581 AKAPIT
174327 Mathematica Pannonica : new series 0865-2090 AKJournals
126364 Les Cahiers réunionnais du développement AKOZ
122505 Anadolu ve çevresinde Ortaçag 1307-8852 AKVAD (Ankara)
157853 RELAER Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Rurales 2525-1635 ALASRU
361996 Études corses et méditerranéennes 2608-0931 ALBIANA
110875 Revista de ALCES XXI : Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature & Film 2168-7803 ALCES XXI
169587 The Goose 2291-0948 ALEEC
128388 Jounal des libertes ALEP, IREF 2018
165262 Aleph: Revista de Literatura Hispanoamericana 1784-5114 ALEPH
300742 Open Geomechanics ALERT GEOMATERIALS
742686 ALIENOCENE. Journal of the First Outernational 1401-0006 ALIENOCENE
892593 HR Today ALMA Medien SA
116029 HEGEL - HEpato-GastroEntérologie Libérale 2269-0530 ALN Editions
64077 Cancéro digest 1953-5171 ALN éditions
308140 p-e-r-f-o-r-m-a-n-c-e 2426-3893 ALOHA EDITION
182 Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 1589-1623 ALOKI Ltd
106016 International Research Journal of Computer Science 2393-9842 AM Publications
8753 Supervisory management 0039-5919 AMACOM
74050 Ultramarines 1151-0862 AMAROM
114541 Traduction et communication inerculturelle AMB
814941 La Nef 1146-4461 AMDG
111986 Translational Cancer Research 2218-676X AME Group
113178 Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 2223-4292 AME Publishing
128875 AME Medical Journal 2520-0518 AME Publishing Company
138839 Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2225-319X AME Publishing Company
113812 Annals of Palliative Medicine 2224-5820 AME Publishing Company
101749 Annals of translational medicine 2305-5839 AME Publishing Company
126967 Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy 2223-3652 AME Publishing Company
127034 Chinese Clinical Oncology 2304-3865 AME Publishing Company
130640 Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition 2304-3881 AME Publishing Company
112388 Journal of Thoracic Disease 2072-1439 AME Publishing Company
148076 Mediastinum 2522-6711 AME Publishing Company
112541 Translational Andrology and Urology 2223-4683 AME Publishing Company
127880 Translational Gastroenterology and Hepatology AME Publishing Company
138992 Translational Lung Cancer Research 2218-6751 AME Publishing Company
120842 mHealth 2306-9740 AME Publishing Company
131301 MedEdPublish AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe)
103165 Cahiers de l'AMEFA 1437-8906 AMEFA e.V
109374 Maires de France 2270-7875 AMF
165952 Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry AMG Transcend Association
116543 Journal of Social and Development Sciences 2221-1152 AMH International
69875 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings AMIA
111838 chemins actuels 2007-8986 AMIFRAM
2908 American Metric Journal 0094-3096 AMJ Pub. Co
160193 Amphora AMPHORA a.s.b.l
617914 Amps-Proceedings-Series 2398-9467 AMPS: Architecture, Media, Politics, Society
103412 36000 Communes 0245-3185 AMRF
764716 Notices 0002-9920 AMS
127719 Emblematica 0885-968X AMS Press
164744 Symbolism : an international journal of critical aesthetics 1528-3623 AMS Press, Inc
90103 Modelling, Measurement and Control, A General Physics and Electrical Applications 1259-5985 AMSE
124137 Modelling, measurement and control C 1259-5977 AMSE
61880 AMSE, Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises AMSE Press
158559 Advances in Modeling and Analysis C AMSE press
820762 Collection numérique 2650-8494 AMUE
92528 La Revue des Conditions de Travail ANACT
108871 Travail et changement ANACT
139198 Hommes, Terre et Eaux 0373-9554 ANAFIDE
180601 Les cahiers du Comité Asie 2274-4460 ANAJ-IHEDN
169068 Bulletin de l'Association nationale des collectionneurs et amateurs d'horlogerie ancienne (ANCAHA) ANCAHA
146368 La revue de la vie scolaire 2105-6978 ANCPE
104631 La revue de la vie scolaire ANCPE
124212 Conseiller d'éducation ANCpE
128010 Personnel. La revue de l'ANDRH 0223-5692 ANDCP ; ANDRH - Association nationale des directeurs des ressources humaines
107564 Vie et Sciences de l'Entreprise 2262-5321 ANDESE
531300 International Journal of Human Settlements Vol. 3 Nr. 1 2019 2588-1779 ANEAU Association
598281 Bulletin de l'ANEF 1163-1422 ANEF
163908 Iberoamerican Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2316-2058 ANEGEPE
182553 The Taiwan Law Review 1812-6324 ANGLE
87108 Cahiers "Mondes Anciens" 2107-0199 ANHIMA UMR8210
123160 Scuola e Lingue Moderne 2281-5953 ANILS ( Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti Lingue Straniere)
107514 Revista de Administração Contemporanea 1982-7849 ANPAD
115218 BAR. Brazilian Administration Review 1807-7692 ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração ; The Brazilian Academy of Management (Brésil) [2004-....]
95907 Revista Brasileira de política e administração da educação ANPAE
112634 TRANSPORTES 2237-1346 ANPET - Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes
745686 Patria Indipendente- quindicinale on line ANPI - Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia
825732 BIB - Revista Brasileira De Informação Bibliográfica Em Ciências Sociais 2317-6644 ANPOCS
113 Ambiente and Sociedade 1414-753X ANPPAS - UNICAMP
139325 Bulletin de veille scientifique 1950-4764 ANSES
136320 Bulletin épidémiologique 1630-8018 ANSES
95920 EuroReference - Les Cahiers de la Référence 2110-5294 ANSES
93111 Les cahiers de la Recherche : Santé, Environnement, Travail 2264-7597 ANSES
119424 Vigil'Anses 2556-1790 ANSES
248 Australian Humanities Review 1325-8338 ANU E Press
148454 East Asia Forum Quaterly 1837-5081 ANU E Press
39243 Humanities Research 1440-0669 ANU E Press
155582 Bulletin de l'Association des Naturalistes de la Vallée du Loing et du Massif de Fontainebleau 0296-3086 ANVL
40152 Parergon 0313-6221 ANZAMEMS
853 eCells and Materials Journal 1473-2262 AO Research Institute Davos
5838 Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 1060-3271 AOAC International
8593 South African Journal of Science 0038-2353 AOSIS
22396 Curationis 0379-8577 AOSIS OpenJournals
21828 Journal of the South African Veterinary Association / Tydkrif van die Suid-Afrikaanse Veterinere 1019-9128 AOSIS OpenJournals
21542 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 0030-2465 AOSIS OpenJournals
2353 South African Journal of Information Management 1560-683X AOSIS OpenJournals
135400 Koedoe : African protected area conservation and science 0075-6458 AOSIS publishing
359343 Portuguese Language Journal 1942-0986 AOTP - American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese
754570 Cahier de l’APA 1779-3556 APA
118301 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 1076-898X APA
164811 De achttiende eeuw 0929-9890 APA-Holland Universiteits Pers
122623 Anthropologie et développement 2276-2019 APAD
141861 APARC Newsletter (ex SPARC Newsletter) 1245-4680 APARC
52940 International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences (IJCIS) 1708-0460 APCEP - Canada
649903 XXXVIIIe rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes APDCA
31898 Passages de Paris 1773-0341 APEB
134476 Les Etudes Apec APEC
131119 Les cahiers de l’emploi cadre Apec APEC
134477 Synthèse Document APEC APEC
137154 Les Cahiers de la Salamandre APEDAF (Bruxelles)
124783 Revue de l’Association des Professeurs d’Education Musicale APEMU
124399 Revue Internationale d’Urbanisme 2827-2773 APERAU
177523 Voix plurielles 1925-0614 APFUCC
21550 Odonto - Stomatologie Tropical = Tropical Dental Journal 0251-172X APIDPM Santé tropicale
116810 Asia Pacific Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2539-6293 APJEST
435851 Linguistica Atlantica APLA
165224 Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT 0248-9430 APLIUT
130047 Au fil des maths 2608-9297 APMEP
130024 Au fil des maths APMEP
104572 Pollution Atmosphérique : climat, santé, société 0032-3632 APPA
157382 Cahiers de l'APRE 0991-8388 APRE-Atelier production-reproduction
106204 Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management 1646-8872 APRH
686904 Physics APS
674339 Physics APS
171836 PhytoFrontiers™ APS
164205 PRX Quantum APS Physics
603506 PhytoFrontiers 2690-5442 APS Publications
142397 Phytobiomes Journal APS Publications
128446 Italian Politics & Society 2291-143X APSA
166982 Preah Nokor - Journal of Angkor Studies APSARA
135897 UDAYA, Journal of Khmer Studies 1683-7274 APSARA
125558 Revue électronique de psychologie sociale APSU
163866 Routes et Ttransports AQTr
164807 Aqua-LAC: revista del Programa Hidrológico Internacional para América Latina y el Caribe 1688-2881 AQUA-LAC
163098 Quality Assurance Review for Higher Education 2066-9119 ARACIS
181628 Quaderni del dipartimento di studi urbani ARACNE
139094 International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2454-8677 ARC
148101 International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2349-0373 ARC Publications
160353 International Journal of Research in Environmental Science ARC Publications
233865 traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences 2957-5761 ARCAITL Research at Law
233852 Traditional Journal of Law and Social Sciences (TJLSS) Volume 1, Number 1, 2022, Pages 1 – 26 2957-5753 ARCAITL Research at law
726757 Agricultural Reviews 0976-0741 ARCC Journals
175039 Source(s) 2261-8562 ARCHE UR3400
119573 Recherches. Revue de didactique et de pédagogie du français 0295-009X ARDPF ; Presses Universitaires du Septentrion ; Université de Lille,
355183 Didactique du FLES : Recherches et pratiques 2826-777X AREFLE
778618 Moyen -Orient 1969-8585 AREION Group Paris
26051 Cahiers de la recherche sur l'éducation et les savoirs 1635-3544 ARES/Les éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
124003 Revue GEF : Genre éducation formation 2571-7936 ARGEF (association de recherche sur le genre en éducation et formation)
26826 Rivista della Società italiana di antropologia medica 1593-2737 ARGO
291588 ARID International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2663-774X ARID PUBLICATIONS
122750 Carnet de l'ARIP (Association de Recherche sur l'Image Photographique) 2496-6487 ARIP
386318 Proceedings of the 52nd Rencontres de Moriond, Gravitation Session, 2017 ARISF
182526 Canon Journal of Medicine 2676-5446 ARKA publishing
3175 Art Libraries Journal 0307-4722 ARLIS UK and Ireland
166740 Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks 2521-1250 ARMG Publishing
471080 People at Work AROCOM
79637 International Journal of research and Reviews in Applied Sciences 2076-734X ARPA Press
169063 2065-0248 ARPAS
103895 Recherches Qualitatives 1203-3839 ARQ Association pour la Recherche Qualitative
325864 Applications of Modelling and Simulation ARQII Publication
1462 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 1204-5357 ARRAY Development
151846 Poli-politique De L'image 9782953454529 ARTCURIAL
146909 ARTGUIDE 1276-589X ARTGUIDE
21805 Journal of vision (Charlottesville, Va.) ARVO Journals
145119 Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences 2347-9515 AS Publishers, India
676616 Cahiers de la Rome AS-PA-VA-ROM
83099 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2166-2525 ASA, American Statistical Association
112430 Pages Romandes 1024-0616 ASA-Suisse - Association d’aide aux personnes avec un handicap mental
7352 Negro history bulletin 0028-2529 ASALH
113789 Revista andaluza de Antropología 2174-6796 ASANA, Asociación Andaluza de Antropología
270769 Revista Brasileira de Alergia e Imunopatologia ASBAI
298185 R&D SHSRecherche & Développement en Sciences Humaines et Sociales ASBL Comme Chez Nous - ISBN : 978-2-931098-01-1 Dépôt légal : D/2020/14975/02
802452 Politique, revue belge d'analyse et de débat 1372-908X ASBL Politique
39394 International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 1555-5062 ASCD
776197 Geostrata 1529-2975 ASCE