Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
503030 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 12-23 July 2021. Berlin
503031 Socio 2266-3134 Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme
503033 Legal roots Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
503037 Social Marketing Quaterly 1524-5004
503050 Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management 1936-8623
503285 Anaesthesia 1365-2044
503286 Colorectal Disease 1463-1318
503290 Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery
503292 BJS Open
503294 Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports 2324-7096
503304 Université de Toamasina
503533 Jacobs Journal of Physiotherapy and Exercic 2469-312X
503561 Han'guksaron (Histoire de la Corée) Yôksa p'yônch'an wiwônhoe (Commission de rédaction de l'Histoire nationale)
503600 Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception 2193-2840 Walter de Gruyter
503628 EMC Traité de Psychiatrie Elsevier, Masson
503670 Journal de psychanalyse de l'enfant
503733 Caliban
503752 l'Obs
503792 E-journal of Tourism
503801 Revue EIPA en ligne
503805 Percuso digital
503832 Comparative Law Review / 比較法学 [Hikaku hōgaku] 0440-8055 Institut de droit comparé. Université de Waseda (Japon) [1964-....]
503923 Water Res
503988 Journal of Medical Imaging (bellingham, Wash.) 2329-4302
504257 Chemical & Biomedical Imaging ACS
504332 Kaiak - A philosophical journey 2283-5539
504372 Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 1528-8935
504526 Show Chwan Medical Journal
504565 Passerelles 2716-8522 Université Benyoucef Benkhedda d'Alger
504569 Journal of Cell Signaling 2576-1471 Longdom
504588 Arte da Cena (Art on Stage) 2358-6060
504777 Journal of remote sensing 2097-0064
504969 Archiv und Wirtschaft 0342-6270
504972 Soziologisches Jahrbuch Trento
505050 Bulletin et Mémoires de la Société d’émulation de Montbéliard
505089 Cahiers, maison de la banlieue et de l'architecture d'Athis Mons
505145 Infectious Diseases and Therapy 2193-6382
505195 Warsa Urdu Markaz New York
505221 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Kanonistiche Abteilung 2304-4896 de Gruyter
505265 Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion 2678-0631
505267 Data Act Blog Post Series
505306 Teoria e Storia del diritto privato 2036-2528 Rivista scientifica
505318 FLASIC, revista latinoamericana de simulacion clinica
505369 Iuris Antiqui Historia 2035-4967 Fabrizio Serra Editore
505404 Interpretatio Prudentium 2183-8194 Iuris
505549 Yemekve Kültür/ Food & Culture Çiya Yayınları
505574 Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering 2813-2831 Frontiers Media
505645 Bulletin of medieval canon law 2372-2509 The Institute of Medieval Canon Law
505853 Engineering and Technology Journal 2456-3358
505869 Quaderni della Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma 1723-9222 Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma
505873 Проблемы российской истории Магнитогорский государственный университет
505997 Asian Review of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2518-0134 Asian Online Journal Publishing Group
506020 Asian Journal of Research in Botany OA Academic Press
506048 Livro. Revista do Núcleo de Estudos do Livro e da Ediçaõ 2179-801X
506074 Revue Géomètre Publi-Topex SASU
506106 Revue d’Études Sino-Africaines (RÉSA) 2791-3546 Association pour la Promotion des Études Sino-Africaines (APÉSA)
506110 Revue d'Études Sino-Africaines (RÉSA) 2791-3546 Association pour la Promotion des Études Sino-Africaines (APÉSA)
506149 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference IEEE
506150 European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2593-8339
506153 European Journal of Clinical Medicine
506155 Asian Journal of Immunology
485709 Organization Studies
485762 Conceptos Historicos 2451-7925
485802 TAPA 2575-7199
485811 Polymorphes 2741-7026 Association Polymorphes
485910 International Journal of Uncertainly, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 0218-4885 World Scientific (Open Access)
485949 Le Nouvelliste
486035 Mały Format
486085 Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario 1121-404x Giuffré
486133 24ème congrès du Groupe Français des Pesticides Groupe Français des Pesticides
486147 Kine Actu
486163 Actes du colloque international Transmettre la musique, Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève - BSG, Bibliothèque nationale de France - BnF, Institut de Recherche en Musicologie - IReMus
486210 RSC Sustainability 2753-8125 Royal Society of Chemistry
486462 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 2577-0187
486469 SODA'23
486486 Historia philosophica
486487 Versants. Revista suiza de literaturas románicas
486493 Biosis: Biological Systems 2708-0072
486514 Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli - Sezione Archeologia e Storia Antica
486536 International Journal of Environment, Engineering and Education 2656-8039
486555 Passage - Tidsskrift for litteratur og kritik 0901-8883
486560 Theory and Decision 1573-7187
486561 Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense 0211-9803
486570 Environmental Science: Advances 2754-7000 Royal Society of Chemistry
486597 Ultra-wideband Radar Technology
486615 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 0146-0404 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc
486641 Evolutionary Anthropology 1520-6505
486699 Issue HEAD-Genève HES-SO
486840 Proceedings of the Zoological Society 0373-5893
486849 Tourism Planning & Development 2156-8316
486859 Bulletin d'information du Laboratoire Central de Recherches et des Laboratoires Electroniques de Rennes, Thomson-CSF Thomson-CSF
486872 ESIC MARKET Economic and Business Journal 0212-1867
486914 The Journal of nature 0985-0856 Bourbon sciences
487030 Dictionnaire permanent Droit des affaires [Encyclopédie juridique Éditions législatives] 0012-2475 Éditions législatives [1963-....]
487074 Materiales paria la Historia del Deporte 2340-7166
487116 Educar Em Revista 1984-0411 Université de Sao Paulo
487189 Leaders Tunisie PR Factory
487191 Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research 2155-6113
487205 Theory and Decision
487281 Boletim historiar 2357-9145