Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
145095 Quasimodo 1279-8851 Montpellier: BP 415734092 Cedex 5; Quasimodo & Fils
141284 Le Français dans tous ses états 0769-6825 Montpellier: Centre régional de documentation pédagogique
62826 Circuit : musiques contemporaines 1183-1693 Montreal : Presses de l'Université de Montreal
8310 Royal Bank of Canada Monthly Letter 0035-8770 Montreal, Royal Bank of Canada
89621 CLER Infos 1291-3065 Montreuil: CLER
131726 Nature sauvage. Au coeur du Québec et de l'Amérique 1917-5566 Montréal : Vélo Québec éditions
130787 Annales de Gérontologie 1968-0805 Montrouge : John Libbey Eurotext
46067 Ville-Ecole-Intégration 1288-6742 Montrouge: Centre de ressources VEI
980412 Psychotropes. Un journal d'information sur les drogues et leurs usages Montréal
192621 Revue pour la Recherche en Éducation (RRÉ) 1916-856X Montréal
54650 Cahiers québécois de démographie 0380-1721 Montréal : Association des démographes du Québec
96308 Annales du Monde Anglophone 1259-5098 Montréal : Budapest : L'Harmattan
49461 Contre-jour 1705-0502 Montréal Québec: Cahiers littéraires Contre-jour
707780 Musées Montréal, Société des musées québécois
68549 Les cahiers de la Société québécoise de recherche en musique 1480-1132 Montréal: Société québécoise de recherche en musique
17206 Monumenta Nipponica 0027-0741 Monumenta Nipponica
7210 Moral Education Forum 0163-6480 Moral Education Forum
685 E-Preservation Science 1854-3928 Morana RTD d.o.o
103137 e-Preservation Science 1854-3928
102102 Politica e religione. Annuario di teologia politica 2239-6098 Morcelliana (Brescia)
174313 Humanitas 0018-7461 Morcellina
492393 Cahiers du CLSL Moret, Sébastien
39898 Marches Tropicaux et Mediterraneens 0025-2859 Moreux SA
19280 Synthesis Lectures on Antennas 1932-6076 Morgan & Claypool
19281 Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering 1930-0328 Morgan & Claypool
19282 Synthesis Lectures on Communications 1932-1244 Morgan & Claypool
19283 Synthesis Lectures on Computational Electromagnetics 1932-1252 Morgan & Claypool
19285 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics 1933-8996 Morgan & Claypool
19286 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science 1932-1228 Morgan & Claypool
19287 Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems 1932-3166 Morgan & Claypool
19288 Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering 1559-811X Morgan & Claypool
19289 Synthesis Lectures on Engineers Technology and Society 1933-3633 Morgan & Claypool
19290 Synthesis Lectures on Image Video and Multimedia Processing 1559-8136 Morgan & Claypool
19291 Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing 1933-9011 Morgan & Claypool
19292 Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics 1931-9525 Morgan & Claypool
19293 Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing 1932-1236 Morgan & Claypool
19294 Synthesis Lectures on Solid State Materials and Devices 1932-1260 Morgan & Claypool
19295 Synthesis Lectures on Speech and Audio Processing 1932-121X Morgan & Claypool
39896 Manufacturing Chemist -London then Sevenoaks 0262-4230 Morgan Grampian
7260 Metalworking Production 0026-1033 Morgan Grampian
7973 Process Engineering -London 0370-1859 Morgan Grampian Plc
161236 Cinephile. The university of British Columbia's Film Journal Morgan Harper, Zoë Laks
175340 Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 1049-5258 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
19284 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture 1935-3235 Morgan and Claypool Publishers
3951 Civil Engineering (London, England) 0305-6473 Morgan-Grampian (Construction Press) Ltd
146086 La mujer de mi vida 1667-3883 Mori Ponsowy
107972 Quaderni di teoria sociale 1824-4750 Morlacchi Editore
883039 Indiscipline : rivista di scienze sociali 2784-8272 Morlachi Editore U. P.
39991 Morningstar Mutual Funds 1059-1443 Morningstar Inc
77101 Moroccan Journal of Condensed Matter 1114-2073 Moroccan statistical Physical Society
7211 Mortgage Banking 0730-0212 Mortgage Bankers Association of America
7213 Mosaic -Winnipeg 0027-1276 Mosaic
21158 Urologic Nursing 1053-816X Mosby -- Yearbook Inc
15155 Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 0273-8481 Mosby-year Book Inc
77120 Hueso Húmero 1016-0698 Mosca Azul Editores, [Lima, Peru]
175780 Вестник международных организаций: образование, наука, новая экономика = International Organisations Research Journal 1996-7845 Moscow : National Research University Higher School of Economics
527021 Журнал Новой экономической ассоциации = Journal of the New Economic Association 2221-2264 Moscow : New Economic Association
45385 Computer graphics & geometry 1811-8992 Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)
135090 Izvestiya MGTU MAMI 2074-0530 Moscow State Engineering University (MGTU MAMI)
101201 Economics, Statistics and Informatics. Bulletin of the Educational and Methodical Association 1994-7844 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (Moscow)
134666 Rhema 2500-2953 Moscow State University of Education
788301 Theological Bulletin 2500-1450 Moscow Theological Academy
152837 Moscow University Bulletin. Series 13. Oriental Studies 0201-7385 Moscow University Press
532428 Works of the Moscow Forestry Engineering Institute Moscow: MLTI
584104 Technology. Technology of Instrument Making: Scientific and Technical Collection Moscow: TsNTI "Poisk
110951 Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia Informatsiia. Seriia 2: Informacionnye processy i sistemy 0548-0027 Moscow: VINITI RAN
22754 American Journal of Dentistry 0894-8275 Mosher and Linder Inc
181229 East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences 0856-9681 Moshi Co-operative University
181230 Journal of Co-operative and Business Studies 2714-2043 Moshi Co-operative University
154579 Расплавы 0235-0106 Moskva
124431 Voprosy Ekonomiki 0042-8736 Moskva : Izd-vo Pravda
417273 Литературные Исследования / Studia Literarum 2541-8564 Moskva: Institut mirovoj literatury im. A. M. Gorʹkogo Rossijskoj akademii nauk
527558 Вопросы теоретической экономики = Theoretical Economics 2587-7666 Moskva: Institut èkonomiki RAN
7523 Novyi Mir 0130-7673 Moskva: Izvestiia Sovety deputatov Trudiashchikhsia SSSR
131161 Neprikosnovennyi zapas 1815-7912 Moskva: NLO
118405 Mould 9788894036800 Mould Press
110583 Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures 2170-127X Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou
2427 Theory and Applications of Categories 1201-561X Mount Allison University
118723 Architectural Preservation Technology Bulletin Mount Ida Press
878861 Ancient Lanka Mount Royal University Library
103751 Convergences francophones 2291-7012 Mount royal university calgary
7226 MPLA Newsletter 0145-6180 Mountain Plains Library Association
7222 Mountain-Plains Library Quarterly 0027-2582 Mountain Plains Library Association
8506 Skiing 0037-6264 Mountain Sports Media
39852 Library Issues 0734-3035 Mountainside Publishing Co., Inc
137577 Folia Linguistica Historica 0168-647X Mouton de Gruyter
108012 Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 1897-7499 Mouton de Gruyter
146847 Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture Mouton de Gruyter
112808 Tenou'ah Le Mouvement. Revue du Mouvement Juif Libéral de France 0292-8812 Mouvement Juif Libéral de Fran
137130 Planète Paix 2105-3049 Mouvement de la paix
892984 Non-Violence politique 0181-6322 Mouvement pour une alternative non violente (MAN)
21612 Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica 1419-8711 Mppt
856601 South Asian journal of parasitology Ms. M. B. Mondal, Ph.D
182346 Revue Appareil [En ligne] Msh Paris Nord
927611 Notebook 2769-7681 Mubi
526200 Cultura neolatina 0391-5654 Mucchi
109074 Annuaire historique de Mulhouse 0996-5750 Mulhouse: Archives municipales
65185 Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology Multi Science Publishing
129826 International Journal of Flow Control 1756-8250 Multi-Science
9653 Adsorption Science and Technology 0263-6174 Multi-Science Publishing