Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
17141 Mobile Networks and Applications 1383-469X Springer Verlag
7155 Mobile Radio Technology 0745-7626 Intertec Publishing Co
7156 Mobilia 0026-7228 Mobilia Press ApS
181396 Mobilis in mobile : la revue des cultures populaires Comité d’édition spécial en lien avec l’association PCAoF (Popular Culture Association of France) (France) [2024-....]
17142 Mobilities 1745-0101 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
81875 Mobility in History 2296-0503 Berghahn Journals
39972 Mobilization 1086-671X Unknown
7157 Moccasin Telegraph 0076-9878 Canadian School Library Association
101888 Mode de recherche Institut Français de la Mode
39973 Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 1574-1699 IOS Press
7158 Model Railroader 0026-7341 Kalmbach Publishing Co
662828 Model Theory 2832-904X
147383 Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems 1818-1015 a
107631 Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science 2164-5345 Scientific Research Publishing Inc
39974 Modeling, Identification and Control 0332-7353 Norsk Forening for Automatisering
161137 Modelling MDPI
84567 Modelling and Optimization in the Machines Building Field 1224-7480 University of Bacău
70559 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 1687-5591 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
17144 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 0965-0393 IOP Publishing
90103 Modelling, Measurement and Control, A General Physics and Electrical Applications 1259-5985 AMSE
124137 Modelling, measurement and control C 1259-5977 AMSE
134982 Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society 2336-3274 University of Hradec Králové
7160 Modern Applications News 0277-9951 Nelson Publishing, Inc
111491 Modern Applied Science 1913-1844 Canadian Center of Science and Education
7161 Modern Asian Studies 0026-749X Cambridge University Press (CUP)
7162 Modern Bulk Transporter 0031-6431 Prism Business Media
7164 Modern China 0097-7004 SAGE Publications
328866 Modern Concepts in Material Science 2692-5397 Irish Publisher
7165 Modern Drama 0026-7694 University of Toronto Press
20467 Modern Drug Discovery
113869 Modern Economy 2152-7245 Scientific Research
39975 Modern English Teacher 0308-0587 Macmillan Pub Ltd
76088 Modern French Identities 1422-9005 Oxford ; Bern ; Berlin ; Bruxelles ; Frankfurt, M. ; New York, NY ; Wien : Peter Lang
17146 Modern Intellectual History 1479-2443 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
17147 Modern Italy 1353-2944 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
603610 Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods 2251-6204 KARE Publishing
7169 Modern Judaism - A Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience 0276-1114 Oxford University Press (OUP)
17148 Modern Language Association of America Proceedings 1539-3666 JSTOR
7170 Modern Language Journal 0026-7902 Wiley
7153 Modern Language Notes 0026-7910 Johns Hopkins University Press
7171 Modern Language Notes 0149-6611 Johns Hopkins University Press
7172 Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History 0026-7929 Duke University Press
7173 Modern Language Review 0026-7937 Modern Humanities Research Association
17149 Modern Language Studies 0047-7729 Northeast Modern Language Association
7174 Modern Law Review 0026-7961 Wiley
7175 Modern Machine Shop 0026-8003 Modern Machine Shop
7176 Modern Materials Handling 0026-8038 Cahners Publishing
7177 Modern Maturity 0026-8046 American Association of Retired Persons
7178 Modern Metals 0026-8127 Media Services
7179 Modern Office Procedures 0026-8208 Modern Office Procedures
7180 Modern Office Technology 0746-3839 Modern Office Technology
7181 Modern Paint and Coatings 0098-7786 Chemical Week Associates
7182 Modern Painters 0953-6698 Fine Art Journals Ltd
21670 Modern Pathology 0893-3952 Nature Publishing Group: Open Access Hybrid Model Option B
7183 Modern Philology 0026-8232 University of Chicago Press
7184 Modern Photography 0032-4582
17150 Modern Physics Letters A 0217-7323 World Scientific Publishing
12431 Modern Physics Letters B 0217-9849 World Scientific Publishing
155237 Modern Phytomorphology 2226-3063
7185 Modern Plastics 0026-8275 McGraw-Hill
7186 Modern Poetry Studies 0026-8305 Modern Poetry Studies
7187 Modern Power Systems 0260-7840 Wilmington Pub Ltd
17151 Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 Springer Verlag
39976 Modern Steel Construction 0026-8445 The American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc
113143 Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications 2351-6046 VTEX
7188 Modern Theology 0266-7177 Wiley
7189 Modern Uniforms 1548-3258 Prism Business Media
7159 Modern age 0026-7457 The Intercollegiate Studies Institute
17145 Modern and Contemporary France 0963-9489 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
124818 Modern approaches to solid earth sciences 1876-1682 Springer
7163 Modern casting 0026-7562 American Foundrymen's Society Inc
7167 Modern healthcare 0160-7480 Crain Communications Inc
7168 Modern hospital 0026-783X Chicago, McGraw-Hill
21667 Modern problems of pharmacopsychiatry 0077-0094
38072 Moderna Språk 2000-3560 Open Journal Systems
180884 Modernism : rivista annuale di storia del riformismo religioso in età contemporanea 2499-6742 Editrice Morcelliana
7190 Modernism/modernity 1071-6068 Johns Hopkins University Press
114435 Modernités 0986-6019 Presses universitaires de Bordeaux
127991 Modernités russes 0292-0328 Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin
117211 Modes pratiques. Revue d’histoire du vêtement et de la mode 2491-1453 Université de Lille
39977 Modul Gefahrstoff-Informationssystem Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft AG
152559 Modus 0871-5475 Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa
26845 Modèles linguistiques 0249-6267 Association Modèles linguistiques/Editions des dauphins
129346 Modélisation et utilisation du contexte (Modeling and Using Context) 2514-5711 ISTE OpenScience
102878 Moenia 1137-2346 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico
16522 Mokuzai gakkai shi 0021-4795 Jap Wood Res Soc
1773 Molbank 1422-8599 MDPI
7191 Molding Systems 1520-2585 Society of Manufacturing Engineers
7192 Moldmaking Technology Magazine 1098-3198 Gardner Publications, Inc
105190 Molecular & Cellular Oncology 2372-3556 Taylor et Francis
156857 Molecular Andrology 1080-806X
17158 Molecular Aspects of Medicine 0098-2997 Elsevier
108217 Molecular Astrophysics 2405-6758 Elsevier
68248 Molecular Autism 2040-2392 BioMed Central
17162 Molecular BioSystems 1742-206X Royal Society of Chemistry
7195 Molecular Biology 0026-8933 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
112306 Molecular Biology 2168-9547 Hilaris
17161 Molecular Biology Reports 0301-4851 Springer Verlag
17159 Molecular Biology and Evolution 0737-4038 Oxford University Press (OUP)
17160 Molecular Biology of the Cell American Society for Cell Biology