Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
4549 EEO Today 0362-5818 Executive Enterprises Publications Co. Inc
36651 EES and UKES Annual General Meetings
29614 EF
180194 EFB Bioeconomy Journal 2667-0410
846189 EFCE - European Federation of chemical engineering Event Sierke Verlag
97314 EFI News
138671 EFORT Open Reviews 2396-7544 British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery
179135 EFORT open reviews
120658 EFSA Journal 1831-4732 European Food Safety Authority
129312 EFSA Supporting Publications 2397-8325 European Food Safety Authority
4550 EFTA Bulletin 0012-7655 European Free Trade Association, Press and Information Service
755171 EGC
43877 EGC 2002 Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances
170763 EGC 2014
64353 EGU General Assembly 2009
64336 EGU General Assembly 2010 Copernicus Meetings
74248 EGU General Assembly 2012
83378 EGU General Assembly 2013 Copernicus Meetings
114976 EGU General Assembly …
114987 EGU General …
397291 EGUsphere Copernicus
256196 EH.Net Economic History Association
182833 EHEI Journal of Science and Technology EHEI IST
835705 EHESS-Marseille
97043 EHLITE Magazine
38848 EI Magazine Ark Publishing
100455 EIAH (Environnement Informatique d`Apprentissage Humain)
94772 EIB Papers
90248 EICS' 2013 : 5 th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Systems
311948 EID&A 2237-6984
125532 EID&A (Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Integrados em Discurso e Argumentação) 2237-6984
142725 EIDOLA. International Journal of Classical Art History 1824-6192 Fabrizio Serra editore
35273 EIPASCOPE 1025-6253 European Institute of Public Administration
29701 EIRASS. Conference on Progress in Activity-Based Analysis, 28-31 mai 2004, Maastricht, Netherlands
152219 EIRIS
181641 EIU Bulletin 1829-4952
95246 EIoP European Integration Online Papers
65386 EJA
891209 EJC Paediatric Oncology 2772-610X
67906 EJC Suppl
12811 EJC Supplements 1359-6349 Elsevier
79788 EJDE - Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise (ISSN: 1776-2960) Academic e-Journal eJ.D.E. (
71168 EJEE
44952 EJHP Science 1781-7595 EAHP
401197 EJHaem / eJournal of Haematology 2688-6146 [Hoboken, New Jersey] : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2020]
108760 EJIE, European Journal of Industrial Engineering
319679 EJIFCC
22316 EJIFCC [electronic resource] / IFFC
135824 EJIL :Talk !
921701 EJIL:Talk. Blog of the European Journal of International Law. EJIL Aanlysis
63248 EJKM : Electronic journal of knowledge management
108568 EJNMMI Physics 2197-7364 Springer-Verlag
171058 EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry
68493 EJNMMI Research 2191-219X SpringerOpen
27345 EJOR
82631 EJS
13104 EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 0748-7983 WB Saunders
137112 EJVES Short Reports Elsevier
166682 EJVES Short Reports 2405-6553
175170 EJVES Vascular Forum 2666-688X Elsevier
262858 EJVES Vascular Forum
152876 EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzi eta Teknologi Aldizkaria 0214-9001 Universidad del País Vasco
121725 EKIN, Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 2149-1275 Plant Breeders Sub-Union of Turkey (BISAB)
301608 EL - HAKIKA (the Truth) Journal for Social and Human Sciences 1112-4210 Ahmed Draia-Adrar
110500 EL.LE - Educazione Linguistica. Language Education 2280-6792 Edizioni Ca'Foscari
129017 ELAD-SILDA 2609-6609 Centre d'Études Linguistiques - EA1663 - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
95684 ELASA Environment, Land, Society
146060 ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis
77096 ELECTRO I + D
79618 ELFe | Self XX-XXI - Etudes de littérature française des XXe et XXIe siècles 2257-5529 Classiques Garnier, Open Edition
146805 ELFe XX-XXI Garnier
4596 ELH: English Literary History 0013-8304 Johns Hopkins University Press
96701 ELIS - Echanges de linguistique en Sorbonne 2425-1526 Université Paris Sorbonne
846090 ELN: English Language Notes 0013-8282 Department of English. University of Colorado Boulder
116555 ELOHI Peuples indigènes et environnement 2431-8175 Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux
142058 ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 1581-8918 Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
76635 ELOPTO 2012
781 ELSA Selected Papers on European Law 1373-2196 The European Law Students' Association
74950 ELSA, Space TIME Semiotics
4597 ELT Journal 0951-0893 Oxford University Press (OUP)
575159 ELT Journal
346239 ELT World Online 1793-8732 National University of Singapore
63379 ELUA
605072 ELUA: Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante 2171-6692
677498 ELnet editions législatives. Droit des affaires
115873 ELyra Faculdade de Letras
38865 EM 1088-9981 Air & Waste Management Association
109948 EM TEIA | Revista de Educação Matemática e Tecnológica Iberoamericana 2177-9309 Universidad federal de Pernambuco
224899 EM TEIA – Revista de Educação Matemática e Tecnológica Iberoamericana
91146 EMA, Investigación e innovación en educación matemática
738439 EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal 2158-8708
84835 EMBC 2009 : 31th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
80279 EMBC 2011 : 33rd International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
75574 EMBC 2011: International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society