Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
500843 Mauritius Institute Bulletin
500899 Caroline Rusterholz, Deux enfants c’est déjà pas mal : Famille et fécondité en Suisse (1955-1970)
500981 La lettre de la cour administrative d'appel de Douai et des tribunaux administratifs d'Amiens, Lille et Rouen 1969-4074
501029 La lettre de la cour administrative d'appel de Douai et des tribunaux administratifs d'Amiens, Lille et Rouen 0969-4075
501074 BeLiDa 1 - Thematic Collection of Papers
501078 Balcanica 0350-7653
501095 Drug Science, Policy and Law 2050-3245
501139 Der Chirurg
501183 International Journal of Management and Business Studies International Scholar Journals
501184 Asian Oncology Research Journal
501185 International Research Journal of Oncology
501189 International Journal of Clinical Studies and Medical Case Reports 2692-5877
501222 Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences 0973-7685
501235 Comptes Rendus Chimie
501259 Farming System 2949-9119
501346 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys
501364 revista de sociedade brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre
501378 revista brasileira de Psicanálise, “O Nascimento do Eu”
501399 Revista Brasileira de Psicanàlise
501457 Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 2752-7514 Edinburgh University Pres
501474 Les Cahiers de la Chaire Réseaux et Innovations LAREQUOI
501504 J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom
501587 Journal of the neurological sciences
501663 Bulletin du CDDP de la Réunion
501684 Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society 0717-9707
501691 Catalysts
501862 Les Cahiers de l'Ornement
501913 Sound Stage Screen 2784-8949 Università degli Studi di Milano
502050 Journal of Banking and Financial Technology 2524-7956
502110 Les Archives juive
502153 X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers: Beam Diagnostics, Beamline Instrumentation, and Applications II SPIE
502169 X-Ray Lasers 2012: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers, 11–15 June 2012, Paris, France 0930-8989 Springer
502244 ふらんぼー(Flambeau)
502321 Revista peruana de historia eclesiástica Instituto Peruano de Historia Eclesiástica
502338 Espace Caraïbe, revue Internationale de Sciences Humaines et Sociales ‎ 1164-2874 Maison des pays ibériques (Talence)
502354 América Negra 0121-5914 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá )
502358 OBM Geriatrics 2638-1311
502448 Istituto Affari Internazionali 2280-4331 Edizioni Nuova Cultura
502471 Applying DEA and Taguchi methods in plant selection and optimal layout to increase commerce management environment quality International Scholar Journals
502482 Organizational learning and performance: Relationship between the dynamic and the operational capabilities of the firm International Scholar Journals
506171 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng IOP
506180 Transition et perspectives 1111-4800 INESG
506187 Fudan University Law Review
506230 Comparative Law and Language 2785-7417
506696 La Légitimité. Revue universitaire d’histoire et d’idées politiques 0153-2243 Association des Amis de Guy Augé
506848 Revue Jeanne d'Arc 2109-229X Amis de Jeanne d'Arc
506976 Revue Justice Actualité 1158-3894
507047 Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research 2423-4486
507262 Frontiers in Dental Medicine 2673-4915 Frontiers
507291 Carnets de science. La revue du CNRS 2497-7152 CNRS Editions
507486 Power System Protection and Control 1674-3415 Power System Protection and Control
507731 The Knowledge Engineering Review 0269-8889 Cambridge University Press
507815 Revista Linguasagem Université Fédérale Sao Carlos Brésil 1983-6988 Université Fédérale Sao Carlos Brésil
507881 Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research 2456-6276
507889 Breast Cancer (Auckl) / Breast cancer : basic and clinical research 1178-2234 [Auckland, N. Z.] : Libertas Academica ; : Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications
507901 Confrontations. Bulletin de la Société des amis de Louis Guilloux 1260-0490 Saint-Brieuc, Bibliothèque municipale
507931 Combien de temps durera l'éternité cosmique ? Planète Jules Vernes
508713 ESA Internal Document
508840 Book cover Book cover International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
600341 International Research Journal of Oncology Science Domain
600348 Jurisclasseur Communication 1957-1984
600359 Notes Académiques de l'Académie d'agriculture de France / Academic Notes of the French Academy of Agriculture 2966-702X
600386 EPS : Revue education physique et sport
600427 Journal of Institutes for Dietetics in Nigeria Institutes for Dietetics in Nigeria
600464 Genome Biology 1474-760X
600472 Politix 1953-8286
600474 Cine y. Journal of interdisciplinary studies on Film in Spanish Richard K. Curry, Texas A & M University, United States
600483 In Mathematical Aspects of Deep Learning. Cambridge University Press
600560 9DashLine
600795 Uluslararası spor egzersiz ve antrenman bilimi dergisi = International journal of sports, exercise and training science 2149-8229 Balıkesir: İbrahim Erdemir
601093 Le Pays-Haut Association des amis du Vieux Longwy et des sociétés savantes du Pays-Haut
601106 Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal 2960-0006
601109 Forêts privées du Grand Est Centre National de la Propriété Forestière du Grand Est
601145 PRX Quantum
601148 De retour des Pâtures 2822-8820
601187 CONVIVIUM Supplementum 2336-3452 BREPOLS
601206 Bulletin de la Société Française d'Optique Physiologique François Vital-Durand
601219 D.H. Lawrence Review
601236 Photographica 2740-5826
601251 Asian Journal of Medicine and Health 2456-8414
601267 Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science 2772-4158
601317 Maghreb 1 2737-839X Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse
601334 European Signal Processing Conference 2076-1465 IEEE
601355 Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters 1592-9558
601453 International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 1839-5171 AIRCC Publishing Corporation
601799 Grassfields. Revue des sciences historiques 2709-9989 Premières Lignes
601806 Lodz Studies in Language 1437-5281 Peter Lang
601982 Asian Journal of Research in Zoology 2582-466X
602009 Violence and Gender
602013 Psychology of Violence
602113 The Journal of Sex Research
602152 Trickster - Rivista del Master in Studi Interculturali, n° 9 : Il malessere dell identita
602442 Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies University of Bergen
602512 Journal of the Short Story in English 0294-0442 PUR
602664 Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) 2194-5357 Springer
602720 IEEE Inertial
602795 International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research 2545-5303 IIARD – International Institute of Academic Research and Development
602862 Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 1527-3350