Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
102225 Landscape and Geodiversity 2286-0177 ICCS, Spiru Haret University
125103 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage 1757-9430 ICE
163327 Geotechnical Research ICE Publishing
110115 Green materials 2049-1220 ICE Publishing
106644 Géotechnique Letters 2045-2543 ICE Publishing
107956 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics 1755-0777 ICE Publishing
940218 Infrastructure Asset Management 2053-0242 ICE Publishing / Emerald
106642 International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 1346-213X ICE Virtual Library
112112 Environmental Geotechnics ICE-Publishing
57088 International Computer Games Association Journal 2468-2438 ICGA
95412 Journal of Automation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 1687-4811 ICGST
115385 ICIC Express Letters 1881-803X ICIC International
102317 International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 1349-4198 ICIC International
39337 Insect Science and Its Application 0191-9040 ICIPE Science Press
112729 ICOFOM Study Series 2309-1290 ICOFOM - International Committee for Museology of the International Council of Museums (ICOM/UNESCO)
178651 Journal of genius and eminence 2334-1130 ICSC Press
178341 General Mathematics Notes 2219-7184 ICSRS Publication
101193 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems 2410-0218 ICST
98457 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communications and Applications 2032-9504 ICST
81531 Information Dentaire 0297-8350 ID
136612 ID efficience territoriale ID efficience territoriale
39874 Lugts Repertoire IDC Publishers
121302 IDDRI working paper 2258-7071 IDDRI-SciencesPo
37493 International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) 1548-3657 IDEA Group publishing
166628 Humanities and Social Science Research 2576-3024 IDEAS SPREAD INC
6046 Journal of Educational Data Processing 0022-0647 IDEOS
38650 Computer Sweden 0280-9982 IDG
20376 Reseaux & Telecoms 1251-8964 IDG Communication
39517 JavaWorld 1091-8906 IDG Communications Pte Ltd
39878 MacWorld (Sweden) 0284-3005 IDG Communications Pte Ltd
39952 MikroDatorn 0348-4009 IDG Communications Pte Ltd
40040 Network World Italia IDG Communications Pte Ltd
2528 World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1817-3047 IDOSI Publications
145050 Integrated disaster risk management journal 2185-8322 IDRiM Society
107030 IEEE Access 2169-3536 IEEE
176798 IEEE Aerospace Conference IEEE
110427 IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Technical Committee E-Letter IEEE
117570 IEEE Control Systems Letters IEEE
66757 IEEE Design & Test 2168-2356 IEEE
132367 IEEE Electrification Magazine 2325-5897 IEEE
98109 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine 2162-2264 IEEE
123582 IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 1932-4529 IEEE
77562 IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin 1727-5997 IEEE
74172 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 1939-1390 IEEE
104419 IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2372-2541 IEEE
180959 IEEE Internet of Things Magazine 2576-3180 IEEE
151177 IEEE IoT Newsletter IEEE
735666 IEEE Journal On Flexible Electronics 2768-167X IEEE
134146 IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology 2469-7249 IEEE
168641 IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics 2687-9735 IEEE