Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
524906 Journal of Art and Civilization of the Orient (JACO) 2345-6620 Nazar Research Center for Arts, Architecture and Urbanism (NRC)
147970 Наше Наследие. Историко-культурный журнал 0234-1395 Naše Nasledie
7004 Mathematics teacher 0025-5769 Nctm (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
984892 Book and Film Globe Neal Pollack
167070 Nebrija Procedia - Nebrija University Conference Proceedings 2386-2181 Nebirja Universidad
7346 Nebraska Library Association Quarterly 0028-1883 Nebraska Library Association Quarterly
7347 Nebraska Life 1091-2886 Nebraska Life Magazine
519762 Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada 1699-6569 Nebrija Universidad
1796 Nebula 1449-7751 Nebula
83449 Topics in Cognitive Psychology NecPlus
20667 Œconomia - History/Methodology/Philosophy 2113-5207 NecPlus/Association Œconomia
97119 Basteria 0005-6219 Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging
70032 Euclides 0165-0394 Nederlandse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren
165726 Technosaures Nefer-IT
7351 Negro Educational Review 0548-1457 Negro Educational Review, Inc
152556 The International Journal of Management Education 1472-8117 Neil Marriott
749874 Contributions to General and Comparative Linguistics / Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft 2299-4122 Neisse Verlag
397469 Revi Kiltir Kreol Nelson Mandela Centre for African Culture (Île Maurice)
5160 Health Management Technology 1074-4770 Nelson Publishing
4741 Evaluation Engineering 0149-0370 Nelson Publishing, Inc
5166 Hospital purchasing news : HPN 0279-4799 Nelson Publishing, Inc
7160 Modern Applications News 0277-9951 Nelson Publishing, Inc
71418 Mémoires du Musée de Préhistoire d'Ile-de-France 0991-5761 Nemours : Association pour la promotion de la recherche archéologique en Ile-de-France
109039 Szcenarium Nemzeti Skinhaz muveszeti folyoirata
143338 Szcenárium 2064-2695 Nemzeti szinhaz
44 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 0065-1400 Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology and Polish Neuroscience Society, PTBUN
5429 Inc -Boston Ma 0162-8968 Neodata Services Group
141801 Comics Signatures 9791090314122 Neofelis Editions
151104 Being-With in Contemporary Performance Art Neofelis, Berlin
21627 Neonatal Network 0730-0832 Neonatal Network
129332 Les Cahiers de l'Association de Prospective Rhénane 1159-5124 Neotheque
134962 Ornitología Neotropical 1075-4377 Neotropical Ornithological Society
11060 Banko janakari 1016-0582 Nepal Journals Online
1494 Journal of Nepal Medical Association 0028-2715 Nepal Medical Association
163487 Journal of Nepal Physical Society 2738-9537 Nepal Physical Society
134404 Muiraquitã 2525-5924 Nepan Editora
21623 Nephrology News and Issues 0896-1263 Nephrology News and Issues Inc
150514 Memorie domenicane 1121-9343 Nerbini
160595 Not. Nero on Theory Nero
7354 Nest (New York, N.Y.) 1098-4585 Nest LLC
519756 ActuIA 2682-1265 Net square digital
105541 NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communications Studies 0987-6014 Netcom Association
176675 Astronomy Newsletters Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy
165534 TMG Journal for Media History [Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis] 2213-7653 Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
137177 VIEW. Journal of European Television History and Culture 2213-0969 Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
26655 Diachronica 0176-4225 Netherlands: John Benjamins
40039 Network World 0887-7661 Network World
157828 VillageMath Educational Review (VER) Network for Grassroots Science and Mathematics Education (NGSME), Department of Mathematics Education, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
175326 Matrix: A Journal for Matricultural Studies 2563-3392 Network on culture
114741 Visigothic Symposium 2475-7462 Networks and Neighbours
53270 Bulletin suisse de Linguistique appliquée 1023-2044 Neuchâtel : Institut de linguistique de l'Université
99178 Cahiers de Psychologie Neuchâtel : Institut de psychologie, 1974-2005
62814 Acoustique et Techniques : trimestriel d'information des professionnels de l'acoustique 1263-8072 Neuilly-sur-Seine : Centre d'information et de documentation sur le bruit
1809 NeuroQuantology 1303-5150 NeuroQuantology
1803 Neurobiology of lipids 1683-5506 Neurobiology of Lipids
136287 Neuropsychiatry 1758-2016 Neuropsychiatry (London)
1800 Nepal Journal of Neuroscience 1813-1948 Neuroscience Forum, Nepal
39584 Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation 1062-2969 Neuroscience Publishers
11523 Cardiovascular Drug Reviews 0897-5957 Neva Press
176096 S&F Rivista di scienza e filosofia 2036-2927 Nevermind Srls
3481 Bomb 0743-3204 New Art Publications
7369 New Choices for the Best Years 1041-6277 New Choices for the Best Years
333721 Himalayan and Central Asian studies 0971-9318 New Delhi : Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation
139467 Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 0976-0504 New Delhi National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources
5438 Indian archives 0367-7435 New Delhi, National Archives of India
1120 InterJournal 1081-0625 New England Complex Systems Institute
7382 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement 0740-8994 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement
7383 New England journal on prison law 0095-7364 New England Journal on Prison Law, Inc
7353 NELA Newsletter 0027-6448 New England Library Association
7385 New England Reading Association Journal 0028-4882 New England Reading Association
7387 New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly 0736-2579 New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly, Middlebury College
1813 New England Law Review 0028-4823 New England School of Law
588370 The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science 2693-7166 New England Statistical Society and CLAS, University of Connecticut
674576 New England Theatre Journal 1050-9720 New England Theatre Conference
73251 New Europe College Yearbook 1584-0298 New Europe College
7359 Neues Glas -English German Edition 0723-2454 New Glass, German Language Publications
7389 New Hampshire Bar Journal 0548-4928 New Hampshire Bar Journal
7390 New Hampshire Library Association News 1083-0324 New Hampshire Library Association
4353 Delicious Living 1536-5980 New Hope Natural Media
7544 Nutrition Science News 1524-7406 New Hope Natural Media
7394 New Jersey Libraries 0028-5811 New Jersey Library Association
8975 Transformations 1052-5017 New Jersey Project on Inclusive Scholarship, Curriculum & Teaching, William Patterson University
7393 New Jersey Lawyer 0195-0983 New Jersey State Bar Association
173742 African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics 1539-851X New Journal Zone
7397 New Left Review 0028-6060 New Left Review
181549 Russian Fashion Theory, the Journal of Dress, Body and Culture New Literary Observer
7406 New Mexico Library Association Newsletter 0893-2956 New Mexico Library Association
124879 New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 1524-4156 New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
7755 Perspectives of New Music 0031-6016 New Music, Inc
7409 The New Orleans medical and surgical journal 0097-1790 New Orleans : J.A. Gresham
8707 Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature 0145-7888 New Prairie Press
2929 American Prospect 1049-7285 New Prospect, Inc
7412 new republic 0028-6583 New Republic
131951 Journal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research 2573-3397 New Rochelle, N.Y. : Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., [2018]
87353 Human gene therapy methods 1946-6536 New Rochelle, NY : Mary Ann Liebert
96928 Human gene therapy. Clinical development 2324-8637 New Rochelle, NY : Mary Ann Liebert Inc. publishers, 2013
121081 Australian Journal of Business and Management Research 1839-0846 New South Wales Research Centre Australia (NSWRCA)
7418 New statesman (London, England : 1957) 0028-6842 New Statesman & Society, C and C Mailers Int'l
7419 New Statesman -London 1364-7431 New Statesman Ltd
75609 Mechatronics, Automatization, Control 1684-6427 New Technologies