Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
123984 Slovak Ethnology
498805 Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 1338-3973
79018 Slovak Journal of Political Science
134775 Slovak international scientific journal 5782-5319
47933 Slovenian Journal for Money and Banking
129068 Slovenska antropologia
129070 Slovenska antropologie
55914 Slovenská antropológia
110566 Slovo a Slovesnost - A journal for the theory of language and language cultivation founded in 1935 by the Prague Linguistic Circle (ISSN 0037-7031)
484987 Slovo a smysl 1214-7915
46929 Slovo, viskazivanije, tekst v kognitivnom, pragmatičeskom и kulturologičeskom aspektax
101426 Slověne 2304-0785
78658 Slow Food
46250 Slowfood
142862 Slowpolitix
65426 Smaine LAMY
155060 Small Arms Survey
144499 Small Business Economics 0921-898X
144400 Small Enterprise Research 1321-5906
101361 Small Enterprise Research: The Journal of SEAANZ 1321-5906
144536 Small Group Research 1046-4964
475641 Small Methods 2366-9608
159129 Small Ruminant Research
155244 Small Wars & Insurgencies
27532 Small journal
128475 Smarginature
79197 Smarika
181418 Smart Energy 2666-9552
162231 Smart Engineering Systems Design
84591 Smart Grid and Renewable Energy
105525 Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
166317 Smart Investor
179051 Smart Materials Research 2090-3561
795413 Smart Materials and Structures 1361-665X
807908 Smart Tourism 2810-9821
123883 Smart Urbanism Symposium
129658 Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems
166535 SmartMat 2688-819X
738451 Smartgreen
808075 Smartox Biotechnology/SB-Peptide application note
68375 So Multiples
171459 Soap
131204 SocArXiv
80610 SocInfo '12 : The 4th International Conference on Social Informatics
148145 Soccer & Society
51401 Sociaal Antropologische Cahiers no 20
87661 Social & Cultural Geography
99467 Social & Cultural Geography / Social and Cultural Geography
143953 Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 0301-2212
122808 Social Business
74871 Social Choice & Welfare
24827 Social Cognition
77247 Social Cohesion and Development
144082 Social Compass
899051 Social Compass 1461-7404
60617 Social Compass (revue de la Société internationale de sociologie des religions. SISR/IRSS)
81574 Social Compass: International Review of Sociology of Religion
238251 Social Computing and Social Media \\ Communication and Social Communities
179115 Social Development 1467-9507
166154 Social Dynamics
345380 Social Education Research 2717-5723
125880 Social Enterprise Journal 1750-8614
154380 Social Europe 2628-7641
160586 Social Europe
170238 Social Europe Journal
83961 Social Glance. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
165981 Social Governance Review
78094 Social Identities. Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture
138739 Social Indicators Research
166613 Social Issues and Policy Review 1751-2395
24914 Social Justice Research
503037 Social Marketing Quaterly 1524-5004
911118 Social Movement Studies 1474-2829
138613 Social Netw. Analys. Mining
143110 Social Network Analysis and Mining
90645 Social Networking
560124 Social Networks 1879-2111
245881 Social Policy and Society
81102 Social Problems - Russian Adademy of Social sciences
319662 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
552630 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 1433-9285
114891 Social Psychology
661853 Social Psychology / Psihologie Socială
99127 Social Research
739586 Social Research Reports
178926 Social Responsibility Journal 1747-1117
319656 Social Science & Medicine
136086 Social Science & Medicine 0277-9536
167927 Social Science & Medicine (1982)
64087 Social Science Informations
74869 Social Science Medicine
446403 Social Science Protocols 2516-8053
179194 Social Science Review 2518-6825
335933 Social Science and Humanities Open 2590-2911
169705 Social Science and Medicine
61571 Social Science and Missions
163641 Social Science, Humanities and Sustainability Research 2690-3628
105007 Social Sciences
80196 Social Sciences & Medicine
143080 Social Sciences Information
54985 Social Sciences Information (Sage, London)
137673 Social Sciences Research Network
77884 Social Sciences and Missions
149671 Social Sciences in China 0252-9203
178033 Social Security Studies
220762 Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South 2244-5188
131645 Social Work in Europe
100582 Social and Economic Studies
143948 Social and Education History
144010 Social and Education History, 1(3), 222-­247.doi:10.4471/hse.2012.15 2014-3567
113602 Social biology and human affairs
112840 Social compass 0037-7686
148260 Social integration and social cohesion, [s.e.] [En ligne]
80095 Social justice
217155 Social novelties and Social sciences 2712-7826
72900 Social'naja istorija, Ežegodnik
30653 Socialisation juridique et conscience du droit, Chantal Kourilsky-Augevent éd
47248 Socialismo y Participación
81614 Sociedad Hoy, Universidad de Concepción
71923 Sociedad e estado
42403 Sociedad et territorio
199679 Sociedad y Ambiente 2007-6576
164697 Sociedade e Desenvolvimento Rural 1981-1551
43211 Sociedade e território
47698 Sociedades rurales. Produccion y medio ambiente
173179 Societas Magica Newsletter
180090 Societat Catalana
748210 Society
94003 Society & Animals
123859 Society & Business Review
73236 Society & Leisure
73030 Society & Natural Resources
142621 Society Register
68922 Society and Anim als. Journal of H um an-Anim al Studies
169579 Society and Business Review
103068 Society and Natural Resources
103979 Society and Politics
74856 Society for Arabian studies Monograph. Oxford
33140 Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference
85338 Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
177620 Society for Historical Research in Music
511184 Society for Marketing Advances
35647 Society for Marketing Advances, Nashville (Tenessee)
70346 Society for free radical research: Free Radicals, Health and Lifestyle
100352 Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior SSIB
162533 Society of Dance History Scholars 2380-2421
44720 Society of Exploration Geophysicists-Expanded Abstract
74899 Society of Plastic Engineers
102664 Society of architectural histori
80203 Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting 2012
66270 Society, Biology & Human Affairs
150758 Society, Biology and Human Affairs 2046-0058
172290 Società Dalmata di Storia Patria. Atti e memorie
795889 Società e diritti 2531-6710
127012 Socijalna ekologija 1330-0113
162801 Socio
146611 Socio 2425-2158
62559 Socio-Analysis
121494 Socio-Economic Review
171437 Socio-Legal Review 0973-5216
173802 Socio-anthropologie 1773-018X
68806 Socio-cultural studies of education
82414 Socio-économie du Travail
47967 Socio-économie du travail (Economies et Sociétés)
185733 SocioEconomic Challenges 2520-6621
170096 Socioaffective Neurosciences and Psychology
24836 Sociobiology
36156 Sociobiology
59532 Sociobiology
117854 Socioeconomia & Ciência Animal Boletim Eletrônico do LAE/FMVZ/USP
56209 Socioeconomic Review
45749 Sociohistorica
37253 Sociolinguistics-Soziolinguistik, An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society
175842 Sociologia 0038-0156
61510 Sociologia
149020 Sociologia & Antropologia
609016 Sociologia Italiana 2033-7485
128574 Sociologia On Line - Revue de l'Association Portugaise de Sociologie
119794 Sociologia Ruralis 1467-9523
85212 Sociologia Sela
150151 Sociologia Vlasti/Sociology of Power
58293 Sociologia del Trabajo
180417 Sociologia del diritto 0390-0851
131972 Sociologia del diritto
138791 Sociologia del lavoro 0392-5048
46111 Sociologia del lavoro, Teorie e ricerche
128333 Sociologia della comunicazione
144594 Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale 1121-1148
95489 Sociologia e ricerca sociale
130008 Sociologia on line, revue de l'association portugaise de sociologie
116664 Sociologia y Antropologia
26494 Sociologia, Problemas e Praticas
72581 Sociologia, Revista do Departamento de Sociologia da FLUP
57771 Sociologia. Problemas e Práticas
74489 Sociologica
159584 Sociologica 1971-8853
547582 Sociological Focus 0038-0237
119758 Sociological Forum
678247 Sociological Research Online
916690 Sociological Research Online