Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
81186 Spring
33641 Springer
74839 Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
170497 Springer CCIS
94260 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
142588 Springer Journal on Telecommunication Systems
83308 Springer LNBIP 96 (Lecture Notes in Business Intelligence Processing)
170498 Springer LNCS ISBN 978-3-319-11899- 4
83447 Springer LNCS series
93902 Springer MTAP
168505 Springer Mind & Society
111098 Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal
85699 Springer Multimedia Systems Journal
27248 Springer Netherlands
52634 Springer SIViP
27978 Springer Science + Business Media, Design Automation for Embedded Systems
63099 Springer Series in Chemical Physics
725425 Springer Series in Fashion Business 2366-8776
75692 Springer Series in Materials Science
119225 Springer Tracts in Modern Physics
46478 Springer Verlag
96340 Springer Verlag international
81157 Springer Wireless Personnal Communications
102117 Springer newyork
143030 Springer proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
63341 Springer series in optical sciences
37203 Springer, Berlin
170453 Springer, EUSIPCO 2015
163665 Springer, Heidelber / New-York
74332 Springer, LNCS
96130 Springer, Outstanding contribution to Logic
170496 Springer, RCUP-2014
118907 SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
976460 SpringerPlus
60552 Språk & Stil
132613 Spunti&Ricerche
162807 Spécificités
66100 Spéléo L
81573 Spéléo L - Bulletin de la ligue spéléologique lorraine
42055 Spéléo dossiers
138509 Spéléo-dossier CDS Rhône
123649 Square and Street, Art-Power
29008 Squeezed States and Uncertainty Reltions
144129 Srednie Veka 0131-8780
172673 Srednie veka [Moscou]
103762 Sri Lanka & diasporas : Observatoire pluridisciplinaire
103679 Sri Lanka Film Annual Year 2011
887738 St Vladimir's Theological Quaterly
171626 St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 0036-3227
99632 St. Cerc. Biochim
149654 Stadion. Revue internationale d'histoire du sport
99925 Stain Technol
32084 Stakeholer Involvement in Regional Planning Guidance
66160 Stalactite
104683 Standards in Genomic Sciences
111472 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
25851 Stanford French Review
489982 Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law and Policy 2688-4836
65679 Stanford Social Innovation Review
87800 Stanislavski studies
40965 Stanovnistvo
327440 Stanovnistvo 0038-982X
83038 Stanovnistvo (ISSN : 0038-982X)
84523 Stapp Car Crash Journal
108890 Stapp Car Crash Journal 1532-8546
173699 Starch - Stärke
837301 Stars and Stripes
33303 Stat Med
167919 Stat Methods Med Res
85107 Stata Journal
70298 State Bank of Pakistan Research Bulletin
121826 State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide 2073-7203
98037 Statistica 1973-2201
120455 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal
168060 Statistical Analysis of Textual Data
179981 Statistical Bulletin of ICCAT
174164 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
66276 Statistical Models and Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems
144044 Statistical Papers
143101 Statistics
77529 Statistics A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics
36294 Statistics and Operations Research Transactions
140514 Statistics, Politics and Policy
133984 Statistics: an international journal
530238 Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal 0322-788X
916678 Statistique et société
49397 Statistiquement Votre - SFDS
120581 Statistiques et Développement. Pays de la Loire
176433 Statistiques et études financières 0015-9654
47652 Statistitics in Medicine
116854 Statitistical Analysis and Data Mining
70710 Stato e mercato
231040 Status Quaestionis 2239-1983
485584 Status Quaestionis
120098 Status Questionis 2239-1983
92598 Stavba
71759 Steel Grips
143820 Steel Research International
28560 Steel research
29707 Stella Focus-Group-Meeting 3. Society, Behaviour and Private/Public Transport, 12th April 2002, Bonn
130410 Stem Cell Research & Therapy
111638 Stem Cells 1549-4918
105413 Stem Cells
154632 Stem Cells 1066-5099
58312 Stem Cells Dev
141672 Stem Cells International
78380 Stem Cells Transl Med
151505 Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2157-6564
182874 Stem Cells and Development 1557-8534
153938 Stem Cells and Development 1547-3287
125546 Stem Cells and Development
100757 Stem cell reviews
98545 Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
33901 Stem cells and development
148439 Stem-Spraak-en Taalpathologie
80167 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications
115150 Steroids
84269 Steunpunt Ondernemen & Regionale Economie
180879 Stewart Postharvest Review 1745-9656
97315 Stic-Hebdo
51219 Stichproben. Vienna Journal of African Studies
52202 Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kritische Afrikastudien
99391 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) und Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (AvH)
221892 StillPoint Magazine
59669 Stocahstic models
78542 Stoch. Anal. Appl
55719 Stoch. Dyn
50497 Stoch. Proc. and their Appl
87333 Stoch. proc. appl
138640 Stochastic Analysis and Applications
83508 Stochastic Model
200153 Stochastic Modeling & Applications 0972-3641
77341 Stochastic Models 28, Issue3, 527-532, 2012
302559 Stochastic PDE: Analysis and Computation
56992 Stochastic Preocesses and their Applications
92659 Stochastic Programming E-Print Series (SPEPS)
49677 Stochastic and Dynamics
33171 Stochastic and Stochastics Reports
83280 Stochastic partial differential equations: analysis and computations
64180 Stochastica
51069 Stochastics 77 (2005), no. 2,
173885 Stochastics and Dynamics
522322 Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review
33472 Stoepker (dir.), Archaeological heritage management in riverine landscapesRapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg (publication du colloque de l'E.A.A. à Lyon en 2004)
50600 Storia
76418 Storia Amministrazione Costituzione
25382 Storia Urbana
57153 Storia del Pensiero Economico
30776 Storia della famiglia in Europa
32447 Storia della filosofia nell'Islam medievale
36915 Storia della scienza
51418 Storia di Venezia - Rivista
172678 Storia e Dossier
862588 Storia e Politica
352554 Storia e politica. Annali della Fondazione Ugo La Malfa
83054 Storia e problemi contemporanei
79954 Storia e storiografia antiche nella Methodus di Jean Bodin
41725 Storia et memoria
67587 Storia et problemi contemporanei
583386 Storia, antropologia e scienze del linguaggio
51260 Storiadelmondo
56778 Storica
46580 Storica (Viella)
177870 Storie e linguaggi
87822 Storie in movimento
83033 Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia (ISSN : 1128-2339)
574507 Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies
176472 Stosunki Międzynarodowe 0209-0961
194988 Strabic
60997 Stradda
64692 Stradda, magazine de la création hors les murs
868607 Strahlenther.Onkol
435084 Strain 1475-1305
150636 Stranishii
125884 Strasbourg Observers
171131 Eurométropole
77301 Strassenverkehr-Circulation Routière
136636 Strata: La revue d'histoire des étudiants diplômés de l'Université d'Ottawa 1918-9540
540353 Strategic Analysis
534347 Strategic Analysis 0970-0161
94001 Strategic Behavior and the Environment
708412 Strategic Consensus
108449 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
144436 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1932-4391
144373 Strategic Management Journal 0143-2095
107527 Strategic Organization
144359 Strategic Organization 1741-315X
363534 Strategic Organization
144819 Strategic change 1086-1718
181078 Strategica
765694 Strategy Management Logistics, SMALOGresearch,
128268 Strategy Science
137201 Strategy and development review
144705 Stratégies Ressources Humaines 1247-5807
34583 Stratégies Résidentielles
33739 Stratégies de localisation des entreprises commerciales et industrielles. De nouvelles perspectives
75800 StreamComm '11 : IEEE Workshop on Streaming and Media Communications
388846 Street Art Magazine
168683 StreetPress
45745 Strehlow Research Centre, Occasional Papers