Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
103230 IZA Journal of Labor Economics 2193-8997 SpringerOpen
78522 IZA Journal of Migration 2193-9039 SpringerOpen
142026 Injury Epidemiology SpringerOpen
13991 Journal of Headache and Pain 1129-2369 SpringerOpen
1446 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1025-5834 SpringerOpen
15949 Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 1590-9921 SpringerOpen
17284 Nanoscale Research Letters 1931-7573 SpringerOpen
18077 Poiesis and Praxis 1615-6609 SpringerOpen
104477 SpringerPlus 2193-1801 SpringerOpen
19173 Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction 1828-8936 SpringerOpen
112289 Urban Rail Transit 2199-6687 SpringerOpen
134711 Color and Imaging Conference 2166-9635 Springfield VA: IS & T--Society for Imaging Science and Technology
2365 Sprouts : Working Papers on Information Systems 1535-6078 Sprouts Alliance
57745 Spéléo magazine 1629-1573 Spéléo magazine
126892 La revue Squire Patton Boggs
22479 Ceylon Medical Journal 0009-0875 Sri Lanka Medical Association
779500 Collagen and Leather 2097-1419 Srpinger
106061 Archives of Biological Science 0354-4664 Srpsko Bioloko Drutvo
140960 The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 1750-399X St Jerome Pub
280938 Indian Theological Studies (ITS) St Peter’s Pontifical Institute (Bangalore, Inde) [1964-....]
8672 Saint Johns Law Review 0036-2905 St. John's Law Review
3831 Catholic Lawyer 0008-8137 St. John's University School of Law
8671 St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary 1049-0299 St. John's University School of Law
5205 Historical Bulletin 0361-5456 St. Louis : Dept. of History, St. Louis University
8338 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 0898-8404 St. Louis University School of Law
5246 Hospital progress 0018-5817 St. Louis, Catholic Health Association of the United States
8690 Station Bulletin 0362-8167 St. Paul : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota
4786 The Farmer 0896-5579 St. Paul, Minn. : Webb Pub. Co
105014 Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 2220-8054 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
162014 Proslogion. Sudies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture 2308-0698 St. Petersburg State University
134763 The Light of Christ Enlightens All 2658-7599 St. Philaret's Christian Orthodox Institute
8675 St. Thomas law review 1065-318X St. Thomas University School of Law
97987 Archaeologia mosellana 1027-8311 Staatliches Konservatoramt des Saarlandes ; Metz : Service régional de l'archéologie de Lorraine ; Luxembourg : Musée national d'histoire et d'art
3632 Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 0165-9510 Staatsuitgeverij
3801 Candy Industry 0745-1032 Stagnito Communications
39058 Food and Drug Packaging 1085-2077 Stagnito Communications
40024 National provisioner 0027-996X Stagnito Publishing Co
3400 Beverage Industry 0148-6187 Stagnito Publishing Company
8678 Stained Glass 0038-9161 Stained Glass
8679 Stained Glass -Kansas City 1067-8867 Stained Glass Association of America
8680 Stained Glass Quarterly 0895-7002 Stained Glass Quarterly
3574 Buildings 0007-3725 Stamats Communications, Inc
134919 A Rivista di l'Accademia Stamperia Sammarcelli
77410 Linguistic Issues in Language Technology 1945-3604 Stanford Calif.: CSLI Publications
8681 Stanford Environmental Law Annual 0197-7873 Stanford Environmental Law Society, Stanford Law School
8682 Stanford Environmental Law Journal 0892-7138 Stanford Law School
8684 Stanford Journal of International Law 0731-5082 Stanford Law School
8685 Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance 1078-8794 Stanford Law School
8686 Stanford Law Review 0038-9765 Stanford Law School
2368 Stanford Technology Law Review 1098-4267 Stanford Law School
39800 KnowMap 1499-1209 Stanford Solutions Inc
713 Education Next 1539-9664 Stanford University
2366 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1095-5054 Stanford University
8683 Stanford Humanities Review 1048-3721 Stanford University, Humanities Center
9387 World Press Review 0195-8895 Stanley Foundation
39312 Infant 1745-1205 Stansted News Limited
3129 Arizona Attorney 1040-4090 State Bar of Arizona
3691 California International Practitioner 1075-0649 State Bar of California
3697 California Real Property Journal 1052-2921 State Bar of California
5009 Georgia Bar Journal 1085-1437 State Bar of Georgia
5014 Georgia State Bar journal 0016-8416 State Bar of Georgia
7077 Michigan Bar Journal 0164-3576 State Bar of Michigan
7085 Michigan State Bar Journal 0026-2447 State Bar of Michigan
7362 Nevada State Bar Journal 0028-4092 State Bar of Nevada
8601 South Dakota Bar Journal 0038-3244 State Bar of South Dakota
9317 Wisconsin Lawyer 1043-0490 State Bar of Wisconsin
8687 State government (Denver, Colo.) 0039-0097 State Government
5713 Iowa Library Quarterly 0021-0579 State Library of Iowa
6730 Lasie 0047-3774 State Library of New South Wales
3973 CLIC Quarterly 0736-0045 State University of New York
151966 Studies in American Jewish Literature 0271-9274 State University of New York Press
1398 Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 1070-8286 State University of New York at Albany
7008 MC Journal 1069-6792 State University of New York at Buffalo
3568 Buffalo Human Rights Law Review 1098-3643 State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Law
3165 Art Criticism 0195-4148 State University of New York at Stony Brook
3899 Child Study Journal 0009-4005 State University of New York, College at Buffalo
3929 Christianity and Literature 0148-3331 State University of West Georgia
1104 Integers : Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 1553-1732 State University of West Georgia, Charles University, and DIMATIA
3474 Bok og Bibliotek 0006-5811 Statens Bibliotektilsyn
1829 Nordic Road and Transport Research 1101-5179 Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut
7417 New Statesman & Society 0954-2361 Statesman and Nation Publishing Company
23189 Cahiers de Biologie Marine 0007-9723 Station Biologique de Roscoff
104456 Revue suisse de Viticulture, Arboriculture, Horticulture 0375-1430 Station fédérale de recherches agronomiques de Changins : AMTRA
47627 Sort: Statistics and Operations Research Transactions 1696-2281 Statistical Institute of Catalonia
22159 Health Reports 0840-6529 Statistics Canada
38489 Bulletin of Statistics 0034-5024 Statistics South Africa
40873 Wirtschaft und Statistik 0043-6143 Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office)
104710 Wood Research 1336-4561 Statny Drevarsky Vyskumny Ustav
51303 Zeitschrift für Semiotik 0170-6241 Stauffenburg
8693 Stechert-Hafner Book News 0039-0860 Stechert-Hafner Inc
1636 Kommunikation@gesellschaft 1616-2617 Stegbauer & Schönberger
1313 Joannea Geologie und Paläontologie 1562-9449 Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum
127431 Historia. Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 0018-2311 Steiner Verlag
121298 Matematičeskij sbornik 2305-2783 Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
133372 Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya 0040-361X Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
8592 South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science 0256-8861 Stellenbosch University
118341 Poetiche. Rivista di letteratura 1124-9080 Stem Muchi Editore
124667 Scritture Migranti 2037-5042 Stem Muchi Editore
21966 Journal of Clinical Dentistry 0895-8831 Stephen M Siegel Publisher
4683 EPIEgram 1046-1493 Sterling Harbor Press