Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
40107 OECD Journal on Development 1816-8124 OECD Publishing
40112 OECD Journal: Competition Law and Policy 1560-7771 OECD Publishing
40114 OECD Papers 1609-1914 OECD Publishing
40640 Science, Technology and Industry Review 1010-5247 OECD Publishing
40559 Structural Statistics for Industry and Services 1608-120x OECD Publishing
728934 OECD Education Policy Perspectives OECD Publishing, Paris
654789 Les rencontres OFB
170813 Lettre d’information du réseau « Ongulés sauvages » OFB
91859 OFCE Les notes du blog OFCE
132398 OFCE Policy Brief 2271-359X OFCE
71142 Tendances 1295-6910 OFDT
55725 Santé, Société et Solidarité 1634-8176 OFQSS/CREDES/ OFQSS/MSSS
177491 Bulletin of Geophysics and Oceanography : An International Journal of Earth Science [Formerly : Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata] 2785-339X OGS, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (Trieste, Italie) [198.-....]
177321 Lex4 Magazine OHADA
116397 Bulletin de l'OIE 1684-3762 OIE
1875 Online Journal of Nursing Informatics 1089-9758 OJNI Corp
787334 Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 1438-5627 OJS
151772 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Digitalia 2559-6721 OJS
598849 Journal of Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law OJS / PKP
95086 Mecánica Computacional 1666-6070 OJS editorial
152397 Journal of Materials and Applications 2051-7742 OJS/PKP
148291 Transmathematica 2632-9212 OJS/PKP
800076 Espace Transculturel OKNO
7573 Ohio Libraries 0360-8069 OLA/OLTA Executive Office
110385 Biosensors Journal 2090-4967 OMICS
110808 Enzyme Engineering 2329-6674 OMICS
113235 Journal of Biomolecular Research & Therapeutics 2167-7956 OMICS
117177 Journal of Child and Adolescent Behaviour 2375-4494 OMICS
112715 Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy 2161-0487 OMICS
120489 Journal of Stock & Forex Trading 2168-9458 OMICS
133639 Archives of Parasitology OMICS Group
102347 Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology 2155-9570 OMICS Group
120436 Arts and Social Sciences Journal 2151-6200 OMICS International
102192 Gene Technology 2329-6682 OMICS International
110983 Industrial Engineering & Management 2169-0316 OMICS International
174889 International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 2162-6359 OMICS International
114623 Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy OMICS International
144087 Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Parkinsonism OMICS International
119629 Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation 2155-6199 OMICS International
115627 Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology 2157-7048 OMICS International
115479 Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques 2157-7064 OMICS International
128437 Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology 0974-7230 OMICS International
113680 Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism 2155-6156 OMICS International
131873 Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System OMICS International
134660 Journal of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine 2329-8731 OMICS International
111149 Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering OMICS International
1486 Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine 1747-0862 OMICS International
134659 Virology: Current Research OMICS International
89880 Journal of General Practice 2329-9126 OMICS International Edition
697915 Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy 2332-0877 OMICS International Journals
132950 Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change 2157-7617 OMICS Publishing
111464 Alternative & Integrative Medicine 2327-5162 OMICS Publishing Group
111543 Chemical Sciences Journal 2150-3494 OMICS Publishing Group
111479 Clinical Microbiology: Open Access 2327-5073 OMICS Publishing Group
130494 Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering 2090-455X OMICS Publishing Group
130500 Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine 1948-593X OMICS Publishing Group
130495 Journal of Bioengineering & Biomedical Science 2155-9538 OMICS Publishing Group
135424 Journal of Cell Science & Therapy 2157-7013 OMICS Publishing Group
103025 Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology 2155-9899 OMICS Publishing Group
130441 Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems 2332-0796 OMICS Publishing Group
130436 Journal of Food & Industrial Microbiology 2572-4134 OMICS Publishing Group
130499 Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology 1948-5948 OMICS Publishing Group
130434 Journal of Thermodynamics & Catalysis 2157-7544 OMICS Publishing Group
130377 Journal of Women's Health Care 2167-0420 OMICS Publishing Group
111596 Modern Chemistry & Applications 2329-6798 OMICS Publishing Group
111061 Molecular Pharmaceutics & Organic Process Research 2329-9053 OMICS Publishing Group
130379 Organic Chemistry Current Research 2161-0401 OMICS Publishing Group
111788 Powder Metallurgy & Mining 2168-9806 OMICS Publishing Group
106377 Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics 0974-276X OMICS international
106609 Medicinal and aromatic plants 2167-0412 OMICS international
101333 Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta 2153-2435 OMICS publishing group
616997 Journal of Analytical, Bioanalytical and Separation Techniques 2476-1869 OMMEGA Publishers
139856 Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography 2157-7625 OMNICS International
130199 Les rencontres de l'ONEMA ONEMA
371332 T R A J E C T O I R E ( S ) ONERA ALUMNI
171044 Dossier du professeur 1280-634X ONISEP Bourgogne
74233 Philo-fictions : La revue des non-philosophies 2100-0743 ONPhl
951733 Journal of Electrical Electronics Engineering 2834-4928 OPAST Publishers
178286 International Journal of Coronaviruses 2692-1537 OPEN ACCESS PUB
170922 Insectes : les cahiers de liaison de l'Office pour les insectes et leur environnement 0994-3544 OPIE
527649 International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies 2583-049X OPRA publications
148906 Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague OPS Kanina, PLK praga
40130 OR Reports 1065-8173 OR Manager
154689 Plateforme sanitaire et sociale Picardie 1962-283X OR2S, faculté de médecine, 3 rue des Louvels, 80036 Amiens
329825 Magazine Les Trésors de la culture ORACOM
176437 Mythologie(s). Hors-série 2430-1914 ORACOM
306569 Les trésors de la littérature ORACOM ÉDITIONS
101282 International Journal of Computer Science Theory and Application 2336-0984 ORB Academic Publisher
102306 International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Modelling 2351-8707 ORB Academic Publisher
37830 Cahiers des Sciences Humaines 0768-9829 ORSTOM
130557 OSA Continuum 2578-7519 OSA Publishing
101495 Optical Materials Express 2159-3930 OSA pub
126714 Operations and Supply Chain Management : An International Journal 1979-3561 OSCM
142116 NATO ASI Series, E: Applied Sciences n° 140, Martinus Nijhoff Publ OTAN
109467 Observatorio 1646-5954 OberCom
46801 L'Observateur de Bruxelles 1372-3715 Observateur de Bruxelles
134189 Lettre d'information Observatoire Boutros Ghali du maintien de la paix
356768 Les Cahiers de l’Ocha 1275-5168 Observatoire CNIEL des habitudes alimentaires (France)