Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
166332 Biomedical and Health Research
166333 Droit et gestion des collectivités territoriales 2111-8779 Éditions le Moniteur ; GRALE (Groupement de recherches sur l'administration locale en Europe) [2009-....]
166334 COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering
166335 Cahiers juridiques de l'électricité et du gaz 0337-8616 Dalloz [1951, n° 26 - 2001, n° 582]
166338 Biogeochemistry
166339 Langues & Cultures 2716-8093
166341 Afaq Ilmaya 1112-9336
166347 Continents manuscrits
166348 Central European Journal of Public Policy 1802-4866
166349 Archimag
166351 Chem.Eng.J
166352 Optica
166354 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 2392-6139
166355 Series Musicologica Balcanica 2654-248X IMS-RASMB
166356 Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 1450-7552 University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography
166358 JurisClasseur Rural [Encyclopédie juridique Juris-classeur] 0750-831X Éditions techniques [1968-1997] - [Éditions du Juris-classeur [1998-2004] - LexisNexis [2005-....]
166359 JurisClasseur Collectivités territoriales [Encyclopédie juridique Juris-classeur] 1625-1369 Éditions techniques [1994-1997] - [Éditions du Juris-classeur [1998-2004] - LexisNexis [2005-....]
166361 International Journal of Criminology and Sociology 1929-4409 Lifescience Global
166362 Quaestio facti. International Journal on Evidential Legal Reasoning 2604-6202 Marcial Pons
166365 voz e cena 2675-4584 Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
166368 PSDR CLAP, Grand Ouest
166369 Cahiers de Mariemont : bulletin du Musée de Mariemont 0776-1317 Ministère de la communauté française, Musée royal de Mariemont et Amis de Mariemont
166370 Advances in Physical Education 2164-0386
166371 L'après-Charlie. Quelles réponses juridiques ? Université Paris 8
166372 Antichista. Storia ed epigrafia 2610-8801 Edizioni Ca' Foscari
166373 European Transport Research Review
166520 Intervention 0713-4290 Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ)
166523 Journal of experimental child psychology
166524 Sprachwissenschaft 0344-8169 Universitätsverlag Winter
166525 Carbon Energy Wiley
166528 Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics 2409-5761 Avanti Publishers
166529 Log forum- Scientific journal of logistics 1734-459X Poznan School of Logistics
166531 RSC Green Chemistry
166535 SmartMat 2688-819X
166536 Biomacromolecules
166537 Polymer (United Kingdom)
166538 Advances in Polymer Technology
166540 Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry
166541 Handbook of Biopolymers and Biodegradable Plastics: Properties, Processing and Applications
166544 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
166548 Sains Malaysiana
166549 Journal of Soil and Water Science
166550 Das 19. Jahrhundert in Perspektive
166551 Carnets de l 'EHESS
166553 Les Echos
166554 Farmacia
166555 le Commerce du Levant Société de la Presse Économique SAL
166557 Temas de Ciencia y Tecnología, 2007-0977
166558 European Spine Journal
166559 Jahrbuch für Germanistische Sprachgeschichte 1869-7038
166560 The journal of Humanities
166561 Nouvelles recherches féministes
166564 EuropeNow Council for European Studies, Columbia University
166565 Time+Architecture
166566 Revue du management technologique
166567 Ponts Alumni Magazine
166568 The Times of India
166570 Revue de littératures française et comparée 1243-3721 Publications de l'Université de Pau
166573 Littérature de langue française
166574 Association française de droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale AFDT
166575 Que choisir UFC QUE CHOISIR
166577 Village des Notaires Legi Team
166579 Revue Sédiment
166580 Medicographia
166581 Cairo Papers in Social Sciences
166582 HYBRIDA
166584 Microsyst.Nanoeng
166586 Biodegradable Polymers and Sustainable Polymers (BIOPOL-2009)
166588 Materials Today
166590 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
166591 The Food Biopack Conference, Copenhagen (Denmark), 27-29 Aug 2000
166594 Technology, use and potentialities of Latin American starchy tubers
166595 Advances in Polymer Nanocomposite Technology
166596 Polysaccharide Building Blocks: A Sustainable Approach to the Development of Renewable Biomaterials
166600 Cryst.Growth Des
166602 Die Hochschule 2568-6771
166603 Publisocial Publisocial
166605 La Gueule ouverte
166607 Educação (UFSM)
166608 Applied Surface Sciences Advances 2666-5239 Elsevier
166612 Terrain Vague
166613 Social Issues and Policy Review 1751-2395
166616 Revista Z Cultural 1980-9921 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
166617 Semiosis : cuadernos del Seminario de Semiótica Literaria del CILL-UVsis 0187-9316 Centro de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias, Universidad Veracruzana
166620 Cahiers du Centre d'études juives de Paris-Sorbonne 0985-1275 Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne
166621 Interventions : International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 2455-6564 Postcolonial interventions
166622 Darkness Fanzine 2116-4908 Sin'Art
166625 Mol. Syst. Des. Eng
166626 Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 2042-678X Emerald
166627 Applied Research in Sport Management 2345-5551 Payame Noor University
166628 Humanities and Social Science Research 2576-3024 IDEAS SPREAD INC
166629 East Asian Publishing and Society
166632 Quantitative Science Studies MIT Press Direct
166633 Journal of Business Administration Research 1927-9507
166636 Liaisons - Revue du Pôle de recherches urbaines des Pays de la Loire
166637 Entreprendre et innover
166640 Technology and Regulation 2666-139X Tilburg University
166642 McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy / Revue internationale de droit et politique du développement durable de McGill 1712-9664 McGill University. Faculty of Law (Montreal, Canada) [2005-2016]
166644 L'Homme & la Société
166645 NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science
166647 Soviet Astronomy Letters (Pisma v Astronomicheskii Zhurna)
166648 African Cities Journal 2673-4494 EPFL
166652 The american journal of medecine 1555-7162 Elsevier Science
166653 Endocrine Abstracts 1470-3947 Elsevier Science
166656 The EU's Government of Industries
166657 Centre d’études des littératures et des arts d’Afrique du Nord (CELAAN)
166660 Самарский научный вестник
166661 Археологические исследования в Узбекистане
166663 Pavillon critique
166666 Revista de design, tecnologia e sociedade 2525-7471
166667 Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher
166669 Droit de la Voirie MCM Presse
166670 Zizanie
166672 Revue internationale Henry Bauchau. L’écriture à l’écoute 2033-477X UCL Presses universitaires de Louvain
166800 Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 1946-6315 American Statistical Association
166812 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
166813 LAnnee psychologique
166814 Revue des sciences sociales de Ho Chi Minh-Ville 1859-0136 Institut des sciences sociales du Sud, Vietnam
166815 Word and Text, A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics
166816 World Council of Anthropological Associations
166817 The Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement
166818 Travailler au futur, la revue Taf 2729-6431 SHN
166819 International Association of Ladakh Studies Proceedings: Environmental Change in Ladakh
166820 The Practicing Midwife
166821 Revue des Affaires Européennes
166824 NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education
166825 Les Nouvelles d'Archimède
166828 Ilha - Revista de Antropologia 2175-8034 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
166829 Promet - Traffic & Transportation
166831 Abriu
166833 Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research/Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OSBL et l'économie sociale
166834 The Open Complementary Medicine Journal 1876-391X Bentham Science Publishers
166835 Quaderni del Novecento
166839 Information Sciences
166841 ReveLA. Realidades y Visiones sobre Latinoamérica
166842 The International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2174-9094
166843 Brasiliera de Ciência Politica
166845 Journal of Information Technology & Politics
166848 Revue russe
166849 Nuclear Fusion 1741-4326
166850 Vaasan yliopisto, Tutkimuksia éd. Tiina Mäntymäki, Vaasa
166851 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0971-5894 Springer
166853 The Eastern Buddhist. New Series 0012-8708 Eastern Buddhist Society
166854 Matsugaoka Bunko Kenkyū Nenpō Matsugaoka Bunko
166855 REDES - Revista do Desenvolvimento Regional 1982-6745 Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - Brasil
166856 Kokusai zenkenkyū 国際禅研究 2433-8192
166858 Journal européen des droits de l'homme
166859 L'utopie. Revue littéraire et engagée
166860 Vegetation Classification and Survey Pensoft
166861 Frontiers in Agronomy Frontiers Media
166862 CISAM
166863 Florence Press University
166864 Ingegneria sismica - International Journal of Earthquake Engineering 0393-1420 Politecnico di Milano
166865 Temas sociologicos 0719-644X Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
166866 International Journal of Reproduction, Fertility & Sexual Health 2377-1887 SciDoc Publishers
166869 Advances in Pediatrics and Neonatal Care Gavin Publishers
166870 kamizono 神園 Meiji jingû kokusai shintô bunka kenkyûjo
166873 Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos
166878 Digital Technologies 2307-9754 Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications
166880 germivoire 2411-6750 Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny Abidjan-Cocody
166882 ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge 2464-9538 ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge
166883 International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics 2658-8455 IJAFAME
166884 Drevnosti 2309-6608 Kharkiv Pedagogical University
166885 Palaeoworld 1871-174X Elsevier
166886 Obets 1989-1385 Universidad de Alicante
166887 Actualités du droit Wolters Kluwer
166888 Milli Folklor 1300-3984 Geleneksel Yayıncılı
166889 Chem Catalysis 2667-1093 Elsevier
166890 Geopolitics and Geostrategic Intelligence 2605-6496 IMIST
166892 Nécessaire - La Sélection
166893 Electrochemical Science Advances 2698-5977 Wiley
166894 Les actes de colloques du musée du quai Branly
166895 Opera Viva
166898 Music and the Aging Brain
166900 Journal of Historical Syntax 2163-6001 The University of Konstanz
166902 Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational Biology 2329-9533 SciTechnol
166903 Revue Genre en série
166906 Linguistics Vanguard : a Multimodal Journal for the Language Sciences 2199-174X De Gruyter
166908 Water
166909 Yazhou wenhua《亚洲文化》
166915 Rome, Viella
166916 International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics 2382-6282 Jason Miin-Hwa Lim
166917 I2 Innovación e Investigación en Arquitectura y Territorio
166918 Critic & Humanism
166920 Blog Féministesentousgenres
166922 Economie des conventions
166923 Château Gaillard. Etudes de castellologie médiévale
166928 Pop'Sciences Mag Université de Lyon
166929 Mediapolis – Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público 2183-5918
166930 Journal de l'Agro-Ecologie
166932 Perspective : actualité en histoire de l’art
166935 The Journal of General Virology
166938 Fenêtre sur cours
166940 CFDT Magazine
166941 Journal of the European Second Language Association
166942 Canada and Beyond. A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies 2254-1179 publicaciones
166943 Etudes Société d’Edition de Revues (SER), 14 rue d’Assas 75006 Paris (
166945 Axioms