Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
178826 Cyber-Physical Systems 2333-5777
137588 CyberOrient
109538 Cyberato Travaux et Mémoires Cyberato Association
76972 Cyberc 2012
162783 Cyberleninka
94758 Cyberliteratures of the world, Neohelicon
108610 Cybernetics
105456 Cybernetics and Information Technologies
134438 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
110283 Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal
87234 Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw Mary Ann Liebert
90541 Cyberpsychology and Behaviour N/A
158198 Cybersecurity 2523-3246 SpringerOpen
137011 Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique
125634 Cyberviolence & Cyberharcèlement. Carnet de recherche de Bérengère Stassin 2550-9985 OpenEdition
846246 Cybium 2101-0315
182351 Cycle History 19, Proceedings of the 19th International Cycling History Conference The John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, Quorum Print Ltd, Cheltenham (England)
148478 Cycle de conférence "Rencontres et débats" Théâtre Benoît XII, rue des Teinturiers, Avignon
36343 Cycle de séminaires "Forum Prospective
32241 Cycle de séminaires de la section des Études hébraïques de l'INALCO
43295 Cyclo
77150 Cyclocosmia
36601 Cyclope 2003 : les marchés mondiaux
36283 Cyclope 2004 : les marchés mondiaux
35667 Cyclope 2005 : les marchés mondiaux
136468 Cygne noir 1929-090X
125033 Cygne noir. Revue d'exploration sémiotique
72261 Cynophilie française
180950 Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry & Psychology
73256 Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage (Newsletter of Hilandar Research Library and Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio)
827142 Cyta-journal Of Food 1947-6345
286844 Cytobios
98565 Cytogenetic and Genome Researchearch
136316 Cytogenetic and genome research
478784 Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics
146733 Cytogenetics and Genome Research
100476 Cytogenetics and Genome Researchearch
99101 Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews
67929 Cytom. Part B-Clin. Cytom
100459 Cytometry - Part A
90350 Cytometry / Cytometry A; Cytometry B Clin Cytom; Cytometry B Clin Cytometry
28963 Cytometry A
128048 Cytometry Part B - Clinical Cytometry
62065 Cytometry Part B : Clinical Cytometry
100710 Cytometry Part B Clinical Cytometry
73001 Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology
141619 Cytometry. Part B, Clinical Cytometry 1552-4957
81364 Cytoskeleton
61990 Cytoskeleton (Hoboken)
150986 Cytotherapy 1465-3249