Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
170144 Archives of Epidemiology and Public Health Open Access text
878731 Vitis 2367-4156 Open Agrar
325485 Yeats Annual 2054-3611 Open Book Publishers
161119 Les Cahiers de l'IREMAM 2265-8459 Open Edition
130049 _contre Entreprendre l 2492-6167 Open Edition
124210 JSIE - Journal for the Systemic Innovation of Education Open Education Europa
114921 eLearning papers 1887-1542 Open Education Europa
182047 Exploration of Immunology Open Exploration
182112 Exploration of Targeted Anti-tumor Therapy Open Exploration
859984 Exploration of Digestive Diseases Open Exploration Publishing
99381 Open House International 0168-2601 Open House International Association
68885 Journal of Internet Engineering 1791-177X Open Journal System / Klidarithmos Press
168504 Ciceroniana On line 2532-5353 Open Journal Systems
803031 Information Technology in Industry 2204-0595 Open Journal Systems
38072 Moderna Språk 2000-3560 Open Journal Systems
534965 Noêma, revue internationale d'études françaises : langues, littératures, cultures 2945-0306 Open Journal Systems
746 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Open Journal Systems
114699 Clareira 2359-1951 Open Journal Systems
124428 International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education 2334-8496 Open Journal Systems - Public Knowledge Project
563816 Lettres française 2526-2955 Open Journal systems
176637 JOSE - Journal of Open Source Education 2577-3569 Open Journals
123351 Journal of Open Source Software 2475-9066 Open Journals
176941 Glossa: a journal of general linguistics (2021-...) 2397-1835 Open Library of Humanities
134258 Open Library of Humanities 2056-6700 Open Library of Humanities
132223 The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 2048-0792 Open Library of Humanities
146371 Health Psychology Research Open Medical Publishing
38316 Applied Biotechnology Food Science and Policy 1175-9534 Open Mind Journals Ltd
38322 Applied Environmental Science and Public Health 1175-9542 Open Mind Journals Ltd
38327 Applied Population and Policy 1175-9550 Open Mind Journals Ltd
39002 Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine 1176-2349 Open Mind Journals Ltd
39003 Evidence-Based Surgery 1176-2357 Open Mind Journals Ltd
105687 International journal of wellbeing Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
130664 American Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 2381-5965 Open Science
415070 International Journal of Educational Research and Information Science Open Science
160933 Proceedings of the Open University Geological Society 2058-5209 Open University Geological Society
40868 Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 1466-6529 Open University, Centre for Widening Participation
1457 Journal of Interactive Media in Education 1365-893X Open University, Knowledge Media Institute
153458 Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Research Open access text
148088 Trends in Medicine 1594-2848 Open access text
96369 The Monist Open court, La Salle
43748 The philosophy of Michael Dummett ( Library of Living philosophers Open court, La salle, Illinois
532390 OpenFOAM journal 2753-8168 OpenCFD Ltd
479785 Journal of Culture and Values in Education OpenED Network
159144 Aldébaran 2258-2738 OpenEdition
112038 Animots carnet de zoopoétique OpenEdition
138421 Anthropologie et Santé OpenEdition
151072 Carnets de terrain 2553-9906 OpenEdition
125634 Cyberviolence & Cyberharcèlement. Carnet de recherche de Bérengère Stassin 2550-9985 OpenEdition
136054 HEL (Histoire Epistémologie Langage) 1638-1580 OpenEdition
148507 Le carnet biblio - La Brèche 2646-0408 OpenEdition
135362 Les auteurs syriaques et leur langue 2496-0772 OpenEdition
125633 Mundus Fabula. La fabrique des mondes 2496-3186 OpenEdition
138973 MédiaNum 2606-3492 OpenEdition
125616 Publics en questions 2553-5374 OpenEdition
138515 RIM-Nor OpenEdition
854838 Terminal 2429-4578 OpenEdition
109078 les Notes du Pôle OpenEdition
130966 Études arendtiennes 2556-7594 OpenEdition
147235 Le carnet de recherche de la revue Le Mouvement social (en ligne) OpenEdition Hypothèses
368318 Cahiers d'études anciennes 1923-2713 OpenEdition Journals
43314 L'Espace Politique OpenEdition Journals
128241 Openfield, revue ouverte sur le paysage 2777-9114 Openfield
121163 Archéologies numériques 2515-7574 Openscience
146216 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences - Open Journal 2380-727X Openventio
176233 OperaViva 2531-4866 OperaViva Magazine
39424 International Journal of Operations Research 1813-713X Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW)
21538 Operative Dentistry -University of Washington 0361-7734 Operative Dentistry
26950 Bibliothèque des Faits de Langue Ophrys
105661 Cahier de grammaire anglaise Ophrys
106518 Cahiers de recherche en grammaire anglaise 0985-6420 Ophrys
106324 Linguistique contrastive et traduction Ophrys
26857 chapitre d'ouvrage Ophrys
72043 Faits de langues : revue de linguistique. Les cahiers 2104-1881 Ophrys [2009-2011]
88202 Kwartalnik Opolski 0023-592X Opolskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Opolu
500341 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optica Publishing Group, 2017) Optica
184322 Optics Continuum 2770-0208 Optica Publishing Group
628134 Optica Quantum 2837-6714 Optica publishig group
711561 Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2021) Optica publishing group
108288 Advances in Optics and Photonics 1943-8206 Optical Society of America
3072 Applied optics 1559-128X Optical Society of America
53512 Chinese Optics Letters 1671-7694 Optical Society of America
39693 Journal of Optical Networking 1536-5379 Optical Society of America
24348 Journal of Optical Technology 1091-0786 Optical Society of America
6573 Journal of the Optical Society of America 0030-3941 Optical Society of America
6576 Journal of the Optical Society of America B 0740-3224 Optical Society of America
6575 Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision 1084-7529 Optical Society of America
6574 Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science 0740-3232 Optical Society of America
85632 Photonics research 2327-9125 Optical Society of America
40833 Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 1931-1532 Optical Society of America
57785 OSA Applied Optics -- Information Processing 1540-8973 Optical Society of America (OSA)
63207 Biomedical optics express 2156-7085 Optical Society of America - OSA Publishing
106945 Optica 2334-2536 Optical Society of America - OSA Publishing
1882 Optics Express 1094-4087 Optical Society of America - OSA Publishing
7617 Optics Letters 0146-9592 Optical Society of America - OSA Publishing
17655 Optics and photonics news 1047-6938 Optical Society of America - OSA Publishing
136084 Current Optics and Photonics 2508-7266 Optical Society of Korea
804494 Journal of the Optical Society of Korea 1226-4776 Optical Society of Korea
127020 La Tribune de l'assurance 1293-8556 Option Finance (Paris, France) [1997-....]
41142 Option Finance 0989-1900 Option Finance [1988-....]
129897 Option Droit & Affaires 2105-1909 Option Finance [2009-....]