Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
129998 Kant Yearbook 1868-4599
1627 Kant e-Prints 1677-1621 Campinas Section of Brasilian Kant Society
16618 Kant-Studien 0022-8877 De Gruyter
173509 Kantegh: Articles Institute of Arts, NAS of Armenia
39786 Kantian Review 1369-4154 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
405061 Kantipur Daily Newspaper
16619 Kanzo = Acta hepatologica Japonica 0451-4203 Japan Society of Hepatology, The
122300 Kaogu 0453-2899 中国社会科学院考古研究所
165735 Kaogu yu wenwu 考古与文物 = Archaeology and cultural relics 1000-7830 Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology
21786 Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 1607-551X Elsevier
444423 Kaosenlared
6661 Kappa Delta Pi Record 0022-8958 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
31848 Kapîtoly z dejin stavovskeho a parlamentniho zrizeni. 54° conférence ICHRPI, Prague 7-10 septembre 2004
48390 Kar
169563 Karagah 1735-272X
32572 Karaite Judaism
382374 Karamzinskij sbornik
125894 Karapa 1249-3422 AIMARA
1628 Kardiologia -Bratislava 1210-0048 SymeKard s.r.o
1964 Kardiologia Polska 0022-9032 Polish Cardiac Society
16620 Kardiologie up2date 1611-6534 Georg Thieme Verlag
21785 Kardiologiia 0022-9040
161506 Karib – Nordic Journal for Caribbean Studies
174263 Karine Gauvin et Isabelle Violette. Minorisation linguistique et inégalités sociales
151764 Karlsverein - Dombauverein 0083-7105
178578 Karnak
26722 Karnak ERC-Soleb
29134 Karstologia 0751-7688 Fédération française de Spéléologie / Association française de Karstologie
134772 Karstologia Mémoires 0992-5031 Association Française de Karstologie
52715 Karsztfejlödés, Szombathely
39787 Karthago - Revue d'archéologie méditerranéenne 0453-3429 Peeters Publishers
178728 Kartografija i Geoinformacije 1333-896X Hrvatsko Kartografsko Drustvo
53015 Karunungan - A Journal of Philosophy
144178 Kasetsart
91002 Kasetsart J. (Soc. Sci)
65964 Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 0075-5192 Kasetsart University
58081 Kasetsart Journal Natural Science
106373 Kasetsart Journal, Soc. Sci
174470 Kashmir Economic Review 2706-9516
165968 Kasparhauser. Rivista di cultura filosofica
178551 Kasvatus. Finnish Journal of Education 0022-927X
157906 Kataluna Esperantisto
143878 Katatay. Revista de crítica de literatura latinoamericana 1669-3868 Teresa Basile
176170 Katchar Scientific Periodical International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS of Armenia
53458 Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering, and Technology Kathmandu University
1630 Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ) 1812-2027 Kathmandu University
32245 Katholikinnen und Moderne – Katholische Frauenbewegung zwischen Tradition und Emanzipation
160805 Katunob
45768 Kaupia
59511 Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe
164392 Kawalu
797196 Kawenhua duihua « 跨文化對話 »(Dialogue Transculturel, CSSCI) 生活·读书·新知三联书店
99415 Kaygi, Uludag University (Turquie) Journal of Philosophy
177807 Kaypunku: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Arte y Cultura 2410-1923 Editorial Kaypunku
129458 KazNU Bulletin - Ecology Series 1563-034X
182276 KazNU Bulletin Philosophy series 1563-0307
979081 Kazahstan spektr 1562-6318 Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies
668952 Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry 2707-4226
979059 Kazakhstan-Spectrum 1562-6318
116047 Kazan University Law Review 2541-8823 Business Style - Publishers
44173 Kazetaritza euskaraz: oraina eta geroa
142149 Kazetenn Ya 1770-8877 Yann-Fañch Jacq
56554 Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi
27522 Kazi sonuçlari toplantisi
6662 Keats Shelley Journal 0453-4387 Keats-Shelley Association of America
164932 Kebikeç 1300-2864 Sanat Kitabevi
165830 Kebikeç İnsan Bilimleri İçin Kaynak Araştırmaları Dergisi
113150 Keel ja kirjandus 0131-1441
87928 Keesing Journal of Documents & Identity- Annual report 2012
39788 Keesing's Record Of World Events 0950-6128 Keesings Worldwide Llc
101613 Keiei to Seido (Journal of Business and Institutions)
86163 Keio Communication Review
84260 Keio Economic Studies
102371 Keio Hôgaku
179625 Keio Law Journal 1880-0750
55492 Keio Studies on Organisational Behavior
16647 Keio journal of medicine 0022-9717 School of Medicine Keio University
164503 Keio law journal
164722 Keizai kenkyū 0022-9733 Hitotsubashi Daigaku. Keizai Kenkyūjo
164726 Keizai shirin 0022-9741 Hōsei Daigaku Keizai Gakkai : Housei daigaku keizai gakubu gakkai
89690 Keizai-ronso (the economic review)
21784 Kekkaku : [Tuberculosis] 0022-9776
537635 Keletkutatás 0133-4778 Kőrösi Csoma Társaság
157848 Kelk
176917 Keltia 1779-2126
497469 Keltische Forschungen Brennos - Verein für Keltologie
157161 Kemia-Kemi 0355-1628
1631 Kemija u industriji 0022-9830 Hrvatsko drutvo kemijskih inenjera i tehnologa
607275 Kenji Gaku-+ [Revue des Études sur Kenji, nouvelle série] Miyazawa Kenji Iwategaku Center
122577 Kenkyû kirishitan gaku
6663 Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1054-6863 Johns Hopkins University Press
335330 Kent Akademisi 2146-9229 Kent Akademisi
27878 Kentron, revue du monde antique et de psychologie historique 0765-0790 Kentron
121027 Kentron. Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde antique 0765-0590 Presses Universitaires de Caen
6664 Kentucky Bar Journal 0362-6113 Journal Committee of the Kentucky Bar Association
61818 Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture and Natural Resources Law
6666 Kentucky Law Journal 0023-026X Kentucky Law Journal
6667 Kentucky Libraries 0732-5452 Kentucky Library Association
6668 Kentucky Library Association Bulletin 0022-734X Kentucky Library Association
6669 Kentucky State Bar Journal 0023-0367 Journal Committee of the Kentucky Bar Association
6665 Kentucky bench & bar 0164-9345 Kentucky Bar Association
21766 Kentucky nurse 0742-8367
169202 Kenya Studies Review 2150-5764
156811 Kenya Veterinarian 0256-5161
6670 Kenyon Review 0163-075X Kr, Kenyon College
115278 Keod: Proceedings of The 8th International Joint Conference On Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - Vol. 2
165362 Kephas
98441 Kephas 1636-3523 Saint-Valérien : Revue Kephas, Angers
169810 Kepos – Semestrale di letteratura italiana 2611-6685 Al Segno di Fileta
180275 Kera Yvoty: reflexiones sobre la cuestión social 2519-7797
50119 Keram. Zeitschrift
579408 Keramos 0453-7580 Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft der Keramikfreunde e. V. Köln
35824 Kerma et Méroé, Cinq Conférences d'archéologie soudanaise, Section Française de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan, Khartoum
129220 Kermes 1122-3197 Lexis
324399 Kermes : arte e tecnica del restauro 2612-1530
43021 Kernerman Dictionary News
26563 Kernos : Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique 0776-3824 Presses universitaires de Liège
20247 Kerntechnik 0932-3902 De Gruyter
154622 Kerntechnik d
51980 Kervan. Rivista internazionale di studii afroasiatici = International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies University of Turin
178411 Keryx
178749 Keryx 7 Unipres Verlag
93060 Kesher
899947 Kettani, M. (2017). Construction identitaire à l’adolescence. Atelier. Troisième édition de la Semaine de la Santé. Comité de l’Éducation à la Santé et à la Citoyenneté. Groupe Scolaire Louis Massignon. Casablanca
899948 Kettani, M. (2017). La relation père-enfant : Quelles différences avec le style parental de la mère ? Quel rôle dans le développement de l’enfant ? Atelier. La Maison des Mamans. La Petite École (Casablanca)
899949 Kettani, M. (2018). Construction identitaire à l’adolescence. Atelier. Quatrième édition de la Semaine de la Santé. Comité de l’Éducation à la Santé et à la Citoyenneté. Groupe Scolaire Louis Massignon. Casablanca
133829 Ketzalcalli
134013 Keulmadang 2270-3063 Decrescenzo éditeurs
53838 Kew Bulletin
62245 Key Engineering Materials 1013-9826 Trans Tech Publications
147628 Key Engineering Materials 1662-9795
279103 Key Engineering Materials
6671 Key Words 1064-1211 American Society of Indexers
100353 Keystone Symposia
141488 Khabar News Agency
101559 Kharkov University Vestnik 0453-8048 Kharkov National University, Ukraine
148689 Khazar Journal Of Humanities and Social Sciences 2223-2613 Khazar University Press
39789 Khil'a 1781-2534 Peeters Publishers
159218 Khimicheskaya Fizika 0207-401X Izdatel'stvo Nauka
833766 Khimiya 0861-9255 Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (Bulgaria)
21783 Khirurgiia -Moskva 0023-1207 Meditsina -Moskva
156313 Khoa Hoc Thu Y 1859-4751
103304 Khon Kaen Agricultural Journal
64035 Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal
123000 Khronos. Revista de História da Ciência
164153 Khudozhestvennaja literatura, kritika i publitsistika v sisteme dukhovnoj kultury (Littérature, critique et articles dans le contexte d’une culture spirituelle)
809437 Khảo cổ học
147149 Kibernet. Sistem. Anal
367279 Kiblind Kiblind Edition & Klar Communication
905047 Kiblind
16622 Kidney International 0085-2538 Nature Publishing Group
125048 Kidney International Reports 2468-0249 Elsevier
100253 Kidney International Supplements 2157-1724 Nature Publishing Group
16621 Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 1420-4096 Karger
246346 Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 1423-0143
148059 Kidney diseases 2296-9381 Karger
21782 Kidney international. Supplement 0098-6577 Blackwell Publishing
173752 Kidney medicine 2590-0595 [Cambridge, MA] : Elsevier Inc., [2019]
176739 Kidney360 2641-7650 Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. on behalf of the American Society of Nephrology
292481 Kids+media : Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendmedienforschung 2235-1248 Universität Zürich - Institut für für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft (ISEK) – Populäre Kulturen
42948 Kieler Geographische Schriften
157193 Kieler Milchwirtschaftliche Forschungberichte 0023-1347
159386 Kieller Ostrechts-Notizen 1439-7935
39790 Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 1430-5372 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co
147482 Kikan kōkogaku 季刊考古学 (Archaeology quarterly) Yūzankaku 雄山閣
92939 Kikéion
94651 Killer de Claudio Ambrosini
431285 Kinases and Phosphatases 2813-3757 MDPI
39791 Kind and Adolescent Praktijk 1571-4136 Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
61564 Kind un radiologie
151059 Kindai gasetsu. Meiji bijutsu gakkai-shi 近代画説 ― 明治美術学会誌 Meiji bijutsu gakkai 明治美術学会
152044 Kindai gasetsu. Meiji bijutsu gakkai-shi 近代画説 ― 明治美術学会誌 1343-7445 Meiji bijutsu Gakkai 明治美術学会
21781 Kinderkrankenschwester -Luebeck 0723-2276 Verlag Beleke Kg
16623 Kindheit und Entwicklung 0942-5403 Hogrefe
164563 Kindlers Literatur Lexikon Online
486147 Kine Actu
529993 Kinema Junpō
56212 Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies
176661 Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnyh Tel Supplement Naukova dumka
56213 Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel
79705 Kineon
887612 Kinescope Collège National de la Kinésithérapie Salariée
94825 Kinesiology
84393 Kinesither. Rev
722452 Kinesitherapie Revues
58121 Kinet. Relat. Models
95658 Kinetic and Relared Models
69299 Kinetic and Related Model
53716 Kinetic and Related Models 1937-5093 AIMS
16624 Kinetics and Catalysis 0023-1584 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
354997 Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control 2503-2259
1632 Kinetoplastid biology and disease 1475-9292 BioMed Central
162023 King Kong Mag asbl KIKK
6672 Kings Law Journal 0961-5768 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
86413 Kinjô gakuin daigaku ronshû, jinbunkagakuhen
113302 KinoKultura 1478-6567 Birgit Beumers
179833 Kinoeye : New Perspectives on European Film Andrew James Horton
254488 Kinopedia Hypotheses
150505 Kinosaki Algebraic Geometry Symposium